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Hickory Creek Middle School

Hickory Creek Middle School. Encore. Encore Staff. Physical Education Mr. Rigoni Mrs. Luther Mrs. Rodgers Mr. Perich Mr. Vonch Music Mr. Wonder Mrs. Walton Art Mrs. Rogers Mr. Vonch. Technology Mr. Smit Mr. Vonch Spanish Mrs. Justus Mrs. Conroy Band Mrs. Shoemaker

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Hickory Creek Middle School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hickory Creek Middle School Encore

  2. Encore Staff • Physical Education • Mr. Rigoni • Mrs. Luther • Mrs. Rodgers • Mr. Perich • Mr. Vonch • Music • Mr. Wonder • Mrs. Walton • Art • Mrs. Rogers • Mr. Vonch • Technology • Mr. Smit • Mr. Vonch • Spanish • Mrs. Justus • Mrs. Conroy • Band • Mrs. Shoemaker • Mr. Adams

  3. 6th Grade General Music Rhythm:how to read notation, vocabulary, composing rhythmic accompaniments, listening for rhythmic elements in a piece of music Melody:how to read notation, vocabulary, composing melodies on using Finale Notepad Form: different forms in music, identifying different forms in pieces of music Tone Color: Instruments of the orchestra, Orff instruments, Ukulele Harmony: different types of harmony, performing in harmony Expressive elements: identify in pieces of music, perform expressively American composers: biographical information, listen/discuss pieces of music (Sousa, Gershwin, Joplin, Copland, Foster) African Drumming: learn about traditions, play/compose rhythmic pieces

  4. "The Tiger Band Rehearses for the Frankfort Fall Fest Parade"

  5. 6th Grade / Spanish (9 weeks) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to the Spanish language and a study of the cultures and geography of the Spanish-speaking world. • This curriculum includes greetings, numbers, the alphabet, identifying classroom objects, the days of the week, months, colors, and parts of the body. • Students learn about definite and indefinite articles in Spanish, the verbs ser and estar with adjectives, as well as adjective agreement. • Music, games, and videos enhance the learning experience are also included during the quarter. Señora Conroy nconroy@fsd157c.org Señora Justus jjustus@fsd157c.org 815.469.4474

  6. Physical Education Students will learn and participate in a variety of team and individual sports. The fitness room allows our students to work out using strength and cardio equipment once a week. Classes will participate in a Life Fitness unit this fall, which brings instructors from the community in to teach the students a variety of fitness activities.

  7. Every year, each PE class will go into the Health classroom for a six week rotation. • Students will cover a variety of topics, depending on the grade level. 6th Grade - Mental, social, and emotional health - Nutrition - Human body systems - Safety concerns 7th Grade - Mental, social, and emotional health - Personal health - Non-communicable diseases - Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs - Human body systems 8th Grade - Mental, social, and emotional health - Nutrition - Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs - Communicable diseases - Sexual education Health Education

  8. Curriculum Goals: Introduce new art materials and techniques Understand and apply the Elements of Art Develop creative problem solving skills Make strong choices in a work of art based on the Elements of Art Understand art as a form on communication

  9. 6th Grade Technology • Microsoft Word • Microsoft PowerPoint • Microsoft Word Tables • Green Screen Movie Making • Windows Movie Maker • Audacity for Podcasting • Intro to Photoshop • Internet Safety • Daily Typing Practice Mr. Jason Smit jsmit@fsd157c.org Mr. Joseph Vonch jvonch@fsd157c.org

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