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EIAR-MARC. EIAR/MARC - N2 Africa 20014 Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities. Target legumes: Common Bean Project sites ( Woredas ) :- Shala and Boset.

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  2. EIAR/MARC - N2 Africa 20014 Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Target legumes: Common Bean Project sites (Woredas) :- Shala and Boset Diagnosis Activity Cluster/Input trial: Evaluation of Common bean variety (Nasir) under sole and intercropping system with and with out inputs • Shala: Awaragame 2. FendeEjersa 3. Lencha Leman • Boset: Sara Areda and Other two Kebeles • Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) • Team: Common bean, soil & water research team • AmareFufa • KidaneTumsa • KiyaAboye • Dr GetachewAyana • Other technical staffs • #1 Woredaexpert ( to be consulted) • #2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3) ( to be consulted)

  3. Work plan –Diagnosis cluster (Shala)

  4. Budget

  5. Demonstration : Demonstration of common bean variety (Nasir) with and without inputs • Shala: Awaragame2, FendeEjersa 3, LenchaLeman • Boset: Sara Areda and Other two Kebeles • Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) • Team: Common bean, soil & water research team • AmareFufa • KidaneTumsa • KiyaAboye • Dr GetachewAyana • Other technical staffs • #1 Woreda expert ( to be consulted) • #2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3) ( to be consulted)

  6. Work plan – Diagnostic cluster (Shala)

  7. Budget

  8. EIAR/MARC - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Target legumes: Common Bean Project sites (Woredas) :- Shala Adaptation: Best bet technologies (Nasir +Inputs) • A.Shala: Awaragame, 2, FendeEjersa 3, LenchaLeman • Boset: Sara Areda and Other two Kebeles • Trial Locations (famers plots) = 300 (100/Kebele) • TOT will be given to 5 DAs and model farmers /kebele = 5 • Team: Common bean, soil & water research team • AmareFufa • KidaneTumsa • KiyaAboye • Dr GetachewAyana • Other technical staffs • #1 Woreda expert ( to be consulted) • #2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3) ( to be consulted)

  9. Work plan – Adaptation cluster (Shala)

  10. On farm seed production to be included in Adaptation • 10 farmers/woreda • 0.5 ha/farmers • Provide Packages for the each farmers

  11. EIAR/MARC - Work Plan, Team, Roles and Responsibilities Target legumes: Common Bean Project sites (Woredas) :- Shala Agronomy (Researcher Managed trials) Cluster Activity Varietal trials (9 varieties with and without inputs Response of common bean varieties with and without inputs under pure and mixed stand Performance of inoculants under moisture stress and non stress condition common bean inoculants Response of common bean varieties for different rhizobial strains

  12. A.Shala: Awaragame, 2, FendeEjersa 3, LenchaLeman • B. Boset: Sara Areda and Other two Kebeles • Trial Locations (famers plots) = 30 (10/Kebele) • Team: Common bean, soil & water research team • AmareFufa • KidaneTumsa • KiyaAboye • Dr GetachewAyana • Other technical staffs • #1 Woreda expert ( to be consulted) • #2 DAs (In the Kebele 1,2,3) ( to be consulted)

  13. Work plan – Agronomy activities cluster (Shala)

  14. Budget

  15. Other issues • We have plan to replicate the activities at BosetWoreda • Consideration of Gender: 20 % of the farmers will be female headed • Business cluster formation • Linking producers to small scale processing and utilization (value addition) • Capacity building for both farmers and traders

  16. Budget for others implementation processes

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