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Lecture 12 Introduction to VHDL

Lecture 12 Introduction to VHDL. Hai Zhou ECE 303 Advanced Digital Design Spring 2002. Outline. VHDL Language Basics Interface Architecture Body Process Signal Assignment and Delay Models Various Sequential Statements

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Lecture 12 Introduction to VHDL

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  1. Lecture 12Introduction to VHDL Hai Zhou ECE 303 Advanced Digital Design Spring 2002 ECE C03 Lecture 12

  2. Outline • VHDL Language Basics • Interface • Architecture Body • Process • Signal Assignment and Delay Models • Various Sequential Statements • READING: Dewey 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5. 11.6, 15.1, 15.2, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5 ECE C03 Lecture 12

  3. Modeling Digital Systems • Digital system: Any digital circuit that processes or stores information in digital form: gates to functional units • Model represents only relevant information and abstracts away irrelevant detail • Model needed to: • Develop and specify requirements • Communicate understanding of a system to a user • Allow testing of design through simulation • Allow formal verification • Allow automated synthesis ECE C03 Lecture 12

  4. What is VHDL • (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) VHSIC Hardware Description Language • Used for two things • (1) Used to model digital systems, designs can then be SIMULATED • A simulator runs a VHDL description computing the outputs of a modeled system • (2) Used as a language to enter designs into CAD tools, designs can then be SYNTHESIZED • VHDL also provides a blackboard for designing digital systems • An initial design is progressively expanded and refined • Another popular hardware language is Verilog ECE C03 Lecture 12

  5. Relationship between VHDL and hardware VHDL description Simulator Hardware Simulated / actual outputs Model ECE C03 Lecture 12

  6. Example of VHDL Description VHDL Model of a 2input exclusive OR gate entity XOR2_OP is -- input output ports port (A, B : in BIT; Z : out BIT); -- Body architecture EX_DISJUNCTION of XOR_OP2 is begin Z <= A xor B; end EX_DISJUNCTION; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  7. VHDL Entity Definitions • A VHDL entity consists of two parts: • interface denoted by keyword “entity” • body denoted by keyword “architecture” • Interface describes aspects visible outside • Body describes how black box operates inside • FORMAT: entity identifier is port (name: in / out / inout BIT/type); end identifier; -- lines beginning with two dashes are comments ECE C03 Lecture 12

  8. VHDL Architecture Body • Architecture body describes how entity operates • Allows for different implementations • Can have behavioral or structural or mixed representations FORMAT architecture EX_DISJUNCTION of XOR_OP2 is begin Z <= A xor B; end EX_DISJUNCTION; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  9. Architecture Body • Body is divided into two parts • Declarative part • Statement part architecture EX_DISJUNTION of XOR_OP2 is -- declarative part -- objects must be declared before they are used begin -- statement part Z <= A xor B; end EX_DISJUNCTION; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  10. Data Types in VHDL • The type of a data object defines the set of values that object can assume and set of operations on those values • VHDL is a strongly typed language • Four classes of objects • constants • variables • signals • files ECE C03 Lecture 12

  11. Constant Declaration • The value of a constant cannot be changed • FORMAT: constant identifier {, } : subtype [ := expression] • EXAMPLES: constant number_of_bytes : integer := 4; constant prop_delay : time := 3nsec; constant e : real := 2.2172; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  12. Variable Declaration • The value of a variable can be changed • FORMAT variable identifier {, ..} subtype [ := expression] • EXAMPLES variable index: integer := 0; variable sum, average, largest : real; variable start, finish : time : = 0 nsec; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  13. Variable Assignment Statement • Once a variable is declared, its value can be modified by an assignment statement • FORMAT: [ label : ] name := expression; • EXAMPLES: program_counter := 0; index := index + 1; • Variable assignment different from signal assignment • A variable assignment immediately overviews variable with new value • A signal assignment schedules new value at later time ECE C03 Lecture 12

  14. Scalar Types • Variable can only assign values of nominated type • Default types • “integer” , “real”, “character,” “boolean”, “bit” • User defined types • FORMAT: type small_int isrange 0 to 255; • Enumerated type: • FORMAT: type logiclevel is (unknown, low, driven, high); ECE C03 Lecture 12

  15. Sub Types • A type defines a set of values • We can define a sub-type as a restricted set of values from a base type • FORMAT subtype identifier is name range simple_expression to/downto simple_expression • EXAMPLE subtype small_int is integer range -128 to 127; subtype bit_index is integer range 31 downto 0; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  16. Attributes of Types • A type defines a set of values and set of applicable operations • A predefined set of attributes are used to give information about the values included in the type • T’left = first (leftmost) value in T • T’right = last (righmost) value in T • T’value(s) = the value in T that is represented by s • EXAMPLES: type set_index_range is range 21 downto 11; set_index_range’left = 21 set_index_range’right = 11 set_index_range’value(“20”) = 20 ECE C03 Lecture 12

  17. Expressions and Operators ECE C03 Lecture 12

  18. VHDL Modeling Concepts • Semantics (meaning) is heavily based on SIMULATION • A design is described as a set of interconnected modules • A module could be another design (component) or could be described as a sequential program (process) ECE C03 Lecture 12

  19. A general VHDL design Entity … is … End entity; I1 O1 I2 IO1 s1 component concurrent assignment I1 O1 architecture … of … is ... begin … end; s2 s3 s8 s9 s4 s6 process 1 process 2 concurrent assignment I2 IO1 s5 s7 ECE C03 Lecture 12

  20. VHDL Simulator start Init t = 0 more event stop get earliest event delta delay advance time update signals execute triggered processes during process execution, new events may be added ECE C03 Lecture 12

  21. Process Statements • FORMAT PROCESS_LABEL: process -- declarative part declares functions, procedures, types, constants, variables, etc begin -- Statement part sequential statement; sequential statement; wait statement; -- eg. Wait for 1 ms; or wait on ALARM_A; sequential statement; … wait statement; end process; Flow of control ECE C03 Lecture 12

  22. Sequential Statements • Sequential statements of various types are executed in sequence within each VHDL process • Variable statement variable := expression; • Signal Assignment • If statement • Case statement • Loop statement • Wait statement ECE C03 Lecture 12

  23. Variable and Sequential Signal Assignment • Variable assignment • new values take effect immediately after execution variable LOGIC_A, LOGIC_B : BIT; LOGIC_A := ‘1’; LOGIC_B := LOGIC_A; • Signal assignment • new values take effect after some delay (delta if not specified) signal LOGIC_A : BIT; LOGIC_A <= ‘0’; LOGIC_A <= ‘0’ after 1 sec; LOGIC_A <= ‘0’ after 1 sec, ‘1’ after 3.5 sec; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  24. Signal Declaration and Assignment • Signal declaration: describes internal signal signal identifier {…} : subtype [ := expression] • EXAMPLE: signal and_a, and_b : bit; • Signal Assignment name <= value_expression [ after time_expression]; • EXAMPLE y <= not or_a_b after 5 ns; • This specifies that signal y is to take on a new value at a time 5 ns later statement execution. • Difference from variable assignment: • which only assigns some values to a variable ECE C03 Lecture 12

  25. Concepts of Delays and Timing • The time dimension in the signal assignment refers to simulation time in a discrete event simulation • There is a simulation time clock • When a signal assignment is executed, the delay specified is added to current simulation time to determine when new value is applied to signal • Schedules a transaction for the signal at that time output input ECE C03 Lecture 12

  26. Specifying Technology Information • One predefined physical type in VHDL: TIME • Units: fs (10** -15 seconds), ps (1000 fs), ns, us, ms, sec, min ( 60 sec), hr (60 min) • User-defined physical types type CAPACITANCE is range 0 to INTEGER’HIGH units fF; -- Femtofarads pF = 1000 fF; -- Picofarads nF = 1000 pF; -- Nanofarads end units type VOLTAGE is range 0 to 2 ** 32 -1 units uV; -- Microvolt; mV = 1000 uV; V = 1000 mV; end units; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  27. Specifying Delays • Inertial Delay Model • reflects physical inertia of physical systems • glitches of very small duration not reflected in outputs • SIG_OUT <= not SIG_IN after 7 nsec --implicit • SIG_OUT <= inertial ( not SIG_IN after 7 nsec ) • Logic gates exhibit lowpass filtering 3 ns 10ns SIG_IN 2ns SIG_OUT 9 ns 19 ns ECE C03 Lecture 12

  28. Transport Delays • Under this model, ALL input signal changes are reflected at the output • SIG_OUT <= transport not SIG_IN after 7 ns; 3 ns 10ns SIG_IN 2ns SIG_OUT 9 ns 19 ns 30 ns ECE C03 Lecture 12

  29. If Statement • FORMAT if boolean_expression then {sequential statement} elsif boolean_expression then {sequential statement} else {sequential statement} endif; • EXAMPLE if sel=0 then result <= input_0; -- executed if sel = 0 else result <= input_1; -- executed if sel = 1 endif; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  30. Case Statement • EXAMPLE of an ALU operation: case func is when pass1 => result := operand1; when pass2 => result := operand2; when add => result := operand1 + operand2; when subtract => result := operand1 - operand2; end case; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  31. While condition loop {sequential statements} end loop; for identifier in range loop {sequential statements} end loop; while index > 0 loop index := index -1; end loop; for count in 0 to 127 loop count_out <= count; wait for 5 ns; end loop; for i in 1 to 10 loop count := count + 1; end loop; Loop Statements ECE C03 Lecture 12

  32. Wait Statement • A wait statement specifies how a process responds to changes in signal values. wait on signal_name wait until boolean_expression wait for time_expression • Example on right shows process sensitivity list EXAMPLE: SAME AS: half_add: process is begin sum <= a xor b after T_pd; carry <= a and b after T_pd; wait on a, b; end process; half_add: process (a,b) is begin sum <= a xor b after T_pd; carry <= a and b after T_pd; end process; ECE C03 Lecture 12

  33. Example of Architecture Body(AND_OR_INVERT) or_gate: process (and_a, and_b) is begin or_a_b <= and_a or and_b; end process or_gate; inv : process (or_a_b) is begin y <= not or_a_b; end process inv; end architecture primitive; architecture primitive of and_or_inv is signal and_a, and_b, or_a_b : bit; begin and_gate_a : process (a1,a2) is begin and_a <= a1 and a2; end process and_gate_a; and_gate_b : process (b1,b2) is begin and_b <= b1 and b2; end process and_gate_b; a1 a2 y b1 b2 ECE C03 Lecture 12

  34. Process Declaration of Clock Generator Clock_gen: process (clk) is begin if clk = ‘0’ then clk <= ‘1’ after T_pw, ‘0’ after 2*T_pw; endif; end process clock_gen; 2*T_pw T_pw ECE C03 Lecture 12

  35. Process Generator for Multiplexer mux: process (a, b, sel) is begin case sel is when ‘0’ => z <= a after prop_delay; when ‘1’ => z <= b after prop_delay; end process mux; a z b sel ECE C03 Lecture 12

  36. Summary • VHDL Language Basics • Interface • Architecture Body • Process • Signal Assignment and Delay Models • Various Sequential Statements • NEXT LECTURE: VHDL Structural Description • READING: Dewey 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3. 13.4, 13.6, 13.7. 13.8 ECE C03 Lecture 12

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