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The Kidney (s)-if u have two lol

The Kidney (s)-if u have two lol. By: Christopher, Kevin Wilson and Matt. Functions of a Healthy Kidney. Processing machines “Processes 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water” Filters waste materials from the blood. Functions of a Healthy Kidney.

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The Kidney (s)-if u have two lol

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  1. The Kidney (s)-if u have two lol By: Christopher, Kevin Wilson and Matt

  2. Functions of a Healthy Kidney • Processing machines • “Processes 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water” • Filters waste materials from the blood

  3. Functions of a Healthy Kidney • Waste material filtered is called urine • Urine flows from kidneys to the bladder through the ureters. • Urine is stored in the bladder until excreted

  4. Physical Characteristics of a Healthy Kidney • Bean-shaped organs • Each person usually has 2 kidneys, some are born with 1 • Left kidney usually longer and narrower than right • Each kidney is about the size of your fist • Mass of adult kidney • male: 125 - 170 g • female: 115 - 155 g

  5. Physical Characteristics of a Healthy Kidney • Bean-shaped organs • Blood with waste goes through the blue tube • Clean blood comes out from the red tube • Urine goes through the beige tube to the ureter to the bladder

  6. Renal cell carcinoma • A type of kidney cancer • Affects 3 of 10 000 people in the U.S • Mostly affects men of 50 – 70 years of age • A tumour grows out of the kidney • Spreads easily to other organs, esp. lungs

  7. Renal cell carcinoma • Smoking is the most prominent risk factor • Symptoms: • Blood in urine • Abnormal urine colour (dark, rusty, or brown) • Flank, back and abdominal pain • Weight loss • Emaciated, thin, malnourished appearance • Enlargement of one testicle • Swelling of the abdomen Kidney Tumor - CT Scan

  8. Renal cell carcinoma • Treatment: • Surgical removal of all or part of the kidney • Hormone treatments and immunotherapy with medications such as alpha-interferon and interleukin may reduce the growth of the tumor in some cases • Chemotherapy used in some cases • Radiation therapy usually not successful • Cure is unlikely unless all cancer can be removed with surgery • Can come back even if removed surgically • CAN cause death • about 12,000 people in the U.S. die every year

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