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In general, the word cement refers to any kind of binder, which tightly holds other materials together.
T R A D E S A T E O V E R S E A S P R I V A T E L I M I T E D WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONCRETE & CEMENT? Deliver The Highest Possible Standards Of Fly Ash
01 TRADESATE OVERSEAS PRIVATE LIMITED In general, the word cement refers to any kind of binder, which tightly holds other materials together. On the other hand, concrete is a blend of materials such as small rocks, sand, gravel, etc. with any type of cement & water. Let’s discuss what fly ash supplier in India will describe further!
02 TRADESATE OVERSEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Concrete: Basically, concrete is a stone-like structured formed after cement & other materials that are mixed together. The cement is merely a part of the recipe. Cement: has been used as a binder of materials. As nobody knows that who first came up with the concept to use a cement substance in order to bind materials together to make a concrete.
03 TRADESATE OVERSEAS PRIVATE LIMITED Fundamentally, cement comes in two forms: 1) Hydraulic & 2) Non-Hydraulic cement. Hydraulic cement: refers to any cement that refers to any cement that uses water in order to begin a chemical reaction. Non-Hydraulic cement: uses materials that do not harden when it is exposed to water.
04 TRADESATE OVERSEAS PRIVATE LIMITED One of the most common types of cement is – Portland cement. This type of cement is basically manufactured by grinding small rock-like bits of limestone. On the other hand, concrete is a mixture of cement, water & aggregate.
05 TRADESATE OVERSEAS PRIVATE LIMITED To know more about Class C, Class F fly ash supplier in UAE, please visit www.flyashsupplier.com Call: 91-9911 757 222 Email: contact.tsgroup@gmail.com
T R A D E S A T E O V E R S E A S P R I V A T E L I M I T E D THANK YOU! Deliver The Highest Possible Standards Of Fly Ash