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Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin. AAALAC-akkreditering. Dagsorden. AAALAC akkreditering Om AAALAC Mission ”The value of accreditiation” Fordele for AEM Projektet Opgaver Projektplan Tidsplan Programmet Introduktion Beskrivelse Bilag. AAALAC.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin AAALAC-akkreditering

  2. Dagsorden • AAALAC akkreditering • Om AAALAC • Mission • ”The value of accreditiation” • Fordele for AEM • Projektet • Opgaver • Projektplan • Tidsplan • Programmet • Introduktion • Beskrivelse • Bilag

  3. AAALAC • AAALAC – akkreditering – hvorfor det?

  4. AAALAC – 2 • Først lidt om AAALAC

  5. AAALAC – 3 • What is AAALAC? • AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. • AAALAC stands for the "Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care."

  6. AAALAC – 4 • More than 700 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 28 countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. • These institutions volunteer to participate in AAALAC's program, in addition to complying with the local, state and federal laws that regulate animal research.

  7. AAALAC – 5 • Mission • AAALAC International promotes the responsible treatment of animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program. • For more than 30 years, the scientific community has actively—and voluntarily—participated in AAALAC's program. • Participating institutions receive an independent, unbiased expert assessment, and those that meet or exceed applicable standards are awarded accreditation.

  8. AAALAC – 6 • The value of accreditiation • Institutions choose to participate in the AAALAC accreditation program for a variety of reasons. • Some use accreditation as a symbol of quality— it shows that an institution is serious about setting, achieving and maintaining high standards for animal research programs. • AAALAC accreditation also promotes scientific validity —when research involves animals, reliable results depend on healthy animals and superior animal care. • And perhaps most importantly, accreditation demonstrates a willingness to go above and beyond the minimums required by law, and assures the public that the institution is committed to the responsible use and treatment of animals in science.

  9. AAALAC – 7 • Ad hoc consultants • The Council conducts on-site visits and extensive evaluations, and provides ongoing advice to help organizations achieve and maintain accreditation. • The Council also appoints a pool of ad hoc consultants. These consultants assist the Council members with their evaluations and provide expertise in specific areas, such as management, international regulations, or certain scientific specialties.

  10. AAALAC – 8 • Fordele for AEM • Vi vil gerne vise vi er blandt de bedste • Følger KUs nye strategi • Forenkler ansøgninger om midler fra USA • Øger KUs anseelse og attraktion • Motiverer os selv

  11. AAALAC – 9 • Projektansvarlig: Christian Kampmann, chka@emedku.dk • Opgaver: • AAALAC ansøgningen • Det praktiske arbejde • QA i fremtiden

  12. AAALAC – 10 Projektplan Kontakt til AAALAC og opstart Beskrivelse Ansøgning Implementering Akkreditering

  13. AAALAC – 11 • Tidsplan Projektplan Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Kontakt til AAALAC og opstart Beskrivelse Ansøgning Implementering Akkreditering

  14. AAALAC – 12 • Programmet • Del 1: Introduktion • Indeholder formalia • Generel information/beskrivelse af AEM, SVF og KU • Organisation • Hvilke forskningsprojekter finder sted • Etc.

  15. AAALAC – 13 • Projektbeskrivelse • Del 2: Beskrivelse • Retningslinier og procedurer • Miljøet omkring dyrene • Veterinær behandling • Fysiske omgivelser

  16. AAALAC – 14 • Projektbeskrivelse • Del 3: Bilag • Oversigter over enhederne • Div. resumer • Blanketter • Osv.

  17. Spørgsmål

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