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Outline. What is Stigmergy?Stigmergy in natureA robot experiment: collective pile formationAnalysis and conclusions. Stigmergy. Stigmergy is communication by means of modifying the environmentOriginally used to describe behavior of nest-building termites and ant trailsPaper demonstrates its pow
1. From Local Actions to Global Tasks: Stigmergy and Collective Robotics R. Beckers, O.E. Holland, J.L. Deneubourg
Presenter: Lewis Girod
2. Outline What is Stigmergy?
Stigmergy in nature
A robot experiment: collective pile formation
Analysis and conclusions
3. Stigmergy Stigmergy is communication by means of modifying the environment
Originally used to describe behavior of nest-building termites and ant trails
Paper demonstrates its power as a tool for coordination in a loosely coupled system
4. What’s it good for? Stigmergy is a mechanism for binding task state information to local features of a task site, and for communicating by modifying those features.
Example: Following a trail:
Trail markers are easy to detect, unambiguously map to location
Each marker indicates the next step in following the trail
Example: Termites building an arch:
Two phases: column building and arch formation
Pheremone deposition and diffusion processes select phase
Ants need no state; simply react to pheremone concentrations
Example: Referencing / returning to location
Eliminate need to determine & communicate location
5. Stigmergy in nature Ant trails
Ants find the shortest path to a food source in their vicinity using stigmergy to maintain traffic statistics
Termite nest-building
Termites build columns and arches using stigmergy to retain state about the building process
Ant corpse-gathering
Ants pick up dead ants and drop them in piles, preferring larger piles, until there is only one pile left
6. Ants finding the shortest path Ants follow random paths, influenced by presence of pheremones
Ants returning with food leave stronger trails
Pheremones evaporate, causing frequently used trails to dominate
Shortcuts result in higher traffic (more trips per ant per unit time) and thus are selected with greater probability
7. Termites building an arch Termites make mud balls with pheremones
Termites deposit mud balls near existing pheremone concentrations
As columns get taller pheremones on the bottom evaporate
Pheremones on neighboring columns cause the tops to be built together to form an arch
8. Ant corpse-gathering Scattered corpses are picked up and dropped
Small piles form
Gradually the piles are aggregated into a single large pile
This paper describes an experiment with robots that exhibits a similar behavior.
9. Collective pile formation task The robots
21x17 cm base with two wheels and a “gripper”
battery powered
IR sensors for obstacle detection
“gripper” (really a “pusher”) force sensor
square arena, about 2.5x2.5 m
81 circular pucks (4 cm) arranged on a 25 cm grid
10. The pile formation experiment The initial task given the robots was to push all the pucks into a single pile.
At the start of an experiment, robots are in the center, oriented randomly
After each 10 minute interval, the robots are stopped and sizes and positions of clusters noted
Experiment ends when all pucks are in a single cluster.
11. Robot behaviors Very simple set of three behaviors
If IR sensor active: turn away from obstacle through a random angle
If force sensor active:
Force sensor triggered when 3 or more pucks are pushed
When sensor activates, pucks are dropped
Reverse both motors for one second
Then turn away to a random angle
Default: Move forward until sensor activated
12. How it works Robots move around randomly
If they bump into a puck, they will push it along.
When they bump into their third puck, they drop.
Initially, all piles are of size 1
Robots will pick them up and will not deposit until they have collected 3 pucks
A pile of 3 or more tends to get bigger
Robots that hit a pile of 3 or more head-on will add their pucks to pile.
13. How do piles aggregate? Initially, a few small clusters form quickly.
Then, gradually those clusters are aggregated
This occurs when pucks are stripped from the edge of a pile and then deposited elsewhere.
Larger piles have a larger ratio of areas in the middle to those on the edge. Therefore probability of hitting tangent to pile decreases with pile size.
Thus larger piles have a larger probability of increasing as a result of this process.
14. Where is the stigmergy? By adding pucks to a pile, a robot makes the pile larger, and votes for that pile to be largest
This stigmergically encodes a message “this is the largest pile, add more pucks to it”
The strongest such message (i.e. the largest pile) wins and eventually accretes all the pucks.
Because all state information is encoded in observed pile size, new robots can be added with no “communication overhead”
15. Results The experiment was performed with varying numbers of robots
Adding robots sped convergence, up to 3 robots
More than three robots got in each others’ way
Whenever they turn to avoid each other, they run the risk of scattering a nearby pile as they turn away
Because the frequency of interactions increases with more robots, 3 was experimentally determined to be optimal
Although not shown in paper, this is likely a function of robot density.
16. Seeding clusters Further experiments were done by seeding the environment with a heavy object
This forms an initial pile that cannot be consumed
Seed reliably accreted the largest pile
When two seeds were used, two piles formed
Never stabilized
The larger seed captured most of the pucks
17. Discussion Stigmergy piggybacks communication on top of robot’s existing sensing and actuation
Allows system to scale to additional robots without additional communication overhead
Although high densities can lead to gridlock, etc.
Stigmergy stores state in the environment so that it is easily retrieved by specialized sensors
In nature, pheremones
In robotics, wireless communications channels