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Report of the Romanian National Meteorological Administration (Meteo Romania) 10th Session of ICEED, 21 -22 September 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie Executive Director.
Report of the Romanian National Meteorological Administration (Meteo Romania) • 10th Session of ICEED, 21 -22 September 2010, Istanbul, Turkey Dr. Gheorghe Stancalie Executive Director
The National Meteorological Administration of Romania (Meteo Romania) continued in 2009 and 2010 to develop its operational services, research activities and technical capabilities. The implementation of the 2008-2012 Strategy, including the main goals to be achieved and the major actions to be taken is on the right way. • Following the human resources policy, Meteo Romania maintained a staff reduction of about 2.5% per year (around 35 employees per year). In July 2010, the number of employees was 1,275 persons (about 300 of them are working at the headquarters in Bucharest). • To further modernize the technological infrastructure of the meteorological network, investments, repair and rehabilitation works were performed.
Surface Observational Network Meteo Romania is operating 160 meteorological stations, 110 of them being automatic weather stations, and a network of 262 raingauges. 55 meteorological stations have agrometeorological program. 12 new automatic weather stations were purchased in 2010 and the installation is in progress. An internal project of modernising the maintenance system of the automatic network of weather stations has been finalised. Now for all automatic weather stations in Romania the information regarding the status of each individual sensors is displayed online.
RADAR Network Meteo Romania is operating a network of 8 Doppler radars: 5 S-band: WSR-98D, 3 C-band: 2 EEC 1 Gematronik.
Romania is an ECMWF co-operating state and intends to become a full member in the near future. • Romania just finished the legal procedures and started with December 2010 will be a full member state of EUMETSAT. • Although MeteoRomania is not an EUMETNET member, it participates in various programes such as SRNWP, EMMA, OPERA, EUMETCal, and PEP725 a ECSN project.
The National Meteorological Administration is a member of the Economic Interest Grouping of the National Meteorological Services (ECOMET). Our Meteorological Service participated to Programs withinEUMETNET,such as: - the 3rd phase of OPERA Program, being currently involved in the exchange of weather radar data with Hungary and is ready to sign collaboration with any other institution which can find our data useful; - theEUMETFREQ Program, meant to protect the radar frequency band from emissions of sources which may interfere with the radar signal; - the EMMA/METEOALARM Program(from 2008),intended to warning the population when severe weather phenomena are anticipated over the Romanian territory; • the Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction (SRNWP) Interoperability Program and in the Coordination of SRNWP Program (C- SRNWP);
Meteo Romania participates to the ALADIN Consortium, together with other 15 countries, for the development of the limited-area numerical weather forecasting model ALADIN. The ALADIN model at 10 km grid was operationally integrated 4 times per day, ALADIN forecasting products are operationally used as input for hydrological models in the framework of the DESWAT project. Under the ALADIN and RC-LACE umbrella, the specialists from our institution contributed to the research and development plans, particularly for the ALARO modelat 6.5 km grid-mesh for which pre-operational tests are in progress.
The National Meteorological Administration of Romania is a member of the COSMO Consortium (since 2007). • In numerical weather prediction, Meteo Romania continued the activities for development and using in operational activities of non-hydrostatic COSMO model at 7 km (COSMO-RO7) and 2.8 km (COSMO-RO2) grid-mesh respectively, for an area covering Romania. This work was carried out on a new IBM cluster computer (14 blades, 2 quad core Intel processors on each blade) which was installed in 2008. • The new versions of COSMO model are operationally integrated two times per day and the newest version of HRM model (14 km resolution)once per day. The COSMO-RO7 model is integrated for 78 hours forecast and using its outputs the COSMO-RO2 is integrated for 30 hours of forecast.
The COSMO Consortium The HRM model is coupled with the pollution dispersion models(IMPUFF, SMOKE, and CMAQ). These models are also useful in early warnings and in case of nuclear and chemical accidents and were tested in some national and international exercises. In the framework of COSMO Consortium Romania are involved in some Priorities Projects: VERSUS 2 (VERification Unified Survey), KENDA (Km-Scale Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation) and SPRT (Support).
The educational and specialized training activities The European Conference for Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology ERAD2010, organized by the Romanian National Meteorological Administration, 6 – 10 September 2010, hosted in the city of Sibiu, Romania (around 400 participants).
The educational and specialized training activities Pre - ERAD2010 (support by WMO and EUMETSAT) • Nowcasting Course: Enhanced use of satellite and radar in nowcasting.30 August - 3 September 2010, Sibiu (35 participants). The course was highly interactive with its world class international lecturers, based on systematic forecasting approaches that combine the latest scientific research with integrated use of satellite, radar, observations, lightning data and numerical weather prediction guidance. • Course on Local Area Weather Radar, 4-5 September 2010, Sibiu. Introductory course to Local Area Weather Radar, an instrument for high resolution rainfall measurements • Short Course on QPE, QPF and Hydrological Applications for students and experts. 4-5 September 2010, Sibiu. Quantitative precipitation estimates using radar. Hydrological processes and rainfall-runoff transformation • Short Course on Dual-Polarization and Doppler Weather Radar : Fundamentals and Applications, 4-5 September 2010, Sibiu. • RADMON Workshop - on data products and methods that can be used to diagnose radar hardware/configuration issues.
Bilateral cooperation with European Meteo Services • The cooperation between METEO-FRANCE and Meteo Romania in the field of meteorology continued, based on the Framework Convention for Scientific and Technical Cooperation for the development of human resources and enhanced experience exchange and training of specialists working in meteorology. • The cooperation between Meteorological Service of Hungary and Meteo Romania based on the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Areas of Meteorology and related Matters.
International R & D projects EUMETSAT initiative: DAWBEE project (Data Access for Western Balkan and Eastern European Countries) • To promote the operational access to its data and products in the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro. • The objective of the DAWBEE project is in line with the EUMETSAT long term strategy to promote of operational access to EUMETSAT data and with the WMO Regional Association VI Strategic Plan, which calls in particular for an “Improved capitalization on Region assets (ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET, ICH) by encouraging broader use of outputs”.
International R & D projects EUMETSAT initiative DAWBEE project Project activities: Supporting the installation in non-equipped countries of a “standard” EUMETCast station, with an appropriate training for the operation of the station; Creating a self-sustained network of experts across the countries that could pursue collaboration beyond the end of the proposed activity. The Romanian National Meteorological Administration, is involved in the DAWBEE project and a Romanian expert will install the EUMETCAST reception and processing systems, provided by the project, at the Met Service of the Republic of Moldova and in Kosovo (under UN Security Council Resolution 1244). The Romanian expert will also train the operators of the EUMETCAST systems.
International R & D projects RADO project – Romanian Atmospheric 3D Research Observatory • RADO is a Norway Grant project in the frame of Cooperation Programme between Norway and Romania (Innovation Norway). • The goal of this project is to create a new infrastructure (Romanian Atmospheric Research 3D Observatory) able to combine research, education and demonstration activities and to act as consultative organism for environmental policy makers. Target Groups of RADO: policy makers; public environmental national agencies; scientific community; global and European environmental networks - GALION, GEOSS, GAW; education (interactive, unconventional learning, attractive education).
International R & D projects RADO project – Romanian Atmospheric 3D research Observatory Observation Network • RADO will have three main components: • The Observation Network (ON): • Will be based on 5 lidar stations, which now already operate as the Romanian Lidar NETwork (ROLINET) and a meteorological tower (in Bucharest), fully equipped with specific sensors. For each of these stations, the infrastructure will be improved by implementing new state-of-the-art sensors (O3 and CO2, monitors, particle sizers, UV cameras and IR cameras for 3D imagery, sunphotometers). • The Data Center will be in charge of processing, analyzing and storing the data collected from the ON and satellites, as well as for modeling, scenario building and forecast, using satellite imagery and modeling tools • The Science Center will have a double task: training and formation of highly qualified human resources (MSc., Ph.Ds) and support the outreach plan (science exhibition center, demonstration).
International R & D projects RADO project – Romanian Atmospheric 3D research Observatory MAP3D - Air quality forecast-Ozone MAP3D - Air quality forecast-NO2
International R & D projects "The Meteorology and Oceans Domain Working Group“ - hosted by the OGC and co-chaired by a representative from the WMO Commission for Basic Systems. • Goal: to ensure that OGC standards and profiles allow the meteorological community to develop effective interoperability for web services and content across the wider geospatial domain.
International R & D projects Participation in the FP7 project establishing the pre-operational GMES Emergency response core service: SAFER (http://www.emergencyresponse.eu) SIGUR – national project complementarily with SAFER Floods monitoring using EO data – events in 2008 and 2010; Data provided by the International Charter for Space and Major Disasters and SAFER. The mapping effort was supported by the Romanian Space Agency and the National Meteorological Administration.
Siret River - Saucesti sector, 5 July 2010 (MODIS) Evaluation of the affected areas
International R & D projects The AIR-AWARE Project (http://life-airware.inmh.ro) - coordinated by the MeteoRomania and co-financed by the EU through the LIFE Program. Main result was the operational implementation of an air pollution forecasting pilot system, able to assess the pollution impact on human health and to warn the responsible factors, in correlation with short, medium and long-term urban developing plans in the Bucharest area. • The project enjoyed a significant international recognition within the “Best LIFE Environment Projects 2009-2010” ceremony, organized by the European Commission in Brussels over the period 2-3 June 2010. • The AIR-AWARE Project was selected among the best environmental project financed by the European Union over the period 2005-2009.
Romanian DESWAT Project Until the end of 2011, a new hydrological forecast and warning system will be implemented at the national level, within the Romanian Waters National Administration, in the framework of DESWAT project (Destructive Water Abatement and Control of Water Disasters). The main objectives of the DESWAT project are: Upgrade of the hydrological monitoring system, consisting of: 633 stations– with water level, air and water temperature and precipitation sensors; 247 supplemental raingauge stations– with precipitation sensors; about 70 stations - with also have water quality sensors(dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, turbidity, etc); data communication systemof the data from the hydrometric stations using mainly radio data transceiver module and GSM modem communication.
Romanian DESWAT Project Develop hydrological data integration and processing software able to: Ingest and analyse a massive volume of data from various sources: weather and hydrometric station sensors, radars, numerical weather prediction models, etc. Interpret quickly all these data using improved river forecast models. Generate and disseminate the forecast products. Integration DESWAT- SIMIN (Romanian National Integrated Meteorological System) projects. The system will also includes a flash-flood guidance (FFG) component, in which soil-moisture deficits are estimated in a continuous way, using a conceptual hydrological model for every small basin (with a mean area of 30 – 50 km2). The deficits are used together with up-to-date (1hr, 3hr and 6hr) precipitation totals to estimate the amount of additional precipitation needed for streams to reach bankfull conditions.
The Romanian Flash Flood Guidance (ROFFG) System • An adaptation of the HRC Flash Flood Guidance System used in various regions of the world to empower forecasts to cope effectively with flash floods and their impacts. Similar HRC FFG systems include the Central America Flash Flood Guidance (CAFFG) and the Mekong River Commission Flash Flood Guidance (MRCFFG) Systems. • Designed to integrate real-time data from various hydro-meteorological sources and to evaluate a number of diagnostic indices that are pertinent to the occurrence and development of natural flash floods. • ROFFG is not a predictive system in itself, rather it is a diagnostic system for flash floods that the forecaster can use with forecasts or nowcasts of precipitation to produce forecasts and ultimately warnings for flash floods.
The Romanian Flash Flood Guidance (ROFFG) System • Ingests real-time and gauge precipitation data on an hourly basis and surrogate meteorological information (e.g. temperature, snow infos) and on the basis of available spatial databases produces flash-flood-occurrence diagnostic indices over each 8851 small basins in Romania (average area 30 km2). • The diagnostic flash flood guidance index may then be used with nowcast of forecast rainfall volumes or of the appropriate durations to identify the likelihood of the flash flooding at the outlet of specific small catchments in Romania. • The primary mission of the ROFFG System and its Supporting Staff is to provide real-time information guidance products pertaining to the imminence of potential small-scale flooding.