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Software Upgrade & Conversion DBS2000 to Global Edge. DBS2000 to Global Edge 2008. General Parts purchased DBS2000 in 1997 in order to facilitate growth and customer service in the CFESA Industry.
DBS2000 to Global Edge 2008 • General Parts purchased DBS2000 in 1997 in order to facilitate growth and customer service in the CFESA Industry. • Original purchase included software for less than 60 users at 4 locations. Today there are approximately 200 users in nine locations (and growing!) • DBS began to develop Global Edge in 2004 in order to expand the software offerings to become a Single Source Solution Provider for the CFESA Industry. More CFESA users run DBS Software than any other industry software.
Global Edge Microsoft Platform SQL Database .net / C# programming language GUI (Graphical User Interface) All software is DBS… Eliminated 3rd party providers Software is PC based Complete open communication with Crystal Reports and all Windows Products DBS2000 Linux Platform Progress Database Progress Language Character Several 3rd Party Interfaces such as Faximum, SPATCH Paging, Visifax Server based software Required ODBC Drivers or programming skills for export What’s the Difference?
Big Picture… What all this means… Global Edge is a complete and comprehensive solution designed specifically for your industry. It utilizes the best features of the “old” character version. This, combined with new technology and software ideas allows you to do your job in the most efficient manner, while providing industry leading service.
Important Features • Scanning / Document Management • Spell Checker • Direct export to Email, Excel or other formats • Mapping • GPS / Remote Field Service • Improved Documentation • Issue Tracker • Improved support network • Activity Tracking • Easy to use / learn
Why is it SSSOOO Slow?? Think about pushing this WHOLE crowd at the same time, through this tiny funnel. What would be the results??? ODBC is a tiny connection between the database and the users/applications. Nothing fast! O D B C
SQL – ODBC - Progress Global Edge is currently running on an SQL platform against the old Progress database… but WHY??? • Allows for gradual transition • Allows side by side testing of software. • Provides “safety net” if needed when there are issues. This configuration makes it very slow because the door between the application and the database is very small.
The Door to SQL • Once all departments have thoroughly tested all modules and applications, the database will be converted from Progress to SQL. At that point in time... THERE IS NO MORE CHARACTER DBS.
The Result… SPEED!!!
The Basics of Global Edge The Menu System & Dashboard
The Basics of Global Edge Still coming… Each module drills down to familiar menus and again to familiar functions Module List The Global Edge Dashboard Important Utility functions
What if I have favorites? The favorites menu is a great way to quickly access the functions you use most often. They are unique to you and you can change them at any time. So… go ahead, pick your Favorites!! You should!
Now that I have my favorites set up, how do I get around? For those of us who are from the “old school”, we fondly remember referring to our days tasks as, “I did a P-3-2 and then the printer jammed so I did P-3-3 until the customer came in and needed parts so I did I-4-2 to check stock and then O-3-4 and O-3-5…” Unfortunately for us… those days are GONE… sort of…
So Now What? The good news is that with quick clicks, the use of favorites and keyboard shortcuts, you will find yourself as efficient as you were in character. This won’t happen today, but those of your colleagues who have been using this for some time, can re-assure you it gets easier and better and even…FASTER!!
Keyboard Shortcuts [Ctrl O] • Almost every function throughout the system has a keyboard shortcut. • They can be viewed by seeing the upper case or underscored letter of the function. Ctrl H
F1 – Help F2 – New (Add) F3 - Edit F4 – Cancel F5 – Browse F6 – Find F7 – Unassigned F8 – Accept / OK F9 – Run Report F10 – Unassigned F11 – Send To F12 - Unassigned Standard Function Keys Keyboard function keys utilize Microsoft standard layout whenever applicable. Buttons on the screens clearly indicate the Function key that applies.
From Enter to Tab Another change that mirrors the Microsoft application structure is the transition from the use of the [Enter] key to move from field to field. Now, the [Tab] is your transition key.
We’ve also got Function Tabs Within most functions, you will find a complete tab system. These tabs allow you to access many more fields than previous versions.
The Power of Browse Browse functions have become significantly more powerful. This is due to Interactive Browse Capabilities.
Output Options Default values can be updated and set by user. • Output option screen is universal • throughout the system. • Output screen gives you the • capabilities to send reports to • screen, to file, to printer, • to fax or to Email.
Sorting out sorts The power of sorts is now in your hands. Customer Find sorted by Customer # Customer Find sorted by Name Customer Find sorted by City
System Security Security Groups All users will be assigned to groups. The group will determine the security settings for that user. Access, Update & View Based on security levels, different users will view and/or access different information.
Security Levels • Module Level Security * Function Level Security * View / Modify Security • Add/Update/Delete Security With In-Depth security options, it protects data, while allowing users to Access the information they need to perform their jobs. STRONG SECURITY PROTECTS ALL OF US!
Security & Data Reporting Not only is the security there to protect data and users, the reporting is there for management to review security and data modification.
Imaging is EVERYWHERE!! • Imaging can be viewed as your electronic filing cabinet. • Anything you can picture filing in a customer file, you can file in Images. • Any file type is supported • Limited only by storage space. No quantity limit. • Accessible to all who can access that data record. • Easily opens file with appropriate program.
Spell Check • All applicable text fields offer spell check as is noted by Spell Check Symbol. • Uses Microsoft Office Dictionary on local PC. Utilizes words added to Dictionary, specific to the user. Spell Check Symbol
What’s Required? How does the user know what fields are required? It’s easy! In any screen, when you attempt to accept an entry, all fields that do not have correct or mandatory data, will appear with a flashing exclamation point.
What are my choices? • Many fields are validated. • How do I know which ones are and what my choices are? Just look for this symbol.
Open the Folder to Browse • Double-click the field or single click the folder to open the browse for the field. Browse Opens Click Folder Click Field
Training Database • All users have access to the LIVE Database and the TRAINING Database. • LIVE stores all live system transaction. • TRAINING is use for testing, training or research.
Copying Training • TRAINING is a duplicate copy of the LIVE database from a specific period in time. • The training database is a snapshot in time~ from the time that it was created. The copy is system wide, not just for your user or branch.
S.O.S – HELP ME!!! Where’s the help when I need it? Look for the little green question mark or simply just press the F1 Key
What kind of help is it? Not Exactly like these…
Global Edge Help • Standard Windows Help Format. • All accessible on-line. Continuously updated. • Function Level and Field Level Help. • Version 2.0 will include • System Help • Company Help • User Help
“Houston… we’ve got a problem.” • What happens when it doesn’t work the way it should? • GlobalEdge is software, just like anything you use. It is prone to errors, just like every other software. • The Difference? Issue Tracker has been set up to enter, track and review any issues that come up.
On-Line User Group www.davisware.com Many help files are available on-line, including .doc formats of help files. Forum to converse with other users, review forms available and see procedure help. Information on upcoming classes and conferences. COMING SOON… Chat rooms with other users, Instant Message Support