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Types of Poems. Kinds Of Feet. Foot- is a sequence of syllables Iamb- metric foot of poetry of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one ( di-dah ) Anapest- metric foot of poetry of two unstressed (short) syllables followed by one stressed (long) one Dactyl Spondee Pyrrhic
Kinds Of Feet • Foot- is a sequence of syllables • Iamb- metric foot of poetry of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one (di-dah) • Anapest- metric foot of poetry of two unstressed (short) syllables followed by one stressed (long) one • Dactyl • Spondee • Pyrrhic • Trochee
Meter • Meter determined by number of feet in line • Dimeter- two • Trimeter- three • Tetrameter- four • Pentameter- a line of verse consisting of five metrical feet
ABC Poems • An ABC poem has 5 lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. (some can have more) • Lines 1 through 4 are made up of words, phrases or clauses - and the first word of each line is in alphabetical order from the first word. • Line 5 is one sentence, beginning with any letter. • A,B,C,D or O, P, Q, R
ABC Poem • Example: Among the forest treesBeneath the mossy greenColors muted emeraldDecide if they are seenEnchanted visions unfold.
Concrete Poem • Also known as visual poetry • It forms a picture of the topic or follows the contours of a shape that is suggested by the topic • Simply: The poem looks like what it is about • Example: See My Book
Haiku • A Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines • The lines are five, seven, and five syllables • Haiku’s usually reflect on some aspect of nature. • Example: Spring is in the air Flowers are blooming sky highChildren are laughing
Limerick • A short humorous poem • Consisting of five lines • Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another. • Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven syllables and also rhyme with each other. • Example: There once was a man from Peru,Who dreamed of eating his shoe,He awoke with a fright,In the middle of the night,And found that his dream had come true!
Lyric Poem • A poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet • The term lyric is now generally referred to as the words to a song
Name Poem • A poem that tells about the word • It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line • Example: Nicky • Nicky is a NurseIt's her chosen careerChildren or Old folksKindness in abundanceYear after year
Rhyme Poem • http://prezi.com/mz94qprno0yw/poetry-rhyme/