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Global Warming: Its challenges and solutions. 全球暖化的挑戰和出路. Prof. Chan King Ming Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry and Environmental Science Program Chinese University email: kingchan@cuhk.edu.hk. CONTENTS 內容 : Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect 碳循環與温室效應
Global Warming: Its challenges and solutions. 全球暖化的挑戰和出路 Prof. Chan King Ming Associate Professor Dept. of Biochemistry and Environmental Science Program Chinese University email: kingchan@cuhk.edu.hk KMCHAN
CONTENTS內容: • Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect 碳循環與温室效應 • The Impacts of Global Warming • 全球暖化的影响 • 3. Kyoto Protocol 京都協定 • 4. What can we do to help? • 大家如何能幫手拯救地球? KMCHAN
碳循環與温室效應 Q1 What factors have contributed to surface temperatures of planets? http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_3_1.htm 什麼因素控制星球表面的温度?? KMCHAN
1. Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect Atmospheric CO2 大氣中的二氧化碳 • 光合作用 • 海洋吸收 • Sources: • Burning of fossil fuels and organic matters • Respiration • Sinks (Carbon Fixation) : • Photosynthesis • Uptake by ocean • 燃燒化石燃料 • 呼吸作用 Other forms of carbon deposits, e.g. coral, cellulose. 其他吸收形式,如珊瑚,纖維素等 KMCHAN
碳的貯存和轉移 1. Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect KMCHAN
溫室氣體的主要來源:燃燒化石燃料,例如汽車和電廠的排放溫室氣體的主要來源:燃燒化石燃料,例如汽車和電廠的排放 Major sources of greenhouse gases: burning of fossil fuels, e.g. vehicle and power plant emissions. KMCHAN
21世紀增温 1- 2 ℃甚至 2- 6 ℃ 4 ℃ – 8 ℃ surge 20世紀增溫 0.6 ℃ Increased 0.6 C in 20th century KMCHAN
1. Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect Q What contributed to the heat energy absorption in molecules in the atmosphere? 全球變暖潛能 Global Warming Potentials, GWP, & (stability in atmosphere) Carbon Dioxide = 1 (?) Methane = 21 (12 year) Nitrous Oxide = 310 (120 years) CFC-11 = 4,600 (45 years) CFC-12 = 10,600 (100 years) http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggccebro/chapter1.html KMCHAN
2. The Impacts of global Warming 全球暖化的影响 Arctic perennial sea ice has been diminishing at a rate of 9% per decade. The ice of frozen freshwater on Greenland melts to dilute and lower the salinity of the arctic ocean. This would have significant effects (slower or stop) on the ocean conveyor. 北極Arctic 1979 Ice from land could raise sea level Reduced ice from ocean changes currents 北極 Arctic2003 KMCHAN
How would the climate change if the Gulf Stream shut down? A shut down of the Gulf Stream would suddenly decrease the amount of heat in the North Atlantic, leading to much colder temperatures in Europe and North America. KMCHAN
The Impacts of global Warming全球暖化的影响 • Reduction of biodiversity生物多樣性減少 • Losing Habitats due to temperature rises • Reduction of freshwater supply trapped in mountains • Extreme weathers 極端氣候增加: more storms, floods, droughts… • More diseases 疾病增加 • Endemic diseases increasing health risks • Unpredictable climate change 氣候難測更影响經濟 • Buffering power of planet earth is lowered, leading to unforeseeable climate change • leading to fluctuating economy, e.g. Hurricanes in Mexico Bay are threatening oil prices to surge, drought lead to depletion of resources supply, etc……… KMCHAN 2. The Impacts of global Warming
2. The Impacts of global Warming 全球暖化會議摘要Abstract from the 17th Global Warming Conference, April, 2006. • In 2003, the World Conservation Union's Red List said more than 12,000 species (out of 40,000 assessed) faced some extinction risk, including one bird in eight, 13% of the world's flowering plants, a quarter of all mammals.全球保育聯盟的名單中四萬個品種已一萬二千種正在面臨絕種,包括1/8的雀鳥和有花植物和1/4的哺乳類動物。 KMCHAN
2. The Impacts of global Warming 全球暖化會議摘要Abstract from the 17th Global Warming Conference, April, 2006. • .. today‘s atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are the highest in 650,000 years. 今天二氧化碳水平為六十五萬年來最高。 • Antarctic climate and concentrations of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) were tightly coupled.南極的氣候和温室汽體濃度有關。 • … CO2 seemed to be confined between bounds of about 180 ppmv (parts per million by volume) in glacial periods and 280 ppmv in inter-glacials; …… Today is 380 ppmy and is rising….二氧化碳濃度由冰河期的180 ppm 到間冰期的280 ppmv 周期範圍,但今天是380 ppmv 而且正在上升。 KMCHAN
3. Kyoto Protocol京都協定 • Took effect in February, 2005.Obligates countries to observe target figures for green house gas reduction.(京都協定在2/05生效以促使各國定了目標減少温室氣體排放。) • Advanced nations should reduce emissions of 6 gases by an average of 6-8% (relative to 1990 levels) over the five year period from 2008 to 2012.(由08-12年,先進國平均須減少六種温室氣體排放較90年水平低6-8%。) • Kyoto Mechanisms : Scheme for Trading Green House Gas Emissions Rights and encourage international co-operations to achieve carbon neutral (京都協定的機制主要為排放貿易計劃,鼓勵各國合作達致碳中和。) KMCHAN 3. Kyoto Protocol
World Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Region, 1990-2001(Million Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide) 3. Kyoto Protocol KMCHAN
3. Kyoto Protocol KMCHAN
History: Emission Trading Clean Development Mechanism 3. Kyoto Protocol
3. Kyoto Protocol KMCHAN
History: Emission Trading 3. Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Mechanisms 京 都 機 制 : Joint Implementation (JI) 共同減量 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 清潔發展機制 Emission Trading (ET)排放交易 KMCHAN 3. Kyoto Protocol
Carbon Market for Carbon dioxide emission trading二氧化碳的排放交易: 碳市塲 3. Kyoto Protocol
The global carbon market全球的碳市塲 3. Kyoto Protocol
A question for you 4. What can you do to help? 您能夠怎樣做來幫手呢 Hong Kong is hotter than global trend in recent years! 近幾年, 香港比全球平均升温更高! Leung et al., 2004. Climate Change in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Observatory Technical Note No.107. HKSAR Government. 41 p. KMCHAN
http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/tc_chi/climate_change/files/GHG_Emission_Trend_1990_2007.pdfhttp://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/tc_chi/climate_change/files/GHG_Emission_Trend_1990_2007.pdf 60% GHG Emission is from Power Stations 4. What can we do to help? KMCHAN
4. What can we do to help? Gas-fired Plants under construction Gas-fired Plants planned CLP Plants in Castle Peak. Our Electricity comes from: ~20% Nuclear Power ~60% Coal ~20%Natural gas KMCHAN HK Electric Plants in Lamma Island: mainly coal.
4. What can we do to help? USE RENEWABLE ENERGY AND NUCLEAR POWER 中電擬在西貢以南建風力塲 KMCHAN
4. What can we do to help? http://www.ctenergyeducation.com/images/Wedges_Concept_Game_Materials_July05.pdf KMCHAN
Wedge Strategies: • Nuclear energy • Renewables (e.g. solar, wind, hydrogen) • Biostorage (e.g. forest and soil storage) • Efficiency (reduced miles traveled, increased building and electricity efficiency) • Conservation (reduced transport) • Fossil-Fuel-Based (fuel switching, carbon capture) Practice Low Carbon Living 實踐低碳生活 4. What can we do to help? KMCHAN
WHAT CAN WEDO TO HELP ?? • REDUCE CITY HEAT: Use public transports, build less road and urban area, etc, to reduce heat island effect. 使用公共交通,減少建路和都市面積以減少熱島效應。 • LOW CARBON LIVING: Live a low-carbon life and practice carbon neutral. Set targets for emission reduction to cut energy consumption (e.g. Stop using tungsten light bulb, etc). 訂減排目標以節能,如停用鎢絲燈胆,等,支持低碳生活和實踐碳中和概念。Practice LOHAS (life-style of health and sustainability), e.g. 3R. 實踐健康與可持續生活方式,如減廢、再造、回收。 • PLANT MORE TREES: Conserve rural area and Plant more trees. 保育鄉郊地區和種植更多樹木。 KMCHAN
Summary概要 • Carbon dioxide emission exceeds the normal range and is rising, together with global temperature(二氧化碳和全球氣溫已超越正常範圍,並且不斷上升) • The impacts are visible, cannot be stopped and the situation is getting worse(其影响十分明顯,但卻未能受控,且正在惡化) • We are causing global warming and we have to act on saving our planet earth! (我們已引致全球暖化,並須要以行動來停止它) KMCHAN
Further Readings 補充讀物: • http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/tc_chi/climate_change/resources.html環保署氣候变化資源網頁 • Christianson, Gale (1999) Greenhouse: The 200- Year Story of Global Warming. Walker & Company, New York. Penguin Books, 305p.中譯本:蓋爾. 克里斯欽森 。達娃(黃小萍)譯。『發燒地球200年』2006初版。台北新店,野人文化出版。 • Flannery, Tim (2006) We Are The Weather Makers, The Story Of Global Warming. Text Publishing Co., 272p.中譯本:提姆。富蘭納瑞 (2007)《是你,製造了天氣》(林雨蒨 譯)高寶國際有限公司,台北市,271頁。 • Gore, Al (2006) An Inconvenient Truth. Rodale, Inc., New York, NY., 327p. • Houghton, John (2004) Global Warming. Third Ed., Cambridge University Press, 351p. KMCHAN
Discussion: • What’s Carbon neutral? 何謂碳中和? • What can we do to achieve Carbon neutral or carbon compensation? 如何達致碳補償? • Practicing edge strategies (auditing) and low carbon living in your school/firm/organization/ at home! 如何實踐碳審計? • Is carbon tax better than carbon trading? 碳稅好還是碳交易好? KMCHAN