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Accidents and Reporting All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to the School Office. The School Accident Book and University Report form must be completed prior to investigation of the accident and subsequent remedial action if necessary. Safety Training
Accidents and Reporting All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to the School Office. The School Accident Book and University Report form must be completed prior to investigation of the accident and subsequent remedial action if necessary. Safety Training Many courses are facilitated by the University in the area of Health and Safety. We would encourage staff particularly to take training in the completion of risk assessments, fire safety and in becoming qualified first aiders. Courses are available both as online tutorials through Queens Online and by attendance through the Staff Training and Development Unit. Welfare Information Drinking water is available from all cold water taps in the MBC. In the MBC there is a cafe on the ground floor and vending machines are situated beside the back exit doors. The University Occupational Health Service provides a wide range of services for the prevention of work related injury or ill-health. Contact details: School Manager, Mrs Elizabeth Purdy; room 104; ext 5786 School Safety Officer, Mrs Adrienne Healy; room G12; ext 2113 Chief Technician, Mr Chris Preshaw; room 107; ext 5788 Security MBC reception, ext 2041 Security DKB reception, ext 4041 University Security, ext 5099 Adrienne Healy School Safety Officer July 2011 Health and Safety in the School of Biological Sciences This leaflet contains important health and safety information for new employees. If, after familiarising yourself with its contents, you have any questions please contact either the School Safety Officer or the School Manager (contact details below). Further information is available in the School Safety Manual. Emergency/Fire In the event of an emergency seek help and raise the alarm as soon as possible by ringing the internal emergency number 2222 (for QML, Portaferry dial 999). On discovering a fire, sound the alarm by activating the nearest manual call point (break glass). During normal working hours this will set in motion the fire evacuation plan which will result in the building being vacated to the Assembly Area. Contact the Security Control Room on ext 2222 to inform them of the details of the fire. Make your way out of the building to the assembly area. DO NOT USE THE LIFT. Do not tackle a fire unless you have been trained to do so. Please contact the Safety Officer to arrange training in the use of fire extinguishers. If first aid is required, call for help and contact your nearest first aider (contact details on first aid boxes in all labs, or in your Department’s reception area). Fire alarms are tested at every Monday in the MBC (10am), DKB (8.30am) and QML (10am). If you are at work and are unable to hear the alarm you should report this to the University Fire Officer, Mr Peter Sefton (ext 5311).
Evacuation On hearing the alarm immediately leave the building by your nearest available exit or route specified by evacuation wardens and make your way to the Assembly point for further instruction. If you are supervising students or lecturing please ensure that all students evacuate the building. Keep roadways clear for the emergency services. Activation of the fire alarm will also initiate the alarm beacons at external doors to alert those outside the building. DO NOT RE-ENTER UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. Fire Precautions Be aware of the positions of the fire fighting equipment and fire alarm call points. Fire Doors should not be propped open at any time. Escape routes must be kept clear of obstacles. Switch off electrical equipment when not in use. Do not leave naked flames unattended. Lifts If you become stuck in a lift use the emergency intercom or call button and wait to be rescued. Do not attempt to force the doors open or climb out of the lift. Risk Assessment A risk assessment must be conducted before you carry out any work which could expose you to hazards to your health. Risks include hazardous chemicals, microorganisms, biological material, radiation and the environment for those working outside the laboratory. Although the worker may complete the risk assessment, it is the duty of the project supervisor/line manager to ensure that risk assessments are carried out. It should also be noted that in the case of undergraduate practical classes there must be assessments, where appropriate, for both the experiments that students will perform and the preparation work carried out in the prep laboratory as the risks are not the same. Smoking The University has a no smoking policy in all workplaces. Computer Workstations Please consult the guidance available on the University Safety Services website (www.qub.ac.uk/so) to ensure your computer is organised to provide safety and comfort. A DSE risk assessment must be completed and returned to the School Safety Officer. Eye sight testing is available to staff using computer equipment through University Safety Services. Office Equipment Please report equipment malfunctions and other related matters to the Chief Technician (contact details below). Do not attempt the repair yourself. Personal electric appliances e.g. kettles, must be approved by the Head of School and must be tested for electrical safety. Out of Hours Working Out of hours working must be authorised by your Head of School. A risk assessment should be carried out and documented where significant risk exists. Security (contact details below) must be notified of your out of hours working to ensure assistance, if required, in the event of an emergency. Some external doors are controlled by magnetic locks. In the evening these may be released by pressing the green button beside the door. In an emergency and in the event of mechanism failure, activation of the green break glass will release the lock. Manual handling Caution is required when lifting and carrying objects to prevent personal injury. Ensure that the weight of the object is within your own capability. A training course in manual handling is available and equipment is provided for moving certain heavy items.