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Topic : The gallery of the Famous People. Aims : Educational aims: to get acquainted with the biography of the famous world figures in the world of science, culture and politics; to train students to highlight the main information from the text;
Aims: Educational aims: to get acquainted with the biography of the famous world figures in the world of science, culture and politics; to train students to highlight the main information from the text; Development aims: to develop students’ skills in the field of reading, writing, speaking and listening; Brining-up aims: to bring up the leaders skills; to make them understand, that with their own efforts they can achieve a lot in life; to bring up the proud for their well-knownall over the world compatriouts. Objectives: -to have known some facts from the biography of the well-known people; -to develop their own leaders traits; -to evaluate the opportunity to write their names in the history; -to develop students’ skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening while doing tasks
Equipment: Power point presentation, the rare projector, the screen, video clips “Famous scintists”, “Business quotes of famous people ”, workbooks, monitoring table “What I have learnt new from this lesson?” Methods: Traditional methods - communicative method, audio-visual, oral method. Interactive methods – reflection method sincvain, insern Type of the lesson – lesson of using knowledge and skills Shapeof the lesson- excursion
paint PAINTER WRITER INVENTOR COMPOSER DANCER ACTOR WINNER DIRECTOR WARRIOR write invent -er compose dance -Or act win direct war
Tell me and I will forget Show me and i will renember Involve me and I will understand Ancient Chinese proverd
Exhibition hall 1 “Famous people in the field of science”
Questions: 1. What was Hippocrates? In what field of science did he make the discovery? 2. What famous person was Aristotle’s student? 3. What was Euclid famous for? 4. Who was the first astronomer who had formulated a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the earth from the center to the universe? 5. What was Andreas Vesalius?
Exhibition hall 2 “ Well-known cultural figures”
1 variant 1"Friendsapplaud, thecomedyisover." 2LudwigvanBeethoven, a German composer, wasoneoftheworld'sgreatest musicalgeniuses. 3In 1792, Beethovenmoved fromtheprovincialcourtcityofBonntoVienna, wherehestudiedwithHaydn. 4Hishearinghadbeguntofailby 1798, buthecontinuedtoproduce a massivevolumeofmusicincludingnumerousmasterpieces. 5Unfortunately, thelastthirtyyearsofhislifewerefilledwith a seriesofpersonaltragedies. 6Inadditiontohisdeafness, hebecamedepressedafterending a relationshipwithan unnamed--and probably married--lady; hestruggledthrough a seriesoflegalbattlestogaincustodyofhisnephewfollowingthedeathofhisbrother; hewasplaguedbyfinancialproblemsandhugedebts, andhishealthbegantorapidlyfailafterhisnephewattemptedsuicidein 1826.
2 variant Nostradamus(MicheldeNotreDame) 1503-1566 "Tomorrow, I shallnolongerbehere." 1Nostradamuswas a crypticprophetwhose versehasbeencreditedbysomeasforetelling futureeventsdespiteitsvaguelanguageandlack ofanychronologicalreference. 2Hispredictionsachievedlocalrecognitionafterheclaimed tohavediscovered a curefortheplague. 3Word ofoneofhisprophesieseventuallyreached CatherinedeMedici, thesuperstitiouswifeofHenry II, who believeditwasaboutherhusband: "Theyounglionwill surpasstheoldoneinnationalfieldby a singleduel. 4 Hewillpiercehiseyesin a goldencagetwoblowsatonce, todie a grievousdeath." AfterHenrywaskilledin 1559 during a tournamentwhen a lance, yieldedby a youngeropponent, piercedhiseye, Nostradamusachievedtruefame.
3 variant Gordon, George, LordByron (1788-1824) "Goodnight." 1LordByronwasoneofthemostwidelyreadand notoriouspoetsofhisera, andmanybelievethatsome ofhisworks, especiallyDonJuan, areautobiographical. 2HewasforcedtofleeEnglandin 1816 toescapehis debtsandanastysexscandalinvolvinghiswife'ssister. 3HetraveledthroughoutEuropeuntilhejoinedthe Greekwarforindependencein 1823. 4Thatwinter, hebecame quiteill, perhapspartlyduetomalnutritionashehadtakento eatingalmostnothingbutmeagerportionsofrice.5Hehadnotyetfully recoveredwhenhewascaughtin a driving,frigidrainstorm. Hereturned tohisroomchilled, shivering, andwitha highfever. 6Friendscalledin physiciansandsurgeonswhobledhimwithtwelveleechestheyattached tohistemplesandinducedviolentdiarrheawith a largedoseofcastoroil. 7Allconcernedweresurprisedtofindthistreatmentdidnotwork, and LordByronlapsedinto a deepstupor. 8Heeventuallyregained consciousnesslongenoughtosay "Now I shallgotosleep. Goodnight.“ 9Hediedwithin twenty-four hours.
Exhibition hall 3 “Famous politicians”
1 ) Who say words? «Untill all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed»? 2 ) What was Alice Walker? 3) What was the 26-th President of the UnitedStates? 4) What world- known politic dictator want to close union offices confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison? 5)what was the first lady of USA?
Exhibition hall 4 “The proud of our country”
Exhibition hall 5 «Сreativetask»
“Sincvain” 1 word that is associated with this man; 2 adjectives; 3 verbs.
Ourfirstpresident MykhailoSerhiyovychHrushevsky (Ukrainian: Михайло Сергійович Грушевський; Cheіm, 29 September [O.S. 17 September] 1866 – Kislovodsk, 26 November 1934) was a Ukrainian cademician, politician, historian, and statesman, oneofthemost importantfiguresoftheUkrainiannational revivaloftheearly 20th century.Asa Politicalleader, Hrushevskyfirstbecame activeinAustrianGalicia, wherehespoke outagainstPolishpoliticalpredominance, againstRuthenianparticularism, andin favorofa nationalUkrainianidentitywhich wouldunitebotheasternandwesternparts ofthecountry. In1899, hewas a co-founder oftheGalicianbasedNationalDemocratic Party.
Home Task Next lesson you must do the journal «Famous people in my profession»