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My country. Grabow on the Pilica. Grabow on the Pilica. Grabow on the Pilica is a village which is situated in the kozienicki voivodeship . It is very attractive place from the point of view of many forests , fresh air and a big choice free time activities .
Mycountry Grabow on the Pilica
Grabow on the Pilica Grabow on the Pilica is a villagewhichissituatedinthe kozienicki voivodeship. Itisveryattractive place fromthe point of view of many forests, fresh air and a big choicefree time activities. Evensuch a small community hasitsowncoat of arms. In thiscoat of armsthereis a yellowtree on a greenbackgroundwith a whitewaveat a bottom.
Grabow on the Pilica hasgot many monumentswhichrememberimportantevents , thechurch, and a war and parishlycemetery. In thislocalitytherearealso a school, library and a authoritiescommune. Fromthis place is near to the Pilica River, Warka, Kozienice. Peoplecanfastdrive to diffrentplaces for exampleshops, work, thechurch and otherplaces.
THE CHURCH ThisisthechurchinGrabow on the Pilica
Theparishchurch Thisistheneogothicchurch. Ithasgotbeautifulmainaltar and threesmaller. Itisthefifthinturnchurchbecausebefore hasdestroiedfromdiffrentreasons. Frompreviousremainonly a beautiful, old, goldmonstrance. In thischurchthereare a lot of painting whichpresentdiffrentSaints. Therearelookfine.
Cementery of the First War World. HereFatherRejdakisburied.
THE MONUMENTS TherearemonumentswhichbecomeinGrabow on the Pilica
In Grabow on the Pilica thereare a lot of monuments. One of theirsis a Maria Komornicka’s monument. Itisin front of authoritiescommune. Itpresents a poetwhichoncelivedinthislocality. She was a person withdifficultbiography. Shewrote many poems but theiraren’tnotice. Maria Komornicka was a sad and lonelywoman. Only a little group of peoplenoticeher talent.
A specialplaquecommemoratingthe moment of arrival of Jozef Pilsudski’s body inGrabow. The monument to secrdagents drop duringWorld War Second.
THE SCHOOL ThisistheschoolwhichissituatedinGrabow on the Pilica
Thisisthe big schoolwhichissituatedinGrabow on the Pilica. Itisone-storiedbuilding. In thisschoollearnabout five hundredpupils. A curiosity Whennowistheschoolat one time was a palace of Maria Komornicka’sfamily. Atthis time leaveonlythe park whichisfoundbehind of theschool.