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Brightness Perception

Brightness Perception. Arash Fazl. Vision Scientist’s Favorite Piece of Art. Light Reflected off a Surface Varies with Ambient Light. In a Dark Room. In Bright Sunshine. 1. 10000000000. The Brain Needs to Discount the illuminant. Luminance vs Brightness. Brain Compares….

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Brightness Perception

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brightness Perception Arash Fazl

  2. Vision Scientist’s Favorite Piece of Art

  3. Light Reflected off a Surface Varies with Ambient Light In a Dark Room In Bright Sunshine 1 10000000000 The Brain Needs to Discount the illuminant Luminance vs Brightness

  4. Brain Compares… Simultaneous Contrast Illusion- http://persci.mit.edu/people/adelson/

  5. …Brain Compares

  6. Herman Grid

  7. Scintillating Grid

  8. Wertheimer-KoffkaRing Pitting Shape Perception Against Brightness Perception http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/

  9. Simultaneous Contrast Failure:Munker-White Illusion Pitting Depth Perception Against Brightness Perception Darker or lighter surround cannot explain the illusion

  10. 3D Structure and Brightness http://web.mit.edu/persci/people/adelson/

  11. Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet Illusion

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