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Chapter 24 A World In Flames

Chapter 24 A World In Flames. Section 3 The Holocaust. Nazi Persecution of the Jews. The Nazis killed nearly 6 million Jews and millions of other people during the Holocaust . The Hebrew term for the campaign to exterminate the Jews was Shoah .

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Chapter 24 A World In Flames

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  1. Chapter 24A World In Flames Section 3 The Holocaust

  2. Nazi Persecution of the Jews • The Nazis killed nearly 6 million Jews and millions of other people during the Holocaust. • The Hebrew term for the campaign to exterminate the Jews was Shoah. • The Nazis persecuted anyone who opposed them, as well as the disabled, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Slovic peoples.

  3. The Nuremberg Laws • Sept 1935 – N.L. took citizenship away from Jewish Germans and banned marriage b/w Jews & other Germans. • By 1936 at least half of Germany’s Jews were jobless.

  4. European Ghetto’s

  5. Kristallnacht • Nov 9, 1938 – Anti-Jewish violence eruted throughout Germany and Austria known as Kristallnacht, or “night of broken glass.” • 90 Jews died • Hundreds injured • Thousands of Jewish businesses destroyed. • 180 synagogues were wrecked.

  6. Gestapo • The following night, the Gestapo, the governments secret police, arrested at least 20,000 wealthy Jews, releasing them only if they emigrated and surrendered all their possessions.

  7. Fined the Jewish community making them pay for the damage of Kristallnacht. Hermann Goering

  8. Hermann Goering

  9. Jewish Refugees Try to Flee • B/w 1933 and the beginning of WWII, about 350,000 Jews escaped Nazi-controlled Germany. • Many went to the U.S., but most were trapped in Europe.

  10. The Final Solution • Jan 20, 1942 – Nazi leaders met at the Wannsee Conference to decide the “final solution’ of the Jews and others. • The plan was to round them up and take them to concentration camps – detention centers where healthy individuals worked as slave laborers. • The elderly, sick, and young were sent to extermination camps to be killed in gas chambers.

  11. Camps throughout Europe

  12. Crematorium in Lublin, Poland

  13. The following pictures are from Auschwitz

  14. The Black Wall, between Block 10 (left) and Block 11 (right) in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where executions of inmates took place.

  15. Emancipated child after WWII

  16. Suitcases of camp victims

  17. Medical experiments taken place at Auschwitz

  18. Josef Mengele “Angel of Death”

  19. A prisoner in a compression chamber loses consciousness (and later dies) during an experiment to determine altitudes at which aircraft crews could survive without oxygen.

  20. Tuberculosis experiment

  21. End of Section 3 Next: Section 4 America Enters the War

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