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Stanza A group of lines of poetry, like a paragraph, set off usually by a blank space. Poets create stanzas for a reason. The lines belong together. . . Rhyme. The repetition of sound, almost always to achieve an effect or to create a rhythm. (Page 2)end rhyme is the repetition of the end sound
1. Poetry Terms and Types of Poems
2. StanzaA group of lines of poetry, like a paragraph, set off usually by a blank space. Poets create stanzas for a reason. The lines belong together.
3. Rhyme The repetition of sound, almost always to achieve an effect or to create a rhythm. (Page 2)
end rhyme is the repetition of the end sounds of the words at the ends of lines of poetry;(page 3)
near rhyme or off rhyme or slant rhyme is not quite true or pure - "tree" rhyme with "hurry";(page 4)
internal rhyme rhymes a word in the middle of a line of poetry with a word elsewhere in the line. (page 5)
4. internal rhyme rhymes a word in the middle of a line of poetry with a word elsewhere in the line. (page 5)
5. Quatrain A stanza or poem of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme. Lines 1 and 3 may or may not rhyme. Rhyming lines should have a similar number of syllables.
6. Ballad Ballads are narrative poems or songs of popular origin often with a repeating line or stanza that is important to the topic of the poem
Ballads often reflect folk tales, legends and love stories which are often sung.
7. Couplet
Two lines of poetry where the last word of both lines rhyme.
The lighthouse lights up the beach
The light it gives is out of reach
8. Elegy A sad and thoughtful poem lamenting (mourning) the death of a person.
9. Epic Long, serious poems that tell the story of a heroic figure. Some of the most famous epic poems are The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer
10. Ode Long poems which are serious in nature and are usually written to praise someone or something.
11. Sonnet English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems that are 14 lines long falling into three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet.
12. Lyric A short poem that expresses personal feeling or emotion (it does not tell a story). They usually have a rhyme scheme.
A sonnet is a type of lyric poem. Other types of lyrics are:
Ballades (not ballad) (bel-ahd)
Villanelles (villa-nell)
Minnesang (minna-song)
Pastourelle (pastor-ell)
Canzone (canzoni)
13. Alliteration Repeating the beginning sound of words.
His hairy hamster hammered Henry’s happy helicopter.
14. Rhyme Scheme A pattern of rhyming in a poem
Example: AABBCC
15. Onomatopoeia Words that imitate the sound they make.