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Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council Adult Learning Work Group

Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council Adult Learning Work Group October 7, 2008. Work Group Structure. Work Group Chairs:

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Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council Adult Learning Work Group

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  1. Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council Adult Learning Work Group October 7, 2008

  2. Work Group Structure Work Group Chairs: Melinda Brown, President , Maryland Association for Adult and Community Continuing Education; Adult Education Coordinator, St. Mary’s County Public Schools Patty Keeton, Executive Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Howard Community College Subcommittees and Chairs: Group 1: Adult Learning Structure Co-Chairs: Patty Keeton, Executive Director, Howard Community College Marjorie Zimmerman, Adult Ed Coordinator, Calvert County Public Schools Group 2: Administration, Program Coordination & Services Integration Co Chairs Karen Gianninoto, MSDE Adult Ed Specialist Jim Parker, Former OVAE Program Coordinator and AE Consultant Group 3 : Data Collection and Outcome Measures Melinda Brown, Adult Ed Coordinator , St. Mary's County Public Schools and MAACCE President Carolyn Mitchell, Director, Office of Workforce Information and Performance, DLLR

  3. Work Plan Work Group’s Responsibilities Recommend a framework for a new State system of delivering adult education and workforce programs that tracks outcomes of adult education students and provides for the effective alignment of adult education and literacy programs with workforce development programs. Address the need for longitudinal outcome data to enhance the current accountability system. Work to develop a seamless plan for the transition of the adult education and literacy programs from MSDE to DLLR. The plan will include strategies for ensuring program continuity for clients, strategies for ensuring continuity in the administration of grant programs and strategies for addressing potential challenges to implementing the transition while continuing the delivery of quality content to clients.

  4. Work Plan Subcommittees’ Charges Adult Learning Structures – Group 1 : Recommend a work plan containing short term and long range objectives for an adult learning system in Maryland that embodies an integrated education and training approach for adult learners. Administration, Program Coordination & Services Integration – Group 2: Develop a seamless plan for the (administrative) transition of the adult education and literacy programs from MSDE to DLLR. Recommend the composition and responsibilities of a State Advisory Council on Adult Education, Literacy and Workforce Development, as well as assist in the development of the State Plan for Adult Education. Data Collection and Outcome Measures – Group 3: Recommend a new State system of accountability for adult education and workforce programs that tracks outcomes of adult education students and provides for the effective alignment of adult education and literacy programs with workforce development programs.

  5. Work Plan Meetings and Conference Calls Co Chairs: Weekly conference calls with consultants Full Work Group Meetings: 8/29, 9/29 Adult Learning Structures: Meetings: 8/29, 9/29; Email survey; Webinar: 10/15 Administration, Program Coordination & Services Integration: Meetings: 8/29, 9/19; Conference Call: 9/12; Webinar: 10/13 Data Collection and Outcome Measures: Meetings: 8/29, 9/29; Conference Calls: 9/11, 9/18, 9/25

  6. Issues Under Consideration Transition Considerations Continuity of service means that there will be no interruption of service or negative impact on learners. The State Plan needs to be aligned with the Governor’s objectives and federal requirements. State and local alignment between Adult Education (AE) and Workforce Programs is limited. DLLR expectations for programs are unknown, beyond current MSDE requirements and mandates. Current State Advisory Council representation and mission need review.

  7. Issues Under Consideration Current State Practice, Policy and Requirements Under the current state-to-local formula, there is a wide range of per student costs. The State mandates a prescriptive set of local program requirements that are not found in WIA Title II or the current State Plan. Under the current system, local grant amounts are pre-allocated to each of the MD jurisdictions. Current funding to local programs limits professional development to foundation trainings, assessment trainings and standards implementation.

  8. Issues Under Consideration Current State Practice, Policy and Requirements – cont’d State AE staff assignments, especially Specialty Area designations, have been essentially static for some time. There is near exclusive use of National Reporting System (NRS) as the measure of program and learning outcomes. Adult General Education (AGE) funding is available only for public school adult programs.

  9. Issues Under Consideration Program Delivery During the next 10 years, Maryland’s economy will grow and change and will require a more highly skilled workforce. There are multiple and varied perspectives about the adult learning programs and services currently operating in Maryland. Maryland considers effective practices to include serving those most in need, identifying an individual’s goals, providing support services, and integrating education and training. Maryland needs to expand the capacity of its programs and increase statewide access to Adult Learning opportunities.

  10. Issues Under Consideration Data Collection and Outcomes A more effective and efficient data system will require sufficient resources to design and maintain a state-of-the-art system. Maryland needs to ensure that it continues to meet federal data requirements. Easier access to information about what students are learning can help improve local programs. Programs need the ability to follow performance of the students beyond pre-test and post-test and use data systems to track ongoing performance and to inventory student needs.

  11. Issues Under Consideration Data Collection and Outcomes – cont’d Programs need to share data between agencies. Student demographics are entered multiple times because of incompatible systems. Maryland lacks a long-term (5-10 years) tracking systems for individuals in the system.

  12. Research and Data Requests Baseline information on what programs are currently in operation in terms of specific services, outcomes, and target populations (MSDE and DLLR) Survey of effective practices from Maryland programs Comparison of Maryland practices and learner performance to other states (SRI and CRW) Survey of data currently collected within MSDE, DLLR and MHEC databases Survey of best practices of selected states Interviews with experts in other states

  13. Challenges Unfulfilled and partially fulfilled information and data requests. Limited time to develop issues and recommendations, discuss group structures, meet as a group, review minutes of meetings and make corrections. Some additional transition challenges are identified in the issues above.

  14. Preliminary Recommendations Transition Considerations Ensure that a process is in place for grantees to apply for Continuation Funding, and receive grant award letters to continue program operation for FY 2010 Communicate the timeline for grant approval process and reporting requirements to the local programs Ensure that there is a stable and predictable funding level for a statewide network Submit state plan revisions to U.S. Department of Education

  15. Preliminary Recommendations Transition Considerations – cont’d Review the current six challenges addressed in the State Plan and determine if they are being met and if the challenges should change in the future Communicate DLLR’s expectations to local programs, especially those that may differ from the current MSDE expectations.

  16. Preliminary Recommendations Advisory Committee Replace the STAC with an Advisory Committee for Adult and Workforce Education within DLLR Develop mission statement for the advisory committee and establish duties of the committee Extend membership to better represent stakeholders including students and grant holders Establish a standing program administrators’ affinity group to share questions and inform the new State Advisory Committee

  17. Preliminary Recommendations Current State Practice, Policy and Requirements Review the current state formula for distributing funds to the Maryland jurisdictions and local grantees Clarify and make transparent the funding formula decision-making process related to federal and state funding Identify and explain various differences in outcomes and funding allocations among programs by conducting a comprehensive program evaluation

  18. Preliminary Recommendations Current State Practice, Policy and Requirements – cont’d • Identify state-imposed local requirements, as mandated by WIA Title II, the State Plan and the program RFP and where possible, reduce local program requirements - especially those not funded • Review local matching requirements and adjust them to reflect recently increased state funding • Determine the benefit of providing AGE funds only to public schools

  19. Preliminary Recommendations Capture New Priorities Review the State Plan and incorporate the current Governor’s objectives for Adult Education and Workforce Systems where needed Review the recommendations from the other work groups for possible incorporation into the State Plan Review the current Governor’s Workforce Investment Board Mission and Vision and align with the State Plan

  20. Preliminary Recommendations Capture New Priorities • Review the federal performance requirements and determine if additional state performance measures are needed to demonstrate program success to state agency or other stakeholders. • Broaden outcome measures beyond NRS and provide funding to meet this goal • Change state staff assignments as needed to reflect new state priorities • Promote and reward adult education and workforce programs that include alignment with DLLR, DBED, and DHR

  21. Preliminary Recommendations Professional Development Examine and evaluate alternative models of professional development delivery systems that include teacher certification and credentialing options Explore the possibility of developing regional centers that provide professional development Explore using grant funding to allow local grantees to attend national trainings Review Section 8.3 of the State Plan and the Guide for the Development of State Plan, Sections 8 and 9 to improve professional development offerings Design professional development programs that inform adult educators about local WIB resources. Identify DLLR trainings and options offered by Institute for Excellence and Workforce that would be beneficial to or duplicate existing adult education professional development

  22. Preliminary Recommendations Alignment Review best practice models that demonstrate success of integrated approaches in providing adults with basic skills and occupational/ vocational training Identify effective adult education and workforce systems partnerships assess and discuss why some regions lack collaboration Promote and reward adult education and workforce programs that include alignment with DLLR, DBED, and DHR Establish cooperative arrangements between adult education programs and workforce development systems in order to assist interested learners with transitions to career and educational pathways Strengthen regional partnerships, including community-based organizations, K-12, community colleges, libraries, and One-Stops to create more efficient referral systems

  23. Preliminary Recommendations Program Delivery Continue to use the broad definition of target populations as outlined in the Adult Education legislation Continue the range of current adult education program offerings during the transition Recommend new program structures and priorities based on data, related state needs, and a review of national best practices Adapt curricula in adult learning and establish partnerships to provide individualized and comprehensive services to those in need of higher skills in order to participate in the changing economy.

  24. Preliminary Recommendations Program Delivery – cont’d Expand EDP program services and GED testing sites throughout the State. Identify and expand the role of technology in providing additional services throughout the State. Incorporate labor market information into new and existing adult education curriculum that identifies skills required for certain occupations/sectors, and earnings at various skill levels

  25. Preliminary Recommendations Data Collection & Outcome Measures Create and maintain a data mining or clearinghouse system that provides timely information and is accessible for program improvement, reporting, accountability and both short and long term analysis Use existing data to create a 2008 baseline that allows for individual student and program queries as well as quarterly reports on key measures Develop a system that tracks economic self-sufficiency and less dependence on state programs and institutions Develop outcome measures that reflect diverse goals and expectations for individual learners

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