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Presentation of Musetesti and Crasna

Presentation of Musetesti and Crasna. Introduction. Where? – North-East of Tg Jiu, about 30 km Consists of 7 villages: Arseni, Barcaciu, Gamani, Grui, Stancesti, Stancesti-Larga and Musetesti (center) Inhabitants: 2320

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Presentation of Musetesti and Crasna

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  1. Presentation of Musetesti and Crasna

  2. Introduction • Where? – North-East of Tg Jiu, about 30 km • Consists of 7 villages: Arseni, Barcaciu, Gamani, Grui, Stancesti, Stancesti-Larga and Musetesti (center) • Inhabitants: 2320 • Has received 130.000 lei noi to rebuild the infrastructure that was damaged by the inondations in July and August.

  3. Musetesti – sat european • 2nd one with Topesti in whole Gorj, since 2005 • Because of: restoration of the wooden church “Sfintii Îngeri”, Euro House – center of information and preparation on the technical use of computers, work on alimentation with water for community and construction of one modern gym

  4. Historical monuments and attraction points - Wooden church „Sf. Îngeri”, 18th century • Wooden church ”Intrarea în Biserica”, 18th century • Tourism not yet developed, but could be tourism of mountains

  5. City hall • Mayor: Manta Constantin • Telefon fix: (0253) 272501 / 272540 / 464412 • Fax: (0253) 272501 • E-Mail: primariamusetesti2003@yahoo.com

  6. education • 4 schools in the community • Director: Gornoava Monica • Camin cultural • Library

  7. TFF and Musetesti- where all began… • First center of EHN and first activities of TFF

  8. Mini-sondaj (Have you heard about TFF? If yes, what do you know about TFF?) • About 6 asked persons, but only one (man, about 30 years, who went with Florin to school?) could answer: • Founded by Florin Pasatoiu • Meetings between youngsters • Time ago Danish people there, that have done some activities • About 3 years ago New Year’s Eve in city hall

  9. About YWB in Musetesti • Computer classes • International summer camp (F, DK, RO), 2005 • Sports activities, 2001 • Follow-up seminar, 2001

  10. SPORTS ACTIVITIES • Perioda/locatie: 11 – 12 iulie 2001 – MUSETESTI, GORJ • Organizator: Tineri fara Frontiere, DGI- Danemarca • Asociatia “Tineri fara Frontiere” a fost gazda echipei de gimnastica din Danemarca in perioada 11 – 12 iulie 2001 in comuna Musetesti. • Proiectul a cuprins activitati sportive si culturale.

  11. FOLLOW-UP SEMINAR • Perioda/locatie: 7 – 9 noiembrie 2001 – MUSETESTI, GORJ • Organizator: Tineri fara Frontiere, ESVA Danemarca • La acest seminar au fost puse in discutie posibilitati de follow-up realizate in parteneriat cu ESVA Danemarca din care au rezultat urmatoarele proiecte: schimburi de tineret, scurte vizite de lucru, studii de fezabilitate, voluntariate si de asemenea s-a constituit si echipa care sa se ocupe de derularea si monitorizarea proiectului ce viza construirea unei Scoli Populare in comuna Musetesti.

  12. Planned projects • A) Arodango – Romanian-Danish association (for 5 years): to build a “scoala populara” (microferma zootehnica), but until now only in the period of development and receiving money • B) With the help of two charity associations from Sweden and Denmark there will be built a scholar complex with a bride pallet of activities (3 mio. EURO)- an unique project in Romania. • It contains 10 little houses (for max. 60 persons) that will be used as accommodation for the students (internat) or for those that come in visit. • There will be class rooms, laboratories and one cantina. • It is dedicated to disadvantaged children. They will be taught about the work with wood, in the forest and “tricotaj”. Also there will be some English lessons and some sessions about public administration.

  13. Crasna • Where? – North-East of Tg-Jiu, about 33 km, close to the Parangu mountains • > half of territory is covered by wood • 9 villages: Aninisul din Deal, Aninisul din Vale, Rados, Carpinis (center), Crasna, Crasna Deal, Dragoesti, Dumbraveni and Buzesti • About 5500 inhabitants (2005) • In that region people have been living since more than 5000 years

  14. Crasna’s infrastructure • Busses to closer and farer villages and towns • Central alimentation system with water: 11 km (15% of houses are still excluded, but in extension) • No canalization system • No adequate place for garbage

  15. Cultural-historical monuments - Biserica din lemn ”Intrarea în Biserica”, sec. XIX - Biserica din lemn ”Coborârea Maicii Domnului”, sec. XVIII - Casa din lemn ”Danciu Dumitru”, sec. XVIII - Manastirea din lemn ”Schit Crasna”, sec. XVIII - Biserica din lemn ”Cuvioasa Paraschiva”, sec. XVIII - Biserica din lemn ”Sf. Îngeri”, sec. XVIII - Biserica din lemn ”Cuvioasa Paraschiva”, sec. XVIII - Biserica din lemn ”Sf. Arhangheli”, sec. XVIII

  16. The monastery "Sfântul Nicolae“ of Crasna

  17. Tourism and touristy attraction points • Mountains!- special morphology, vegetation and fauna, areas under protection, winter sports and fishing • Tourism to be developed: ethno cultural, cultural-religious, rural, weekend, mountain, extreme sports, conferences/seminars

  18. Elements of ethno cultural patrimonies • Ethnographic center of Crasna- to show the traditional habits well-known for popular customs, - art (wood, wool and other natural materials), folklore • Traditional architecture- specific old houses of that region • Popular costumes- two colors: white and black • Artistic works with wood- for household etc. • Ethno folkloric manifestations- “The Flowers” (last Sunday before Eastern), Dragaica (traditional folkloric manifestation, June), Rusaliile, Sf. Pantelimon, Sf. Dumitru

  19. Town hall and our activities • Mayor: Aurel Vamvu • Activities within TFF: different kinds of sports (preferably football)

  20. One certain problem… • Helpers (42) for handicapped people could not be paid for some months • Every year are needed 2 milliard lei to pay them, but town hall has received only 365 million lei

  21. The End

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