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Keck AO Overview to support summit tour. P. Wizinowich & D. Le Mignant for Keck AO Team AOWG – June 6, 2002. Keck AO Summit Visit. 10:30 Arrive at summit Keck telescope summit visit: Acclimatize in lounge (10 min) K1 telescope optics (10 min)
Keck AO Overview to support summit tour P. Wizinowich & D. Le Mignant for Keck AO Team AOWG – June 6, 2002
Keck AO Summit Visit • 10:30 Arrive at summit • Keck telescope summit visit: • Acclimatize in lounge (10 min) • K1 telescope optics (10 min) • K1 AO enclosure (remove covers to look at AO bench components; demonstrate driving components) + DSM + electronics room. (30 min) • K2 dome floor laser room (20 min) • 11:40 Lunch in K2 lounge • 12:15 Resume tour • Break into three groups: (30 min) • K2 laser room on elevation ring (only guide + 2 people at a time). PW lead • NIRC2 in K2 AO enclosure. • NIRSPEC on right Nas platform. • Interferometer control room & lab (30 min) • 13:20 Leave Summit
Keck II Left Nasmyth Platform Enclosure with roof removed Elevation Ring AO Optics Bench NIRC2 NIRSPEC or Dual Star Module Nasmyth Platform Rails to deck Electronics Racks
Science Path: Image Rotator (ROT) Instrument fold (ISM) DSM fold (DFB) Filters (KFC) IR ADC (IDC,3) OBS Motion Control Digital I/O: White light Servo amps Encoders 25 stages operational on K2 22 on K1 Wavefront Sensor Path: Sodium dichroic (SOD) Field Steering Mirrors (FSM,4) Field Stop (FSS) Pupil Relay Lens (WPS) ND Filters (WND) Lenslet (WLS,2) Camera Focus (WCS) WFS Focus (FCS) Tilt/Acquisition Path: Acquisition Fold (AFM) Acquisition Focus (AFS) Tilt Sensor Stage (TSS,3) Low Bandwidth Sensor (LBS,2) Diagnostics: ND Filters (SND) Color Filters (SFS) Simulator/Fiber Positioner (SFP,3)
AO Science Path OAP1 K1 Image Rotator OAP2 IR Dichroic Tip/tilt Mirror To NIRC2 Deformable Mirror
Wavefront Sensor Path Field Steering Mirrors (2 gimbals) Sodium dichroic/beamsplitter AOA Camera Video Display AOA Camera Camera Focus Wavefront Sensor Focus Wavefront Sensor Optics: field stop, pupil relay, lenslet, reducer optics
Acquisition Path Fold mirror Beamsplitter/mirror Camera optics: Field & Nikon lens Acquisition: plate scale = 0.125 arcsec/pixel field = 2x2 arcmin PXL Camera Diagnostics: Flip & move Nikon lens plate scale = 0.0078 arcsec/pixel Focus Stage
LGS: Tip/Tilt & LBWF Sensors Low noise Photometrics CCD camera Low Bandwidth Wavefront Sensor Opto-mechanics Tilt Sensor & ND filter wheel X,Y,Z stages
Alignment, Calibration & Diagnostics Wyko video display Pupil Simulator: - produces Keck telescope f/# & pupil location - pupil mask in collimated beam Wyko Phase Shifting Interferometer: - mounted under bench looking at deformable mirror - also used for alignment Source Positioner: -selects between pupil simulator, fiber & sky - fiber has 3 axes Single mode fibers
Name Date: 1st AO Light Detector (# pixels & type) Plate Scale (arcsec/pixel) Spectral Resol’n Notes KCAM (UCLA) Feb., 1999 (K1 12/00) 256x256 NICMOS3 0.017 N/a Focus stage; 8-position external filter wheel; J,H,K’ internal filters NIRSPEC (UCLA) Feb., 2000 for spectra 1024x1024 InSb 0.0185 low R 0.013 high R L=2000 H=27000 10.6 magnification provided by 2 achromats on AO bench; to be replaced by reflective optics this year Apr., 2000 for imaging 256x256PICNIC for slit viewing 0.017 N/a NIRC2 (Caltech) July, 2001 1024x1024 InSb 0.01, 0.02 & 0.04 ~5000 w/ grisms Designed for AO system Interferometer (JPL, CARA) Mar, 2001 Hawaii AO on both Kecks AO Acquis’n Camera Apr., 1999 1024x1024CCD Photometrics 0.0075 in high res mode N/a Only tried once, normal=0.134”/pix SHARC (UCLA) 2005? 1024x1024 Rockwell 0.017 N/a Multiple filters; cold pupil stop OSIRIS (UCLA) 2005? 2048x2048 Hawaii2 0.02 to 0.1 per lenslet 3800 16x64 lenslets OH-Suppression integral field spectrograph Integration with Science Instruments
Keck DSM:Initial Install Secondary M4 Inconel Extraction Beamsplitter Fold Mirror 5’ Primary M4 Fold Mirror Visible Beamsplitter 7’ Keck AOB
SoftwareArchitecture AO supervisory control Telescope DCS obs eng. screen Optics Bench Devices IDL pro files wfc eng. screen WFC: AOCP - CAS AOA camera Wavefront Controller slk Java User Interface autom. units epics channels cshow
OA Tools