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What Does the Infrared Have to Do With Space?

Explore the wonders of infrared light and its unique properties. Discover how it reveals hidden objects in space, from brown dwarfs to active galactic nuclei. Learn about its historical impact and groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy.

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What Does the Infrared Have to Do With Space?

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  1. What Does the Infrared Have to Do With Space?

  2. Look at the difference between visible and infrared light!

  3. What is Infrared Light? • Infrared light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, one that is invisible to our eyes. • Infrared light is what we commonly think of as “heat” radiation. Heat is the kinetic energy stored in the motion of atoms and molecules. • Infrared light is emitted by anything in the universe with a temperature (above absolute zero). • Objects below 1,000 degrees C radiate mostly in the infrared.

  4. Infrared and Temperature Dr. Michelle Thaller (Senior Scientist, California Institute of Technology) seen with an infrared camera (after playing with an ice cube). Things can look quite different in infrared light.

  5. Properties of Infrared Light • Infrared light can pass through many things that block visible light, like smoke and dust (and most plastics). Michelle Inside of Black Plastic Bag Fireman Inside of Smoke-filled Room

  6. Properties of Infrared Light • Infrared Light is also blocked by things that let visible light through (like our atmosphere!) A Piece of Glass Completely Blocks Infrared Light

  7. Because of its relatively long wavelength, Infrared Light can travel more readily through Interstellar Dust (similar in size to smoke) than visible light.

  8. What a difference Temperature Makes (Blackbody Radiation)

  9. Infrared Astronomy Explores: • Objects in space that are too cool to radiate visible light • Planets, interstellar dust clouds, Brown Dwarfs, proto-planetary disks • Objects and processes that are obscured by dust • Star and planet formation, active galactic nuclei (black holes) • The Very Distant Universe • Radiation from the early universe has been red-shifted into the infrared • Young galaxies appear to be shrouded in dust • Interesting Chemistry • Spectral lines of water, CO2, organic molecules in infrared region

  10. The Heritage of Infrared Astronomy • Infrared discovered in 1800 by William Herschel • First infrared telescopes built in 1960’s. • Kuiper Airborne Observatory in 1970’s. • IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) in 1983. • ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) flown by ESA in 1995. • SIRTF (Space Infrared Telescope Facility) launched in 2003.

  11. BROWN DWARFS Failed Stars of the Universe

  12. The mass of a brown dwarf is no more than eight percent of the Sun’s mass, and many are not much bigger than Jupiter.

  13. Infrared Spectra of a Red Dwarf and a Brown Dwarf The major difference in the two is the high level of methane found only in brown dwarfs.

  14. Extrasolar Planet and Planetary Disk Detection

  15. This is an example of a warm disk of material around a star where planets may be born. Near Infrared image of Beta Pictoris

  16. These warm dust disks around stars give clues to the presence of planets

  17. Young stars, mostly unseen, are hidden in these clouds. Visible Light Orion Nebula

  18. What a difference the infrared view makes! Infrared view Orion Nebula

  19. Active Galactic Nuclei (Giant Black Holes) What powers the most luminous galaxies in the universe? Perhaps giant black holes fed by turbulent galaxy mergers. Whatever it is lies hidden behind dust.

  20. And Closer to Home… The Center of the Milky Way in visible (left) and infrared (right) shows signs of having a similar massive black hole.

  21. Seeing to the end of the Universe The farthest objects in the universe are heavily red-shifted, in some cases completely out of the visible range. Infrared can probe deeper, exploring the first proto-galaxies as much as 14 billion light years away.

  22. Space Infrared Telescope Facility SIRTF launched on Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 11:35:39 p.m. MDT

  23. Which waves of light cannot be observed from Earth?

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