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NIOSH Occupational Workplace Violence Research Program: Preventing Taxicab Homicides

NIOSH Occupational Workplace Violence Research Program: Preventing Taxicab Homicides. Harlan Amandus, Ph.D. Chief, Analysis and Field Evaluations Branch Division of Safety Research National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health hamandus@cdc.gov. Presentation Objectives.

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NIOSH Occupational Workplace Violence Research Program: Preventing Taxicab Homicides

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  1. NIOSH Occupational Workplace Violence Research Program: Preventing Taxicab Homicides Harlan Amandus, Ph.D. Chief, Analysis and Field Evaluations Branch Division of Safety Research National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health hamandus@cdc.gov

  2. Presentation Objectives 1. Describe the continuing problem of workplace violence in the taxicab and other high risk occupations/industries. 2. Overview of the NIOSH workplace violence research program. 3. NIOSH proposal for further research on taxicab safety equipment with the IATR.

  3. 1. The continuing problem of workplace violence in taxicab drivers?

  4. 2. NIOSH workplace violence research program overview

  5. Intermediate Outcomes – OSHA • Recommendations for Workplace Violence Prevention Programs in Late-Night Retail Establishments, 1998 • Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Health Care & Social Service Workers, 1996 • Fact Sheet on Taxicab and Livery Drivers, 2000

  6. NIOSH Current WPV Research • Late night retail diffusion research community policing model • Psychiatric patient on nurse violence intervention • School worker violence risk factors • Emerging high risk occupations • Stress, bullying and WPV • Taxicab safety equipment evaluation • Silent 911 dialer technology

  7. 3. NIOSH proposal for further research on taxicab safety equipment

  8. NIOSH Research Proposal with the IATR • MULTI-CITY STUDY: Evaluation of robbery, assault and homicide rates before and after ordinances in selected or all cities with ordinances. • City is the unit of analysis. • Police report and taxi commission records will be collected on violent events and risk factors. • SINGLE CITY STUDY: Case-control study of robberies, assaults and homicides. • Cab driver is unit of analysis. • Police records will be collected to identify cases of violent events. • Taxi commission/company records will be used to select controls (non-cases). • Follow-back interviews of cases and controls to collect data on risk factors. • EVALUATION OF CAMERA TECHNOLOGIES

  9. Thank you!Questions? Contact information: Harlan Amandus, Ph.D. Chief, Analysis and Field Evaluations Branch Division of Safety Research National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 304-285-5753 hamandus@cdc.gov Disclaimer:The findings and conclusions in this presentation have not been formally disseminated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

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