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Liaison Training

Inspiring, evangelizing, and catechizing 18,000 teens on the morning of the National March. Learn the role of Diocesan Liaisons in coordinating and communicating for this impactful event.

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Liaison Training

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  1. Liaison Training If you are having any trouble with this webinar, please let us know through the question box on the right side of your screen, or email youthrally@adw.org This PowerPoint will be emailed to you for further use and reference.

  2. Opening Prayer Our Lady of Guadalupe, we turn to you who are the protectress of unborn children and ask that you intercede for us, so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protecting all human life. Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened, be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the latter years of their life. May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful action which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life, so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin. Encourage those who will be involved in the Youth Rally & Mass for Life and the national March for Life; help them to walk closely with God and be strengthened by His Spirit. O Virgin Mother of God, present our petitions to your Son and ask Him to bless us with abundant life. Amen.

  3. Youth Rally and Mass for LifeInspiring, evangelizing and catechizing 18,000 teens on the morning of the National March!

  4. Role of Diocesan Liaison • Inspire, motivate and communicate with the youth ministers/adult leaders from your diocese • Communicate with the Archdiocese of Washington Department of Life Issues • Make key decisions • Centralized trip or Decentralized Trip • Waiting List Procedure • Determine the number of tickets needed, submit request and plan for waiting list needs. Upon receipt of allocated tickets, carefully distribute all tickets to ensure as many youth as possible can participate. • Ensure compliance with child protection policies and Use of Image Waivers • Provide regular updates to your Bishop • Read through all materials as you receive them and ensure that ALL important details are communicated to your trip leaders in a timely manner. ** We’re always here as a resource – Call anytime! **

  5. Ticketing Process Overview

  6. Overview of Main Steps • Determine Trip – Centralized or Decentralized. • Decide on a registration plan, prepare materials and set deadlines. • Contact youth leaders in your parishes and schools. • Keep in mind unique groups in your diocese that may also want tickets; such as, Eastern Rite Catholic groups, religious communities who minister to youth, Catholic fraternal organizations, etc. • Determine how many tickets your diocese will request. • Plan for distribution/waiting list. • Distribute tickets/ensure all allotted tickets are used. • Monitor your own waiting list – request more tickets from ADW or return extras as necessary.

  7. Determine Trip

  8. Trips – Two Types • Centralized trip • (Arch)diocese plans the trip, rents buses, secures lodging and coordinates the agenda, meals, etc. • Please remember: Even with a centralized trip, you are responsible for requesting tickets for those groups in your diocese that are not traveling with your group. Groups who call us for information will be directed to the appropriate diocesan liaison. • Decentralized trip • Individual parishes and schools organize their own trip (travel, lodging, etc) • Diocesan liaison simply requests tickets and send information to parish/school groups and fields questions. There is no preferred way – do whatever serves your diocese best.

  9. Decentralized Trip • If your diocese is not organizing a trip, then your first step will be to determine how many tickets you will need to request. • How many students have your parishes and schools taken in previous years? • How many do they estimate they will bring this year? • Begin this discussion with your parishes and schools now! • Although you are not planning their trip, there is still a great deal of communication that will need to take place between you and the group leaders.

  10. In Case of a Cancellation • Unfortunately, there is always a chance that your trip will be affected by weather. • There are steps you can take to mitigate financial losses in case this occurs: • Include a “force majeure” clause in all contracts (e.g., hotel) • See if payments can be transferred to next year (e.g., buses) • Don’t print dates on custom-made items (e.g., T-shirts) • Consult diocesan legal counsel on all contracts

  11. Decide on registration plan, prepare materials and set deadlines

  12. Set Deadlines • Requests can be submitted on November 13 from 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Tickets will be essentially first come first serve, so be prepared. • Set a deadline for your groups (in advance of November 13th) that will give you enough time to determine the number of tickets you will need to request.

  13. Prepare materials • Sample letters (we will email you) – Please be sure that you personalize your letter!Insert your name, diocese, etc. • Ensure that the letter includes: • Deadline & details for registration • Waiting list details (first-come, first-served, rotating prioritization, percentage based, etc.) • Links/tools to register • Remind them that registration with you does not guarantee tickets

  14. Determine the number of tickets you will request

  15. Decision Chart How many tickets do you need? Centralized trip? Yes Centralized trip? No Contact parishes and schools and ask them to submit the number of tickets they will require. Based on requests and/or bus seat availability, determine how many tickets you will request. Determine how many tickets you will need based upon number requested. Submit ticket request to the Department of Life Issues on November 13th

  16. Ticket Request • Do not overestimate the number of tickets that you need! Tickets not used by your group will prevent other young people from attending! • Tickets will be given first come first serve with exceptions for geographic diversity. • We can not guarantee that you will receive the number of tickets that you request. • Upon determining the number of tickets you will request, submit that number to the Archdiocese of Washington. • http://diocesanrequest20.eventbrite.com • A password has been emailed to Diocesan Liaisons

  17. Remember! • This step is a REQUEST for tickets NOT an actual order. • Requests received after November 13th will not receive an allotment but may be placed on a waiting list. • You will be contacted in late November with the actual number of tickets your group will receive. • Ticket requests will be considered on a first come first serve basis. PLEASE give us an accurate ticket count.

  18. FAQ’s • Do we need to include priests or deacons in our ticket numbers? • https://concelebrant2020.eventbrite.com • What about sisters or other religious? • Seminarians?

  19. Distribution Plan

  20. How will you distribute the tickets? Received all requested tickets? Yes Received all requested tickets? No Upon receipt of tickets, distribute to parishes and schools or hand out tickets on the bus. Distribute tickets to groups in the manner you previously determined (first come, etc). *You may want to ask the youth leaders to give you another count in case their numbers have decreased. Distribute tickets to those on your waiting list in the event of cancellations. Please help us to ensure that all tickets are used! If you have unused tickets that you are unable to distribute, please return them to the Archdiocese of Washington Department of Life Issues.

  21. Distribution • You will be contacted with your ticket allotment no later than late November • Your tickets will arrive no later than early December • When you receive your tickets: • Important details will be sent to you with your tickets • Please ensure that all group leaders have details on entering the building and traveling in the city the morning of the Youth Rally and Mass and National March. This information will be sent with the tickets. • Additional information will be posted at – www.youthrallyandmassforlife.org

  22. Important Reminders • We can not guarantee that you will receive the number of tickets you request. • Do not overestimate! • Please let us know if you will need any seating for individuals with special needs! • It is your responsibility to make sure that all of your tickets are distributed. • Do NOT throw away extra tickets. Please use your waiting list to distribute them. • In the event that there are unused tickets, please return them to us as soon as possible!

  23. Requests for Additional Tickets • You might receive requests for additional tickets after you have distributed all your tickets and/or returned any extras. • If this happens, please contact us yourself to see if any more tickets are available or to be put on our waiting list. • Do not have the group or individual contact us directly.

  24. Forms

  25. Accommodations within ADW Parishes and Child Protection Update If you stay overnight in a parish/school in the Archdiocese of Washington • Every adult traveling with your group must be in compliance with your own diocesan child protection program • A notarized form signed by your diocesan child protection officer is required verifying compliance with your own diocesan policies for every adult seeking accommodations. • Youth leaders who do not have the notarized form indicating the adults with the group are in compliance with their own child protection policies will be denied entry into the parish for overnight lodging. There will be no exceptions.

  26. Use of Image Waiver • Acceptance of a ticket for the Youth Rally and Mass for Life grants the Archdiocese of Washington permission to use any image and likeness in any television broadcast, photograph, video, internet site, audio-recording, and in any and all of its publications, including website entries (collectively “promotional materials”) without payment or any other consideration. • Please require and collect a signed “Use of Image Waiver” from each participant, or, if the participant is a minor, from each minor participant’s parent/guardian, with the language included on the enclosed form. • Each group leader must return to you one form stating that they are in possession of a sheet for each individual in the group after each ticket holder has returned his/her waiver to them. • Each diocesan liaison must return to ADW one form stating that you are in possession of a sheet for each individual in the group after each ticket holder has returned his/her waiver to you. • Do not send a form for each individual • Forms for you and your group can be found online.

  27. General Communication & Social Media

  28. Flocknote • Like last year, we will email you information about two different text alert sign-ups • Text alerts for adult chaperones only (and you) • Text messages for youth attending (catechetical, social media engagement, etc.)

  29. Stay Connected • www.youthrallyandmassforlife.org • Post your ideas on Facebook! • Encourage youth to make videos and use social media to evangelize their peers! • Watch our social media training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZHvZNt-TWk. • Twitter: #iStand4Life,#whywemarch, and #mass4life. Help us make the Gospel of Life go viral!!

  30. Media Outreach & Credentials As you are communicating with youth leaders…keep in mind! • Our Communications office is always looking for good stories regarding groups traveling to the Youth Rally and National March. Please submit stories to: communications@adw.org or 301-853-4516. • If your diocesan newspaper or other local media outlets would like to participate in the Youth Rally, they must contact the Communications office prior to January 12th for information on credentialing.

  31. In Review

  32. Important Steps • Determine Trip – Centralized or Decentralized. • Decide on a registration plan, prepare materials and set deadlines. • Contact youth leaders in your parishes and schools.* • Determine how many tickets your diocese will request. • Plan for distribution/waiting list. • Distribute tickets/ensure all allotted tickets are used. • Communicate! * Keep in mind unique groups in your diocese that may also want tickets. Such as, Eastern Rite Catholic groups, religious communities who do youth ministry, etc.

  33. Important Deadlines • Ticket requests must be made no later than November 13th. Set an earlier deadline for your parishes/schools to give yourself time to determine your request. http://diocesanrequest20.eventbrite.com • Ticket allotments will be given to your group no later than late November • Your tickets will be mailed to you no later than early December

  34. Thank you for your help! We look forward to working with you. Questions? youthrally@adw.org www.youthrallyandmassforlife.org www.facebook.com/youthrallyandmassforlife

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