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Using VNC to Access CHPS From a WFO

Using VNC to Access CHPS From a WFO. Kai Roth - LMRFC. Outline. Why should we allow WFOs access to our CHPS system? How we securely set up access to our CHPS system . Training for the Service Hydrologists Lesson learned. Future plans. Allowing WFO’s Access to a RFC’s CHPS System.

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Using VNC to Access CHPS From a WFO

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  1. Using VNC to Access CHPS From a WFO Kai Roth - LMRFC

  2. Outline • Why should we allow WFOs access to our CHPS system? • How we securely set up access to our CHPS system. • Training for the Service Hydrologists • Lesson learned. • Future plans.

  3. Allowing WFO’s Access to a RFC’s CHPS System

  4. Why should WFOs access CHPS? • Enhance collaboration between RFCs and WFOs. • During flood events, Service Hydrologists can “see what we are seeing” and provide support. • Service Hydrologists can run workflows set up on a 1 hour time step. This could potentially take the place of site specific.

  5. Securely Setting Up CHPS Access Through VNC

  6. Setting up CHPS through VNC • Used instructions provided by Chris Mayo, CNRFC • Set up the workstation. • Set up VNC server service. • Set up VNC Client Configuration. • Set up CHPS on the workstation.

  7. Setting up the Workstation • Used a non-baseline LX class workstation. • # groupadd -g 500 vnc(You'll only have to do this once to create the vnc group) • # useradd -c "Timbuktu WFO VNC User" -d /awips/chps_local/timbuktu -m -g 500 -s /bin/rbash -u 1502 timbuktu • # su - timbuktu • $ vncpasswd(Enter password you'll pass along to the WFO, 6 character minimum) • $ exit • #

  8. Configuring VNCserver service • # cd /etc/sysconfig/ • # vim vncservers • VNCSERVERS="1:jan 2:ohx 3:mrx 4:lch" • VNCSERVERARGS[1]=“-geometry 1440x980 “ • VNCSERVERARGS[2 ]=“-geometry 1440x980 “ • VNCSERVERARGS[3 ]=“-geometry 1440x980“ • VNCSERVERARGS[4 ]=“-geometry 1440x980“

  9. Configuring VNCserver service • # chkconfig --level 2345 vncserver on (NOTE: at least runlevel 5) • To validate: • # chkconfig --list vncserver • vncserver 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off • To start manually: • # service vncserver start • or # service vncserver restart (after you make changes,foreg)

  10. Configuring VNCserver service • Modify /etc/init.d/vncserver • #runuser -l ${USER} -c "cd ~${USER} && [ -f .vnc/passwd ] && vncserver :${DISP} ${VNCUSERARGS}" • runuser -l ${USER} -c "[ -f .vnc/passwd ] && vncserver :${DISP} ${VNCUSERARGS}"

  11. VNC Client Configuration • Upon startup, $HOME/.vnc will be accessed. If not present, it will be created. • “xstartup” will be created and can be modified for user preferences. • #!/bin/bash • xterm -geometry 80X24+50+50 -ls -title " Jackson WFO CHPS Client " & • # twm • mwm

  12. Log into RFC • $ ssh px1 • $ vncviewer rfc-orn:1 • Where na2-orn is the hostname and 1 is the number of the vnc instance as defined in /etc/sysconfig/vncservers.

  13. CHPS setup on the workstation • Copy the fews binaries to the VNCHost • Copy java to the VNCHost • Create symbolic links to fews/bin and java for the vnc client user • Create the Operator Client directory for the user; give user ownership

  14. CHPS setup on the workstation • # cp /awips/chps_share/fews/bin/fews.sh /usr/local/bin/chps • Set up UserGroups.xml and Permissions.xml

  15. Permissions in CHPS

  16. Training for the Service Hydrologists

  17. Training for the Service Hydrologists • Set up training plan in the LMS • Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHPS) WFO User Training • Streamflow Routing • Unit Hydrograph Theory • Onsite training,

  18. Lessons Learned

  19. Lessons Learned • Takes a little time to set up and maintain. • There is some training required. • In the middle of a flood, operations come first. Technical support for remote CHPS is secondary.

  20. Future Plans

  21. Future Plans • Currently only have one wfo connected (JAN) • Open up our CHPS to more WFOs.

  22. Questions

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