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Department of Biological Sciences School of Science and Technology. BS in Biology Education 131316 315. Explain the basic structures and fundamental processes of life at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.
Department of Biological SciencesSchool of Science and Technology BS in Biology Education 131316 315 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Explain the basic structures and fundamental processes of life at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. • Describe the relationships between organisms and their environment and ecosystems. • Identify and describe the evolutionary processes involved in adaptation and biological diversity. • Effectively communicate data and scientific principles in written and oral form. • Teach these concepts effectively at the appropriate level. Student Learning Outcomes Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Biological Education Program Objectives • Biology Education graduates will • develop an understanding of biology from molecular to the evolutionary/ecological levels. • demonstrate the ability to communicate that understanding • display the ability to teach that understanding through various pedagogical approaches. • That ability will enable them to become productive educators and therefore valued members of society.
Alignment of Outcomes -- #1 Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; School of Science and Technology: We are a school built on the solid foundations of exploration, discovery and innovation to provide the core science, mathematics, and technology education. The mission of the Biological Sciences Department is to provide high quality instruction to students at the undergraduate level with emphasis on active learning, problem solving, and critical thinking. The department is committed to improve knowledge in various fields of biology through research and scholarly activities and to transfer that knowledge to our students and colleagues. Biology Education graduates will develop an understanding of Biology from molecular to the evolutionary/ecological levels. Plan 2013: 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of the highest quality in instruction, research, and service to better meet the needs of the citizens of the region. • Explain the basic structures and fundamental processes of life at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.
Alignment of outcomes -- #2 Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; School of Science and Technology: We are a school built on the solid foundations of exploration, discovery and innovation to provide the core science, mathematics, and technology education. The mission of the Biological Sciences Department is to provide high quality instruction to students at the undergraduate level with emphasis on active learning, problem solving, and critical thinking. The department is committed to improve knowledge in various fields of biology through research and scholarly activities and to transfer that knowledge to our students and colleagues. Biology Education: They will demonstrate the ability to communicate that understanding and to teach those subjects through various pedagogical approaches. Plan 2013: 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of the highest quality in instruction, research, and service to better meet the needs of the citizens of the region. • Effectively communicate data and scientific principles in written and oral form.
Alignment of outcomes -- #3 Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; School of Science and Technology: We are a school built on the solid foundations of exploration, discovery and innovation to provide the core science, mathematics, and technology education. The mission of the Biological Sciences Department is to provide high quality instruction to students at the undergraduate level with emphasis on active learning, problem solving, and critical thinking. The department is committed to improve knowledge in various fields of biology through research and scholarly activities and to transfer that knowledge to our students and colleagues. Biology Education: They will demonstrate the ability to communicate that understanding and to teach those subjects through various pedagogical approaches. Plan 2013: 1.1 Maintain and enhance Cameron’s commitment to providing programs of the highest quality in instruction, research, and service to better meet the needs of the citizens of the region. • Teach these concepts effectively at the appropriate level.
Measures of Learning Outcomes • Direct measures • Baseline assessment exam • Midlevel assessment exam • Major Field Achievement Test (MFAT) • Capstone paper & oral presentation • Teaching General Biology lab section • Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) • Student Teaching • Teacher Certification • Indirect measures • Employment • Addressing shortfalls in student learning • Baseline assessment exam • Midlevel assessment exam Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Report on actions from the three previously chosen priority outcomes None due to completely new learning outcomes Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 8
Display of assessment data Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 10
Analysis of assessment data – Outcome 1 No multi-year data On OSAT, our one graduate performed admirably. Statewide, only 40% pass. Nationally, very few Bio Ed graduates take the MFAT. Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 11
Display of assessment data Cameron Campus Tree Tour - Brochure - Live tour with media presence Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 14
Analysis of assessment data – Outcome 2 No multiyear or comparable institute data President Ross says: Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 15
Action plan for Student-Learning Outcome 2 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 16
Display of assessment data – Outcome 3 • Teaching a General Biology lab section: • Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions • NSTA Assessment IV: Student Teaching Evaluation Rubric • The candidate must rate a minimum of an “Emerging” rating for each standard. • Passing score is an average of 1: (1=equals Emerging). • Student Teaching NTSA Standard 5: General Skills of Teaching • 6 assessments (5a-5f) rated 1 through 4
Analysis of assessment data Our single student met or exceeded all benchmarks No multiyear data available Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Action Plan: Outcome 3 No action needed
Published information on graduates Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010