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Explore the challenges and possibilities of programming languages for parallel computers, with a focus on concurrency and parallelism. Includes a discussion on the use of concurrency primitives like fork and join.
Lecture 19: ||ism I don’t think we have found the right programming concepts for parallel computers yet. When we do, they will almost certainly be very different from anything we know today. Birch Hansen, “Concurrent Pascal” (last sentence), HOPL 1993 My only serious debate with your account is with the very last sentence. I do not believe there is any “right” collection of programming concepts for parallel (or even sequential) computers. The design of a language is always a compromise, in which the designer must take into account the desired level of abstraction, the target machine architecture, and the proposed range of applications. C. A. R. Hoare, comment at HOPL II 1993. David Evans http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans CS655: Programming Languages University of Virginia Computer Science
Menu • Readings Policy • Challenge Problem (Lecture 17) • Techniques for Concurrent Programming • Definitions • Understanding concurrency primitives University of Virginia CS 655
Remaining Readings • Always read the abstract • Read the rest if it seems interesting to you • Use the time you save not having required readings to: • Work on your course project • Work on your research • We’ve covered enough to: • Decide if you are interested in research related to programming languages • Give you a solid enough background to not embarrass yourself University of Virginia CS 655
Challenge Problem • Prove or disprove: frag1 i := 1; while i < n do x := x * i; i := i + 1; end; i := 0; is observationally equivalent to: frag2 i := n; while i > 0 do x := x * i; i := i - 1; end; i := 0; when n >= 0. • Possible approaches • Use fixed point machinery to get meaning of both as functions and show they are equivalent • Use induction to get meaning of both for given n, (, n) and show they are the same for all n • Use induction to show frag1(n = 0) defines the same function as frag2(n=0), and if frag1(n) is equivalent to frag2 (n) then frag1(n+1) is equivalent to frag2(n+1) University of Virginia CS 655
Sequential Programming • So far, most languages we have seen provide a sequential programming model: • Language definition specifies a sequential order of execution • Language implementation may attempt to parallelize programs, but they must behave as though they are sequential • Exceptions: Algol68, Ada, Java include support for concurrency University of Virginia CS 655
Definitions • Concurrency – any model of computation supporting partially ordered time. (Semantic notion) • Parallelism – hardware that can execute multiple threads simultaneously • Concurrent program my be executed without parallelism; hardware may provide parallelism without concurrency University of Virginia CS 655
Parallelism without Concurrency • Smart compilers can figure out how to implement a sequential program in parallel. • Every parallel computation can be executed sequentially. University of Virginia CS 655
Concurrent Programming Languages • Expose parallelism to programmer • Some problems are clearer to program using explicit parallelism • Modularity • Don’t have to explicitly interleave code for different abstractions • High-level interactions – synchronization, communication • Modelling • Closer map to real world problems • Provide performance benefits of parallelism when compile could not find it automatically University of Virginia CS 655
Fork & Join • Concurrency Primitives: • forkE ThreadHandle • Creates a new thread that evaluates Expression E; returns a unique handle identifying that thread. • joinT • Waits for thread identified by ThreadHandle T to complete. University of Virginia CS 655
Bjarfk (BARK with Fork & Join) Program ::= Instruction* Program is a sequence of instructions Instructions are numbered from 0. Execution begins at instruction 0, and completes with the initial thread halts. Instruction ::= Loc := ExpressionLoc gets the value of Expression | Loc := FORK Expression Loc gets the value of the ThreadHandle returned by FORK; Starts a new thread at instruction numbered Expression. | JOIN Expression Waits until thread associated with ThreadHandle Expression completes. | HALT Stop thread execution. Expression ::= Literal | Expression + Expression | Expression * Expression University of Virginia CS 655
Bjarfk Program Atomic instructions: a1: R0 := R0 + 1 a2: R0 := R0 + 2 x3: R0 := R0 * 3 Partial Ordering: a1 <= x3 So possible results are, (a1, a2, x3) = 12 (a2, a1, x3) = 9 (a1, x3, a2) = 12 What if assignment instructions are not atomic? [0] R0 := 1 [1] R1 := FORK 10 [2] R2 := FORK 20 [3] JOIN R1 [4] R0 := R0 * 3 [5] JOIN R2 [6] HALT % result in R0 [10] R0 := R0 + 1 [11] HALT [20] R0 := R0 * 2 [21] HALT University of Virginia CS 655
What formal tool should be use to understand FORK and JOIN? University of Virginia CS 655
Operational Semantics Game Real World Abstract Machine Program Initial Configuration Input Function Intermediate Configuration Transition Rules Intermediate Configuration Answer Final Configuration Output Function University of Virginia CS 655
Structured Operational Semantics SOS for a language is five-tuple: CSet of configurations for an abstract machine Transition relation (subset of C x C) I Program C (input function) F Set of final configurations OF Answer (output function) University of Virginia CS 655
Sequential Configurations Configuration defined by: • Array of Instructions • Program counter • Values in registers (any integer) C = Instructions x PC x RegisterFile …. …. Instruction[-1] Register[-1] Instruction[0] Register[0] PC Instruction[1] Register[1] Instruction[2] Register[2] …. …. University of Virginia CS 655
Concurrent Configurations Configuration defined by: • Array of Instructions • Array of Threads Thread = < ThreadHandle, PC > • Values in registers (any integer) C = Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile …. …. Instruction[-1] Register[-1] Instruction[0] Register[0] Thread 1 Instruction[1] Register[1] Instruction[2] Register[2] Thread 2 …. …. Architecture question: Is this SIMD/MIMD/SISD/MISD model? University of Virginia CS 655
Input Function: I: Program C C = Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile where For a Program with n instructions from 0 to n - 1:Instructions[m] = Program[m] for m >= 0 && m < n Instructions[m] = ERROR otherwise RegisterFile[n] = 0 for all integers n Threads = [ <0, 0> ] The top thread (identified with ThreadHandle = 0) starts at PC = 0. University of Virginia CS 655
Final Configurations F = Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile where <0, PC> Threads and Instructions[PC] = HALT Different possibility: F = Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile where for all <t, PCt> Threads, Instructions[PCt] = HALT University of Virginia CS 655
Note: need rule to deal with Loc := Expression also; can rewrite until we have a literal on RHS. Assignment <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = Loc := Value < Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile > < Instructions x Threads’ x RegisterFile’ > where Threads = Threads – {<t, PCt>} + {<t, PCt + 1} RegisterFile’[n] = RegisterFile[n] if n Loc RegisterFile’[n] = value of Value if n Loc University of Virginia CS 655
Fork <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = Loc := FORK Literal < Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile > < Instructions x Threads’ x RegisterFile’ > where Threads = Threads – {<t, PCt>} + {<t, PCt + 1} + { <nt, Literal> } where <nt, x> Threads for all possible x. RegisterFile’[n] = RegisterFile[n] if n Loc RegisterFile’[n] = value of ThreadHandle nt if n Loc University of Virginia CS 655
Join <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = JOINValue & <v, PCv> Threads & Instructions[PCv ] = HALT & v = value of Value < Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile > < Instructions x Threads’ x RegisterFile > where Threads = Threads – {<t, PCt>} + {<t, PCt + 1} University of Virginia CS 655
What else is needed? • Can we build all the useful concurrency primitives we need using FORK and JOIN? • Can we implement a semaphore? • No, need an atomic test and acquire operation University of Virginia CS 655
Locking Statements Program ::= LockDeclaration* Instruction* LockDeclaration ::= PROTECT LockHandleLoc Prohibits reading or writing location Loc in a thread that does not hold the loc LockHandle. Instruction ::= ACQUIRE LockHandle Acquires the lock identified by LockHandle. If another thread has acquired the lock, thread stalls until lock is available. Instruction ::= RELEASE LockHandle Releases the lock identified by LockHandle. University of Virginia CS 655
Locking Semantics C = Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile x Lockswhere Locks = { < LockHandle, ThreadHandle free, Loc } I: Program C same as before with Locks = { <LockHandle, free, Loc> | PROTECT LockHandle Loc LockDeclarations } University of Virginia CS 655
Acquire <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = ACQUIRE LockHandle & { < LockHandle, free, S> } Locks < Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile x Locks > < Instructions x Threads’ x RegisterFile x Locks’ > where Threads = Threads – {<t, PCt>} + {<t, PCt + 1}; Locks’= Locks – {< LockHandle, free, S>} + {<LockHandle, t, S> } University of Virginia CS 655
Release <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = RELEASE LockHandle & { < LockHandle, t, S> } Locks < Instructions x Threads x RegisterFile x Locks > < Instructions x Threads’ x RegisterFile x Locks’ > where Threads = Threads – {<t, PCt>} + {<t, PCt + 1}; Locks’= Locks – {< LockHandle, t, S>} + {<LockHandle, free, S> } University of Virginia CS 655
New Assignment Rule <t, PCt> Threads & Instructions[PCt] = Loc := Value & ({ < LockHandle, t, Loc> } Locks | x { < LockHandle, x, Loc> } Locks same as old assignment University of Virginia CS 655
Abstractions • Can we describe all the concurrency abstractions in Finkel’s chapter using our primitives? • Binary semaphore: equivalent to our ACQUIRE/RELEASE • Monitor: abstraction using a lock • But: no way to set thread priorities with our mechanisms (operational semantics gives no guarantees about which rule is used when multiple rules match) University of Virginia CS 655
Summary • Hundreds of different concurrent programming languages • [Bal, Steiner, Tanenbaum 1989] lists over 200 papers on 100 different concurrent languages! • Primitives are easy (fork, join, acquire, release), finding the right abstractions is hard University of Virginia CS 655
Charge • Linda Papers • Describes an original approach to concurrent programming • Basis for Sun’s JavaSpaces technology (framework for distributed computing using Jini) • Project progress • You should have working implementations this week • Schedule a meeting with me if you are behind schedule University of Virginia CS 655