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Black Box Modeling of LDMOSFET

Black Box Modeling of LDMOSFET. H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers. TELEMIC Devices & Circuits Group. Contents. Introduction Capacitive effects on terminal currents Constructing the model Validation of the model Conclusions. Introduction.

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Black Box Modeling of LDMOSFET

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  1. Black Box Modeling of LDMOSFET H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers TELEMIC Devices & Circuits Group

  2. Contents • Introduction • Capacitive effects on terminal currents • Constructing the model • Validation of the model • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Modeling does not depend on S-parameters simulations • Device is described by dynamical model • The model used is BSIM3v3: Ns=2,Ws=80 um, Temp=27C ANN Inductive dependence Resistive dependence Capacitive dependence

  4. Contents • Introduction • Capacitive effects on terminal currents • Constructing the model • Validation of the model • Conclusions

  5. Device in circuit simulator with 50 Ohm load

  6. Dependence of drain current on voltage derivative Constructed from DC simulations

  7. Dependence of gate current on voltage derivative Constructed from time domain simulations

  8. Contents • Introduction • Capacitive effects on terminal currents • Constructing the model • Validation of the model • Conclusions

  9. Constructing the behavioralmodel Circuit used in collecting Ig data Circuit used in collecting Id data

  10. ANN Model 3-layerMLP Outputs j Outputlayer 1 Ny 2 Hidden layer k 1 2 Nz 3 i Input layer 1 2 Nx Xi Inputs

  11. Properties of ANN model • Id model is • 3layers MLP • 12 neurons hidden layer • Test error less than 1% • Ig model is • 3layers MLP • 16 neurons hidden layer • Test error less than 1%

  12. Contents • Introduction • Capacitive effects on terminal currents • Constructing the model • Validation of the model • Conclusions

  13. Comparison between the drain current output from ANN model and output from BSIM3v3 Vg=3.5 V Vg=1 V Drain current obtained from ANN model Drain current obtained from BSIM3v3 model

  14. Vg=3.5 V Outside the trained region Vg=1 V Comparison between the gate current output from ANN model and output from BSIM3v3

  15. Comparison between time domain drain current output from ANN model and output from BSIM3v3 VgDC=1.0V, vgac=0.3sin(2*pi*150E+6)V, VdDC=30V

  16. Comparison between time domain gate current output from ANN model and output from BSIM3v3

  17. S12 S11 S21 S22 1 S-Parameters Comparison Vgs=1 V, Vds=30 V

  18. Contents • Introduction • Capacitive effects on terminal currents • Constructing the model • Validation of the model • Conclusions

  19. Conclusions • We presented a behavioral model for LDMOSFET based on ANN • A good agreement between the responses of it with the corresponding outputs from BSIM3v3 model • As a future work we will try to include the effect of the temperature in the model

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