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FINAL TASK . THE TRAGEDY. ROLE 1: THE JOURNALIST . Live from the studio Presents the problem , the issue Gives as many details as possible Gives the floor to the reporter live from the disaster zone. Conclude at the end of the reporter’s interview . ROLE 2: The reporter .

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  2. ROLE 1: THE JOURNALIST • Live from the studio • Presents the problem, the issue • Gives as manydetails as possible • Gives the floor to the reporter live from the disaster zone. • Concludeat the end of the reporter’s interview

  3. ROLE 2: The reporter • Live from the disaster zone • Presents the current situation • Introduces the victim • Interviews the victim, askingmany questions • Be careful to yourtone of voice • Concentrate on the victim’s life, job, familyanf feelings atthis moment

  4. ROLE 3: The victim • Actslike a real victim • Plays the roleproperly, does not smile, canbedressed up • Mindyourtone of voice: the victimshouldn’tbe happy, norsmile and keeplaughing. • Tries to explainwhat has justhappened and how heis feeling.

  5. WHAT YOU CAN DO … • A few ideas: • You can wear specialclothes, spatteredwithmud, dirt, etc. • You can use the overheadprojector to show what’sgoing on aroundyou. • You cancreateopening or end credits. • Etc.

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