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Records Management

Learn about the responsibilities of the Records Management Officer, Records Liaison duties, definition of records, retention schedule, storage guidelines, and destruction process for Northwest Independent School District staff.

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Records Management

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  1. Records Management Kristi Little Records Management Officer

  2. Records Management Officer • The Records Management Officer is responsible for all NISD records. This includes emails, TREx, student cumulative folders, forms, and records request for students, employees, and Special Education.

  3. Records Liaisons • Each campus/department head shall designate a member of his/her staff to serve as Records Liaisons for the implementation of the records management program in the campus/department. The designated individual will oversee the handling of records for the campus/department.

  4. Records Liaison Duties • Conduct or supervise the inventories of the records of the campus/department in preparation for the development of records control schedules. • In cooperation with the Records Management Officer, coordinate and implement the policies of the records management program in their campus/department. • Disseminate information to campus/departmental/ staff concerning the records management program. • Receive and respond to requests for records under the Texas Public Information Act from the Records Management Officer and ensure request is fulfilled in a timely manner.

  5. What is a Record? • All documents, papers, letters, books, maps, photographs, sound or video records, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic media, or other information recording media, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to it is open or restricted under the laws of the state, created or received by Northwest Independent School District or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law or in the transaction of public business.

  6. What is NOT a Record? • Extra identical copies of documents created only for convenience of reference or research by district office or employees. • Personal notes, journals, diaries, and similar documents created by a district office or employee for his or her own personal convenience. • Blank forms, stocks or publications, and library and museum acquired solely for the purpose of reference or display. • Copies of documents in any media furnished to the public under the Open Records Act or other state law.

  7. Records Retention Schedule • The Records Retention Schedule is the document prepared by or under the authority of the Records Management Officer and approved by the Texas State Library listing the records maintained by Northwest Independent School District, their retention periods, and other records disposition information that the records management program may require. • The Records Retention Schedule for NISD is located on the “for NISD Staff” page of the Records Requests webpage. • www.nisdtx.org • Information • Records Requests • For NISD Staff (you must be logged in)

  8. Records Storage • The District has a Records Room where all permanent records are stored. Campuses/Departments may also store records that are on the Record Retention Schedule. • To store records in the Records Room: • Records must be packed in a banker box with a lid – do not tape the lids • Attach a container packing label to the front of the box • Only records with the same retention period may be in a box • Complete the records log and email to Kristi Little with the total number of boxes and the location (room number) where the boxes need to be picked up at. • Request additional labels from Kristi Little

  9. Container Packing Label

  10. Records Log • Each Campus/Department is required to retain a log of their records • This log must be sent to the Records Management Officer prior to storing records in the Records Room • The Records Management Officer maintains a log of all district records in the records storage room as well as a log of when records are destroyed

  11. Electronic Records Log • Find the record on the Retention Schedule Record # Record Title Record Description Retention Period Remarks • Complete the Records Log using the Retention Schedule Information

  12. Destruction of Records • When a record has reached it’s retention period then it is ready for destruction. • If the records are being stored at the campus: • Email Kristi Little that there are records that need to be destroyed and a copy of the records log for those boxes. • Include number of boxes. • Where the records/boxes located – campus/department and room. • A Maintenance Request will be sent to have the boxes picked up and brought over to the Records Room for destruction. • Before the records are shredded they are checked again to make sure they can be destroyed per the Retention Schedule. (It is very important to have a label on the box. Boxes without labels will be returned to the campus.)

  13. Destruction of Records • If the records are being stored at the Records Room: • The campus/department head and record liaison will receive an email requesting authorization to destroy the records due for destruction • If the records can be destroyed, the campus/department head will need to respond with their authorization • If the records can not be destroyed, the campus/department head will need to respond with the reason. The only reason a record should not be destroyed when the retention period is over is if there is litigation or an outstanding request to receive/review the record

  14. Student/Employee Record Requests • Requests for the records of an individual student or employee go to Kristi Little (also includes siblings and employee requests for the teachers of a specific student) • Requests for the records of multiple students or employees (athletic teams, class lists, staff roster, etc.) go to Lesley Weaver

  15. What are Student Records? • Admissions data – cumulative folder information • Standardize test data • Achievement records • Health record • Attendance • Discipline • Emails • For a complete list refer to policy FL (Local)

  16. Student Record Requests • Who can request and receive student records? • Parents/Guardians • Check that there are no court orders removing the parents right to receive educational records • Subpoena’s for records • Parents/Guardians may grant authorization for their child(s) records to be released to a third party by completing the Consent to Release Student Record(s) to an Agency form – GRA(R) Exhibit C • Release of student records governed by FERPA

  17. Student Record Requests • The request must be in writing and signed by the requester. • Check for any court orders that would prohibit the person from receiving the student records. • Scan and email the request to Kristi Little. • Kristi Little will send the request to the campus/department heads to request copies of the documents. • Once records have been gathered, scan and email records or send inter-office to Kristi Little • Send non-redacted copies • Remove any staples (records have to be numbered and copied prior to release) • Exception: If a parent is requesting a single document from the current school year (i.e. attendance record, report card, immunization record) it is ok to get the request in writing, verify the identity of the requester, check for any court orders that prohibit release, if all checks out – release document to requester

  18. Student Record Requests • Subpoena’s for records – send immediately to Kristi Little • Subpoena’s for a teacher or employee to appear in court to give testimony (not specifically requesting records) – immediately contact Angela Scott

  19. CPS • When CPS makes a visit to a campus • The request needs to be in writing and signed • Need to ask for their badge and a business card • Make a copy of their badge and call to verify that they are with CPS • Keep copies of all information in student’s cum folder • Additional information see GRA (Legal), (Local), (Exhibit) and (Regulation) • When CPS calls to find a student or request records • Refer these calls to Kristi Little • To save CPS time, you can inform them that we need a written request on letterhead and a copy of their badge. They will need to fax or email this information to Kristi Little

  20. Policy • Please read and be familiar with the following policies that relate to records: • CPC (Legal) and (Local) – Records Management • CQ (Legal), (Local), (Regulation), and (Exhibit) – Electronic Communication and Data Management • FL (Legal), (Local), and (Regulation) – Student Records • GRA (Legal), (Local), (Regulation), and (Exhibit) – Relations with Governmental Entities

  21. Records Requests Webpage • www.nisdtx.org – Information – Records Requests • Public Information Requests • Student Record Requests • Transcript Requests • For NISD Staff • Presentations • Records Log • Container Packing Label Template • Record Retention Schedules

  22. Questions??Comments??Concerns?? • Contact Kristi Little, Records Management Officer klittle@nisdtx.org 817-215-0074 – office 817-698-6695 – fax

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