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. Perception. Foundations of Individual Behaviour. “ WE DON’T SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE, WE SEE THINGS AS WE ARE.”. Perception.

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  1. . Perception

  2. Foundations of Individual Behaviour


  4. Perception “ The study of perception is concerned with identifying the process through which we interpret and organize sensory information to produce our conscious experience of objects and object relationship.” “ Perception is the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us. It involves deciding which information to notice, how to categorize this information and how to interpret it within the framework of existing knowledge.

  5. Perception “ A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment ”.

  6. Feeling Hearing Seeing Smelling Tasting Selective Attention Organization and Interpretation Attitudes and Behaviours Perceptual Process Model Environmental Stimuli

  7. The Perceptual Process • Sensation • An individual’s ability to detect stimuli in the immediate environment. • Selection • The process a person uses to eliminate some of the stimuli that have been sensed and to retain others for further processing. • Organization • The process of placing selected perceptual stimuli into a framework for “storage.” • Interpretation • The stage of the perceptual process at which stimuli are interpreted and given meaning.

  8. Selective Attention • Characteristics of the object • size, intensity, motion, repetition, novelty • Perceptual context • Characteristics of the perceiver • attitudes • perceptual defense • expectations -- condition us to expect events

  9. Factors in the Target • Motion • Novelty • Sounds • Size • Background • Proximity • Similarity • Factors in the perceiver • Attitudes • Motives • Interests • Experience • Expectations Perception • Factors in the situation • Time • Work Setting • Social Setting

  10. Figure-Ground Illustration • Field-ground differentiation • The tendency to distinguish and focus on a stimulus that is classified as figure as opposed to background.

  11. PERCEPTUAL GROUPING • Our tendency to group several individual stimuli into a meaningful and recognizable pattern. • It is very basic in nature and largely it seems to be inborn. • Some factors underlying grouping are -continuity -closure -proximity -similarity

  12. ATTRIBUTION THEORY is the cause of the behavior seen as internal or external? we look for three types of information to decide: DISTINCTIVENESS : Is this person’s performance different on other tasks and in other situations? CONSISTENCY : Over time, is there a change in behavior or results on this task by this person? CONSENSUS : Do others perform or behave similarly when in a similar position? “YES” answers lead to EXTERNAL attributions (Environmental causes) “NO” answers lead to INTERNAL attributions (Personal causes)

  13. Attribution Theory When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. Attribution of cause observation Interpretation H External Distictinctiveness L Internal H Individual behavior External Consensus L Internal H Internal Consistency L External H –high L- Low

  14. Distinctiveness Does this person behave in this manner in other situation Consensus Do other person Behave in the Same manner? Consistency Does this person behave in this same manner at other times ? External Attribution Internal Attribution No Low Consensus Yes High Consensus YES Low Distinctiveness NO High Distinctiveness Yes High Consistency No Low Consistency

  15. PERCEPTUAL ERRORS & ATTRIBUTIONS • STEREOTYPES : Based on appearance • HALO (HORN) EFFECTS : One outstanding characteristic noted • CONTRAST EFFECT : Ordering • RECENCY EFFECT : Limited recall • PROJECTION : “Similar to me” Error • SKEWING ERRORS : Central tendency, leniency, strictness bias • SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY : People respond the way you “expected” they would • SELECTIVE PERCEPTION (MIND SETS) : Filtering, selection,

  16. ATTRIBUTION ERRORS • THE FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTION ERROR • the cause of poor performance (by others) is due to personal factors (lazy…didn’t try very hard) • SELF-SERVING BIAS • the cause of poor performance (by myself) is due to situational factors (poor support), not because of a lack of effort

  17. Improving Perceptual Accuracy Diversity Management Improving Perceptual Accuracy Know Yourself Empathize With Others Compare Perceptions With Others Postpone Impression Formation

  18. Feedback Open Area Open Area Blind Area Blind Area Disclosure Hidden Area Unknown Area Hidden Area Unknown Area Know Yourself (Johari Window) Unknown to Self Known to Self Known to Others Unknown to Others

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