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Reasons of rejection Paolo Russo Università di Napoli Federico II Dipartimento di Fisica Napoli, Italy. 8th ECMP, Athens , Sep . 13th, 2014. Peer-review process. Accept Revise R eject. assignment. Reviewer (s). suggestions. Accept Revise R eject. Associate Editor. assignment.
ReasonsofrejectionPaolo RussoUniversità di Napoli Federico II Dipartimento di FisicaNapoli, Italy 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
Peer-reviewprocess Accept Revise Reject assignment Reviewer(s) suggestions Accept Revise Reject Associate Editor assignment recommendation Outrightrejection Accept Revise Reject Editor-in-Chief submission decision Authors 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Whyrejectionof a paperisofconcern? ForAuthors ForJournals’ reviewers and editors For the scientific community Paperacceptanceis a key to success? Paperrejectionis a failurefor a scientist??? N.B. material submittedto a Journal isconfidential “A loss ofinternalenergy, a source ofentropy, but … bewareof the limitationsof the peer-reviewprocess” 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Reasonsofrejection /1 • Outrightrejection • Usuallydecidedafter the recommendationof the Ass. Ed. • whoperforms a personal evaluationof the paper. • Sometimesdecidedby Publisher’s officers. • Topic out ofJournals’ scope • Evidentoverall low scientificquality • Evidentlackofrelevance in the field • Bad English • Toolengthy in text/figures/tables • Evidenceofplagiarismor multiple submission • Format notmatching the Journal’s style • Unprofessional care in the manuscriptpreparation 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Reasonsofrejection /2 Goodcontent, weakform Usuallydeterminedbyinexperience of the writingauthors. Revise?? Goodform, weakcontent Usuallydeterminedbyweakselection of the scientific goal of the work. Revise?? Weakcontent, weakform • “Weak” : presenceofflaws in the study or in data interpretation • notofparticularinterest presently in the specificfield • oflow overallrelevance • demonstrationnotfullyconvincing • material presented in anunclear way • - small sample … 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Reasonsofrejection /3 Weakcontent: Lackoforiginality Lackofpracticalrelevance Weaknesses in the methodologicalaspects Just a confimationofwell-knownresults In manycases, drawbacks in the manuscriptcontent are relatedto the selectionof the purposeof the study 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Editor’s decision Accept A “strong” paper Revise A “weak” paper Reject • - The Editor’s decisionlevelsvaryamongJournals, Editors, editorial policy • Hint: Self-evaluationby the authors (iepleasetrytoreviewyourownpaper • with the journal’s publishedcriteria. SUBMIT YOUR PAPER ONLY WHEN YOU THINKTHERE IS NOTHING TO IMPROVE ANYMORE IN IT. 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Reasonsofrejection /4 An Editor’s personal viewpoint Often, the reallycriticaldecisionisbetween REJECT or REVISE e.g.: In EJMP, just one major and one minor revision are normally grantedto a paper (butthere are exceptions!) A scientific journal (reviewers, editors) is NOT intended toprovide the scientific/technicalcontributionforarriving at an “abovethreshold” manuscriptaftermanyreiterations of the revisionprocess. If the paperneedstoomuchauthors’ revision work, bettertorejectit (in fewcases a re-submissionisgranted, based on the reviewers’ and editors’ comments) 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Reasonsofrejection /5 Isitreallya weakpaper? Itis the authors’ responsibilitytosubmit a scientific report whichisabletoconvince a fewexperts (peers) in the field (1-2 reviewers, the Associate Editor, the Editor) IfReviewers and Editors are notconvinced, theywillsuggestrejection (or major revision), independentlyof the otherwise positive aspectsof the work, and of the strengthoftheir negative evaluation report. 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection • Hints • Pleaseread the Journal’s Guide forAuthors • Pleaseread the Journal’s Guide forReviewers • Pleasegive due relevanceto the qualityofthe English • Pleasesubmityourmanuscriptonlywhenyouthink • itcannotbefurtherimproved (i.e. itfullyconvincesyou) • - Pleasewrite a short butconvincingsubmissionletter • Please continue actingas a reviewer (as long as • you are anauthor) 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Conclusions/1 Publishing in a well-reputedscientific Journal is a competitionfor the acquisitionof the (limited) journal space The goal isconsensus in the Journal's audience, and hence in the correspondingscientific community, toward the work carried out in the specificstudy. Lackofconvincingstrengthof a manuscriptforone or more formal or contentreasonsinvariablyleadstopaperrejection. 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014
P. Russo – ReasonsofRejection Conclusions/2 Rejectionisnot a failure! Butit can beconvertedtogood, ifitsreasons are wellconsidered. Reaching the best practice in scientificwriting and evaluation, willhopefully produce a reducedJournals' rejection rate, and mostimportantly, animprovedefficacyof the research work, for the benefit of the scientific and social progess. Thankyou. 8th ECMP, Athens, Sep. 13th, 2014