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Pearson Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action Chapter 26 Exploring the Universe

Pearson Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action Chapter 26 Exploring the Universe. Chapter 26.1 THE SUN. Stable Over Time/ Interior Structure. The sun remains stable over time because the inward pull of gravity balances the outward push of thermal pressure from nuclear fusion.

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Pearson Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action Chapter 26 Exploring the Universe

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  1. Pearson Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action Chapter 26 Exploring the Universe Chapter 26.1 THE SUN

  2. Stable Over Time/ Interior Structure • The sun remains stable over time because the inward pull of gravity balances the outward push of thermal pressure from nuclear fusion http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2011/ph241/olson1/images/f1big.gif

  3. Fusion • Definition: process of combining (or fusing) two hydrogen atoms together to create helium. • It powers the Sun and the stars. • During this process some of the mass of that hydrogen actually gets converted into energy http://resources.gale.com/gettingtogreenr/files/2014/03/fusion_diagram.jpg

  4. SUN: the interior layers http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Spectroscopy/Espadons/www.ast.obs-mip.fr/users/donati/press/images/sun.jpg

  5. Core and Radiant (radiative Zone) The core (nuclear fusion occurs hydrogen and helium, and other heavy elements) • Next: reach the Radiative zone or the radiation zone. • Is the layer of a sun that lies just outside the core, to which radiant energy (Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. ) is transferred from the core in the form of photons. (photons, in a very simplified definition are particles which transmit light) • Despite the high speed of these photons, it can take hundreds of thousands of years for radiant energy in the Sun's radiative zone to escape and enter the convection zone.

  6. Convection • Convection: is the transfer of heat through fluids (gases or liquids) from a warmer spot to a cooler spot.  https://files.mtstatic.com/site_4546/100/0?Expires=1507840286&Signature=DByvocIdl3MJf8tCQJcN7yUsSBWOj5F5PP6kCUGGnIj9MdZCjnf-I8iFxhD8N85YQ5G~E3ahXh2lBxi3dt40vGSLtDF1Sb~F8P2lB5P3Bzmd6W2GLtq2WdebXoX0-YZw0D2pa0Xe7eukhNVMepoY1AE1mdRXmNK5zk-VEksYL4EBi1IA9UM7fFgqQQyMskeClQ46ZCRGqP7Rt212HnZAsEknjVgKxPV9MuaJ9fpWemtPtS1lD3dmDPu7Rpkh8bNgLZorWi808z5bPpHLeSTEGEcWl-b4QPEt34LVjheExSdLw9Q2ngokuYzilDx-6nLpQIuKlYubyXksh8jW0rXKoUFhCE93R4BwmKF7MvVUs8EMBM1GQaDjIzkfMrE7VMrfXUpxVY3ihB2iI2KDYFxXv97aV9vF2KvBnkoJrS1xtZKj7Z9RIeCX6MrljmNKK~O~SEC4bdpBUEb4DtHSLsjYPxvgN5wbp0GagiQM2JTqnCsDpuwvn1uZU6eoV7i1P5KxRwj4FsNeuGsG-~VIIrIWxYrU7~JO-nWeAIguSIIroD8X-e9w55vCMMikCGejiShm7vWcueYkCf~50PwfsAieETZKbJKsViYwc0ZwuKsiIq0qjYgft~UhsNqNms2FxIZBJKROC-VxKhoSnnFCX9fxoV2QYzGRSyxF0o-3fzfOVUE_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIX7ZMYEQ4P6XATFQ https://cdn4.explainthatstuff.com/convection.gif

  7. SOLAR FLARES • Def: solar flares are sudden releases of energy usually near sunspots • Solar flares can cause magnetic storms in Earth’s upper atmosphere when additional high energy particles & radiation reach Earth https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/nasas-sdo-captures-images-of-a-mid-level-solar-flare

  8. http://blogs.egu.eu/network/geosphere/2013/03/15/guest-post-solar-storms-and-the-earths-protective-shield-laura-roberts-artal/network/geosphere/files/2013/03/Untitled.pnghttp://blogs.egu.eu/network/geosphere/2013/03/15/guest-post-solar-storms-and-the-earths-protective-shield-laura-roberts-artal/network/geosphere/files/2013/03/Untitled.png

  9. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM http://www2.lbl.gov/images/MicroWorlds/EMSpec.gif

  10. SUN’S IMPACT ON EARTH • Solar Radiation: is radiant energy emitted by the sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates electromagnetic energy. • Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. • This energy can travel through space. • We receive light, heat, and energy from the sun because its energy radiates outwards towards our Earth • This is possible by electromagnetic waves. http://study.com/cimages/videopreview/what_is_solar_radiation_119012.jpg

  11. From Fusion to Heat and Light • The energy created by fusion in the core is sent out (emitted) from the Sun in electromagnetic radiation and we feel and see the impacts on Earth. Without this process we would not exist. • Electromagnetic Radiation: is a form of energy that is all around us and takes many forms, such as radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays. http://www.abc.net.au/science/basics/img/Electromagnetic_Spectrum.jpg

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