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MyFloridaMarketPlace. MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting April 12, 2005. Agenda. Welcome / Introduction Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting Aspire Update Status of SPURS Sunset Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion
MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting April 12, 2005
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Aspire Update • Wave 1 Update: • Timeframe for Initial Agencies • Update on Replanning Effort • Blackout Period Update: • The team is in the process of finalizing activities that will happen during an agency’s “blackout” period prior to Aspire transition. • Details of the “blackout” period will be reviewed closer to the Wave 1 timeframe. • Encumbrance guidance prior to transition to Aspire: • Agencies are strongly encouraged to not process “unencumbered” transactions prior to transition to Aspire. • This will help to minimize agency workload impact during the transition to Aspire.
Aspire Update (cont.) Entering Master Agreements Prior to Aspire Transition: • Option 1: Enter Master Agreement as ‘Unencumbered’: Agencies will then need to encumber using Aspire Accounting on the purchase order(s) or will issue an invoice(s) associated with that Master Agreement. If the Master Agreement is set up as ‘No Release Required,” then it will be a requirement to encumber the Master Agreement. • Option 2: Enter Master Agreement as ‘Encumbered’: Upon transition to Aspire, agencies will need to update the Master Agreement with new Aspire Accounting information. Purchase Orders and/or Invoices generated from that Master Agreement will then include the Aspire Accounting Information going forward.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Status of SPURS Sunset • Agencies are continuing to transition from the PO creation function in SPURS • 12 additional agencies will be transitioned from SPURS PO Creation during the month of May • PO and Requisition Functions are turned off for all agencies as of Friday, 7/29/05 • Blanket Purchase Orders for FY 2005 – 2006 should be created and maintained in MyFloridaMarketPlace • Agencies will continue to have the ability to add P-card vendors and “non traditional” vendors to the statewide vendor file via SPURS
SPURS Sunset Update 1/10/05: Formal Memo to Agency Liaisons 1/14/05: DJJ, DOT, DVA, and Citrus transitioned off SPURS PO Creation As of 7/29/05: All SPURS PO functions shutoff During 3/05: Additional agencies transition off SPURS PO Creation During 5/05: All scheduled agencies transition off SPURS PO Creation 11/2004: DMS & STO transitioned off SPURS PO Creation Nov ’04 Jan ‘05 Mar ‘05 May ‘05 Jul ‘05 Sep ‘05 Nov ‘05 Between now and 7/29: Agencies need to enter all multi-year purchase orders and/or contracts into MyFloridaMarketPlace, and make sure that any open purchase orders that can be closed have been closed * * Exception is Wave 1 agencies for Aspire. There will be separate communications from the Aspire team regarding dates by which SPURS and MyFloridaMarketPlace activity must be closed out.
SPURS Sunset: Functionality Transition SPURS Function Transition Timeframe * • Agencies are being transitioned off of PO creation in a phased approach, with all agencies being transitioned by 5/16/05. • Purchase Order Creation • End date for this function is currently set for 7/29/05. • The exception is Wave 1 Aspire agencies. There will be separate communications from the Aspire team regarding dates by which SPURS and MyFloridaMarketPlace activity must be closed out. • Purchase Order and Requisition Functionality • Transaction History will be available in SPURS and / or SPURSView. • Purchase Order History • End date for this function is currently scheduled to be June 30, 2006. • Statewide Vendor File Updates * As dates / timeframes change, these will be communicated to agencies
SPURS Sunset: Agency Activities • Open Orders (including multi-year purchase orders): • Guidance: All purchase orders, including blanket purchase orders and multi-year purchase orders will be maintained in MyFloridaMarketPlace going forward. For those orders that are currently open in SPURS, agencies should force receive/close by 7/29/05. Any purchase orders that will not be fully received and closed prior to 7/29/05 should be entered into MyFloridaMarketPlace. • Agency Activity: Each agency should review and develop a “close out plan” for open orders. Identify any open orders that need to stay open past the end of the fiscal year and begin keying them into MyFloridaMarketPlace. Wave 1 Aspire agencies should coordinate with their Aspire team contacts to confirm timeframe available for reviewing open orders. • Blanket Purchase Orders: • Guidance: Blanket Purchase Orders for the current fiscal year that exist in SPURS can remain in SPURS (as the PO edit functionality will continue to exist until July 29th for non Wave 1 Aspire agencies). New Blanket Purchase Orders that are being created for FY 2005 – 2006 will be entered in MyFloridaMarketPlace. • Agency Activity: All Blanket Purchase Orders for the upcoming fiscal year should be created in MyFloridaMarketPlace
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Certified Forwards / Year End Processing • As we approach the end of the fiscal year, agencies may have questions about common tasks such as: • Certified Forwards • Releasing Encumbrances • Disbursement Transaction Overrides • The following slides provide screen shots of some common processing that you may be doing at this time of year. • This information will also be posted as a job aid on the MyFloridaMarketPlace Toolkit. • Please contact the Customer Service Desk at 1-866-352-3776 or at BuyerHelp@myfloridamarketplace.com if you have specific questions or concerns about a process you are trying to complete.
Certified Forwards • Previously within FLAIR, agencies have had the option of either • Marking their encumbrances and payables with a ‘C’ in the CF (certified forward) field manually through FLAIR. • Or requesting that DFS mark the encumbrances and payables with a ‘C’ in the CF field on behalf of the agency on June 30th. • With the implementation of MyFloridaMarketPlace, agencies will have the option of either • Marking the encumbrances with a ‘C’ in the CF (certified forward) field through MyFloridaMarketPlace. • Or requesting that DFS mark the encumbrances with a ‘C’ in the CF field. The encumbrances will also automatically be updated in MyFloridaMarketPlace via a one-time batch process so that the accounting is reflected correctly in both systems. Date for this batch process is TBD- but is anticipated to be early-mid July.
Certified Forwards • If an agency elects to mark the encumbrances through MyFloridaMarketPlace, the following steps should be followed • Initiate a change order to the appropriate Purchase Order. Users assigned the role of ‘CO No Workflow’ may complete a change order for accounting/encumbrance changes only without regenerating the workflow. • Update the accounting/encumbrance as appropriate and include a ‘C’ in the CFfield. • Submit the change order – a subsequent PO version will be created. • A change encumbrance transaction (6SU) will be sent to FLAIR to update the encumbrance record. • Similar to encumbered POs, encumbrances against Master Agreements may be updated through initiating a change against the Master Agreement Request or may be updated automatically if requested by DFS.
Payables • During the year-end process, the agency may also establish payables for those items that have been received but not yet invoiced • The establishment of a payable (TR80/TR81) against a MyFloridaMarketPlace transaction will be completed directly in FLAIR • A modification has been completed in FLAIR to support the release of an ‘A’ encumbrance type for an encumbered payable (TR81) • When appropriate, a payable disbursement (TR53) will be completed in MyFloridaMarketPlace for a MyFloridaMarketPlace transaction
Payables • The following defines the steps which establish a payable and complete a payable disbursement for a MyFloridaMarketPlace transaction • Identify the transaction in which a payable is to be established and document the encumbrance number and line numbers if an encumbered transaction • Establish the payable in FLAIR (TR80/TR81) referencing the encumbrance number and line numbers as appropriate. You may also release the encumbrance using the Release Encumbrance eForm in lieu of a TR81 • During the disbursement process, the Exception Handler or Invoice Manager may select the ‘Payable’ checkbox on the Invoice Reconciliation to indicate that the disbursement is a payable disbursement • Two fields will be displayed to enter the payable number and payable line number (It is not necessary to include the prefix in the payable number field) • The ‘Payable’ checkbox is at the split accounting level and must be updated for each split accounting line • Final payment indicator is available for payable disbursements on the split accounting line • The accounting distribution may also be updated for each split accounting line at the time of disbursement.
Check the ‘Payable Disbursement’ checkbox to indicate that this transaction should be a payable disbursement.
Two additional fields ‘Payable Number’ and ‘Payable Line Number’ will be displayed. Enter in the payable number and payable line number and select that appropriate accounting distribution. When entering the payable number, it is not necessary to include the prefix in the number. For example, enter '897654' not 'P897654
Release Encumbrance • The eForm is available to all users with the following role: PUI: Invoice Manager • The release encumbrance eForm may be used for requisitions/POs in the following statuses: • Ordered • Received • Receiving • Cancelled • User must select the requisition in which to release the encumbrance • All encumbrance numbers and line numbers will be released for the selected requisition • No approvals are required for the Release Encumbrance eForm
The Release Encumbrance eForm may be found under the ‘Company eForm’ link from the Home page. Clicking on the additional choices link ‘+’ will display all encumbered requisitions.
Upon submission of the Release Encumbrance eForm, a delete encumbrance transaction (6SUD) will be sent to FLAIR.
Disbursement Transaction Override • During disbursement processing, the disbursement transaction type may be changed from encumbered to unencumbered disbursement, or unencumbered to encumbered disbursement by checking or unchecking the ‘Encumber Funds’ checkbox • Users assigned the role of ‘Invoice Reconciliation Overwrite’ will have the ability to overwrite the disbursement type • The ‘Encumber Funds’ checkbox is at the split accounting level and must be updated for each split accounting line • If the disbursement transaction type is changed from encumbered to unencumbered, it may be necessary to use the Release Encumbrance eForm to release the remaining encumbrance amount
Encumbered Disbursement - Encumbrance number and line number defaulted from PO
Unchecking the ‘Encumber Funds’ checkbox will change the disbursement type to an unencumbered disbursement (TR51)
Unencumbered Disbursement - No encumbrance number and line number listed PO
By checking the ‘Encumber Funds’ checkbox, two additional fields will be displayed. F&A may enter the appropriate encumbrance number and line number to initiate a TR70
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • MyFloridaMarketPlace has systematic roles that are used as a “catch all” queue in the case that the system is unable to appropriately identify the agency-specific approval flow (based upon missing information on the approvable). • The Invoice Administrator role is a “catch all” systematic role to which invalid invoices are routed when the PUI Invoice Manager is not able to be identified on the generated IR to generate the approval flow. • When a user generates an invoice, the supplier, order information (order number, line items, price, quantity, total amount, etc.), accounting details, PUI and site code are all pulled from the direct order (DO) to be applied to the generated invoice reconciliation (IR); based on this information, the system will automatically generate the IR approval flow. • However if the invoice is NOT tied to a DO/MA, the system cannot identify the appropriate agency Exception Handler and Invoice Manager to route the invoice to; therefore, the invoice is deemed invalid - no agency approval flow is generated and the IR gets routed to the Invoice Administrator queue. • The project team is currently reaching out to agencies who have IRs routed to the Invoice Administrator queue based on the user tied to the Invoice eForm. If invoice is received via ASN, the team may not have the necessary agency information, and so the team is reaching out to the vendor.
Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • To prevent your agency from appearing on this report, the following should be followed for Invoice eForms: • When users are creating invoice eforms, they must search for and select the appropriate purchase order or master agreement for the paper invoice sent by the supplier. • Once the correct PO or MA is selected, the user must click the "Generate Invoice" button to display the line items contained on the matched document. Once these lines are displayed, the user will need to make sure the information from the invoice received matched the line item information displayed. If needed, the user can edit the description, quantity and price indicated for each line item. • Once the line items displayed on the eform match the actual invoice received, the user will need to continue to the Summary screen to attach the scanned image of the invoice received to the invoice eform. • After the invoice is attached, the user can then submit the invoice eform. Once submitted, the system will generate an invoice reconciliation request which will be routed to the appropriate user within the agency's PUI. • Completing these actions for an invoice eform will prevent the system from routing the resulting IR to the Invoice Administrator "catch-all" queue.
Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Copying an Invoice eForm: When copying an invoice eform, the system will display the selected PO or MA which was linked to the original eform. However, it is necessary to click the 'Generate Invoice' button to re-establish the link to the selected PO or MA. If this button is not clicked and the eform is submitted, when the IR is generated it will not be linked to the request. The system will route the IR to the Invoice Administrator queue. • To prevent your agency from appearing on the report, the following should be followed for ASN invoices (i.e. Office Depot, Grainger, etc.): If a change order is completed for an ASN supplier, the user MUST NOT select the option 'Do Not Send Purchase Order to Vendor'. When this option is selected the changed version of the purchase order is generated but it does NOT transmit to the supplier. If a supplier completes a PO Flip for the original version of the purchase order, when the system attempts to match the purchase order from the ASN invoice to a purchase order in Ariba and its not found, the system will route the invoice reconciliation to the Invoice Administrator queue. If a supplier has selected a preferred ordering method of 'Electronic Ordering', the option to not send the PO to the vendor should not be selected.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Master Agreement Overview Types of Master Agreements Supplier Level is the broadest option and it allows orders to a specific supplier. Pricing terms defined in the agreement apply to all of the supplier's goods and/or services they offer to the State. May have percentage discounts or tiered pricing terms. Supplier Level Commodity Level allows orders of any commodities specified from a given supplier. Pricing terms defined in the agreement apply to specific commodity codes selected in the agreement. May have percentage discounts or tiered pricing terms. Multiple commodity codes may be within the same agreement and each commodity code within the agreement may have its own pricing terms. Commodity Level Item Level Item Level allows orders of only specific items from a specific supplier. Pricing terms defined in the agreement apply to specific items selected in the agreement. May have percentage discount, tiered, or fixed pricing terms. Multiple items may be within the same agreement and each item within the agreement may have its own pricing terms.
Master Agreements: Comparison of ‘Release Required’ and ‘No Release Required’ Options Purchasing Involvement* F&A Involvement* Scenario • Create an Encumbered Master Agreement with Release Required • Set up Master Agreement Request and submit for approval • Indicate ‘Release Required’ • Confirm Accounting Information with F&A and enter encumbrance number on Master Agreement • Issue Purchase Orders for each purchase associated with the Master Agreement (Accounting Information will be automatically populated) • Manually encumber Master Agreement amount in FLAIR • Enter / Review invoices tied to the purchase orders from this Master Agreement • Manually encumber Master Agreement amount in FLAIR • Enter / Review invoices tied to this Master Agreement • Set up Master Agreement Request and submit for approval • Indicate ‘No Release Required’ • Confirm Accounting Information with F&A and enter encumbrance number on Master Agreement • Create an Encumbered Master Agreement ‘No Release Required * These are suggested tasks. Task responsibility may vary by agency.
Master Agreements: Comparison of ‘Release Required’ and ‘No Release Required’ Options Purchasing Involvement* F&A Involvement* Scenario • Create an Unencumbered Master Agreement with Release Required • Set up Master Agreement Request and submit for approval • Indicate ‘Release Required’ • Issue Purchase Orders for each purchase associated with the Master Agreement • Accounting Information will need to be entered for each purchase order issued (not automatically populated) • Enter / Review invoices tied to the purchase orders from this Master Agreement • Enter / Review invoices tied to this Master Agreement • Accounting Information will need to be updated for each invoice entered (not automatically populated) • Set up Master Agreement Request and submit for approval • Indicate ‘No Release Required’ • Create an Unencumbered Master Agreement ‘No Release Required * These are suggested tasks. Task responsibility may vary by agency.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Change Request Discussion Change Request Process • Agency will maintain an internal list of all enhancements (i.e., Change Requests) that are escalated by agency users. • Agencies are asked to document Change Request information using the CR Form. • Agencies are asked to provide details of business impact for each Change Request documented. Agency collects Change Requests initiated from agency users DMS conducts Quarterly Change Request Meeting Change Requests are Scheduled for Release • Meeting Logistics will be distributed to the agency liaisons for each agency. • During this meeting, agencies will discuss their “Top 3” Change Requests (per agency). • Agency Users in attendance will confirm priority of each Change Request. • Project Team will review Change Requests and provide an estimate of work hours associated with each request. • Change Requests will then be scheduled (taking priority and work hours into consideration). • Users will receive an update on target dates for Change Requests to be implemented.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • Action Plan Update from 3/08 User Meeting • Aspire Update • Status of SPURS Sunset • Certified Forward Discussion / End of Year Processing • Invoice Administrator Queue Discussion • Follow Up Discussion on Payment Against Master Agreements • Change Request Discussion • Next Meeting Time / Location
Next Meeting Time / Location • Tuesday, May 10, 2005 • Carr Building, Room 170 • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. • Meetings will include a monthly update of SPURS Sunset activities and an Aspire Update