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菩提国中的学生人数已经从2008年的一千一百位增加2012 年的两千六百位。 我们非常缺乏的是一个可以让学生运动的草场。 The student enrollment of SMJK Phor Tay has increased from 1,100 in 2008 to 2,600 in 2012. We badly need an open field to hold sports activities for our students.
菩提国中的学生人数已经从2008年的一千一百位增加2012 年的两千六百位。 我们非常缺乏的是一个可以让学生运动的草场。 The student enrollment of SMJK Phor Tay has increased from 1,100 in 2008 to 2,600 in 2012. We badly need an open field to hold sports activities for our students.
17.我们今天启用双溪赖菩提中学的新礼堂追思拿督斯里陈火炎。Today, we are gathered together here in the Hall of the new Phor Tay School at Sungei Dua to pay our homage to his memory.
菩提(Bodhi)反映了人类在世的精神精粹。对他而言,菩提中学代表奉献给社会的崇高服务精神。正是这种精神,一直在鼓舞着拿督斯里陈火炎。菩提(Bodhi)反映了人类在世的精神精粹。对他而言,菩提中学代表奉献给社会的崇高服务精神。正是这种精神,一直在鼓舞着拿督斯里陈火炎。 He had long been inspired by the concepts associated with Phor Tay or Bodhi, which reflects the human understanding of the spirit that pervades all forms of life in the universe. To him, the School represented the essence of his dedication to public social service.
菩提(Bodhi)反映了人类在世的精神精粹。对他而言,菩提中学代表奉献给社会的崇高服务精神。正是这种精神,一直在鼓舞着拿督斯里陈火炎。菩提(Bodhi)反映了人类在世的精神精粹。对他而言,菩提中学代表奉献给社会的崇高服务精神。正是这种精神,一直在鼓舞着拿督斯里陈火炎。 He had long been inspired by the concepts associated with Phor Tay or Bodhi, which reflects the human understanding of the spirit that pervades all forms of life in the universe. To him, the School represented the essence of his dedication to public social service.
18. 对捐出银禧老人院地段的先贤谢永嘉太平局绅,我们致上深深的谢意。他的高瞻远瞩,实在令我们敬佩。我相信,火炎也会赞叹不已。 18. I believe that he would have appreciated it for me to take this occasion to also acknowledge the far-sightedness generosity of the late Mr. Cheah Leong Keah, J.P., who originally donated the land for the Silver Jubilee Home.
对我而言,新校舍能够圆满落成,象征意义非凡。它的成就,有赖于银禧老人院信理员的支持。我借这个机会感谢他们。对我而言,新校舍能够圆满落成,象征意义非凡。它的成就,有赖于银禧老人院信理员的支持。我借这个机会感谢他们。 To my mind, it is of special significance that this new building has been made possible with the support of the Trustees of the Silver Jubilee Home; I also take this occasion to thank them.
昔日,“新客”来到槟城,当起“苦力”为人民打造一个美好的天地。昔日,“新客”来到槟城,当起“苦力”为人民打造一个美好的天地。 In former times, under different forms of Government and different social codes of conduct, the Home had basically provided housing and care to aged Chinese “sinkehs” who had been brought out here to work as “coolies”.
可是,一旦上了年纪并体弱多病时,这一些老人往往无栖身之所;而银禧老人院就在当时扮演了重要角色,为他们提供了一个安享晚年的舒适环境。可是,一旦上了年纪并体弱多病时,这一些老人往往无栖身之所;而银禧老人院就在当时扮演了重要角色,为他们提供了一个安享晚年的舒适环境。 It was they who had built the early foundations of what Penang has become today – a better place for many other people to live in. Yet they themselves had nobody, no means to turn to when they become sick or old – and nowhere to return to in the places of their birth!
19. 我很有信心,在唯悟法师的支持和领导下,菩提中学必能善用这个地段,逐步地让双溪赖这个社区成为发展重点。 19. I am confident that with the guidance and support of the Venerable Wei Wu, this new school will enhance the peacefulness and social importance of Sungai Dua.
可是,一旦上了年纪并体弱多病时,这一些老人往往无栖身之所;而银禧老人院就在当时扮演了重要角色,为他们提供了一个安享晚年的舒适环境。可是,一旦上了年纪并体弱多病时,这一些老人往往无栖身之所;而银禧老人院就在当时扮演了重要角色,为他们提供了一个安享晚年的舒适环境。 It was they who had built the early foundations of what Penang has become today – a better place for many other people to live in. Yet they themselves had nobody, no means to turn to when they become sick or old – and nowhere to return to in the places of their birth!