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Short Title: APGPLD(L&B)Rules,2002. • Commencement: Dated: 26.02.2002. • Applicability: All GP’S except the areas falling in UDA, SPECIAL Development Areas, Municipal corporations. • These rules, shall apply to the extent of : levy of fees, inspections, monitoring, taking action on unauthorized developments & building permissions. G.O.MS.NO.67 PR&RD DEPT. dated :26.02.2002
APPLICATION IN LAYOUT PERMISSION: • Every person, corporate body, Govt., Private corporate body intends to undertake layout shall apply in writing to Executive Authority in annexure-A. • Pattas prepared by Revenue dept. for the weaker section shall be in accordance with these rules. PART-A ; LAYOUT RULE-3
Site plan: scale not < 1:1000 showing all physical details of land i.e., surrounding existing layouts/lands, existing approach roads. • Layout plan: scale not < 1:500 showing boundaries of land, proposed no. of plots with dimensions, width of the proposed roads, area of open place. • A statement of details: Dimensions of each plot, % of area under open spaces, roads, amenities, area of plot. Application for permission shall beaccompanied by
High tension / low tension electricity lines, water mains, sewer lines, telephone lines, alignment, right to way of NHW, SHW, major/minor/district roads passing through the layout site. • Certificate of undertaking in prescribed form jointly by owner & qualified surveyor. • Copy of the ownership document. • Copy of Non-encumbrance certificate. • Certificate of demarcation of site by AD. • Layout scrutiny charges and inspection charges as prescribed in the DTCP. • Security deposit as prescribed by the Govt. Contd…
Shall have approach through an existing road not < 10 mts • Minimum width of proposed roads in layout shall be 10 mts for residential & 12 mts for others. • Minimum open space at the rate of 10% of the total site area. • Minimum plot size for Non residential layouts shall be 300 sq mts & 18 sq mts for commercial buildings. • If the land is abutting to NHW having < 60 mts width road, a service road of 10mts width shall be provided. Minimum requirements for approval layout rule-4
The owner of a site shall undertake the works under the supervision of E.O after intimation of approval by the E.O • Leveling with suitable gradients. • Formation of roads with sub-surface curbstones, metalling of the carriage way etc. • Construction of drains and channelization of nalas. • Undertake greenery. • Fencing of open place. • Street lighting. • Protected water supply system. Required specifications & conditions layout rule-5
The application scrutiny fee shall be paid to the DTCP as prescribed by Govt. from time to time. • At present Rs.100/- per acre or minimum Rs.1000/- up to 10 acres. • Other charges: In addition to the above the EA shall levy development charges and betterment charges as specified by the collector/Govt. Application scrutiny fees & other charges
Layout proposal fulfilling all conditions may be sanctioned with or with out modification with in 90 days. • If not disposed off with in a period of 90 days from the date of receipt in the GP office shall deemed to have been sanctioned. • How ever any construction/development of layout under deemed provision cannot be in contravention of layout rules. Sanction or refusal of permission layout rule-6
The permission for layout development shall remain valid for 2 years. • If not completed with in the time shall be revalidated on application and on payment of 10% of the fee & charges. Duration of sanction lay out rule-7
The Executive Authority/ DPO may revoke any permission issued under these rules when ever it found false or wrong or any misinterpretation of facts and rules. Revoking of permission lay out rule-8
During the execution of any layout any deviation is made from the sanctioned plan the owner shall obtain revised sanction as per the above procedure. Deviations during construction/undertaking of layout works lay out rule-9
The owner who has been given sanction shall be wholly and solely responsible for the quality of work and for ensuring safety during the construction. Responsibilities and duties of ownerlay out rult-10
The DT&CP officer is the competent authority to accord technical approvals. • The DT&CP officer shall accord tentatively approved layout with in 30 days. • The E.O shall communicate the tentatively approved layout to the owner with in 15 days. • The applicant shall return his acceptance or further modifications if any with in 10 days. competent Authority for technical approvallay out rule-11
All the roads and open spaces such as parks and playgrounds earmarked in accordance with these rules in a layout which is approved by the GP shall automatically stand transferred free of cost and vested with the GP free from all encumbrances. Transfer of open space
Application not received in the prescribed form and not accompanied by the documents mentioned in rule 3. • If the proposed roads or streets in the layout does not confine to the provisions of the act. • If the proposed streets are not so planned as to connect at least at one end with the street which is already open. • If adequate area has not been set apart for public purposes. Sanction may be refused on the grounds
Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these rules be punished with a fine as prescribed by the government. • In case of continuing offence a daily fine shall be imposed until the contravention made good or removed. • Executive Authority shall request owner to take suitable actions including demolition. • Take suitable action against technical personnel which include prosecution or debarring him from further practice up to five years. Offences and penalties
The district panchayat officer or his officers may take any of the above actions and issue suitable instructions to the Executive Officers or any other body for necessary action against the unauthorized lay outs, besides taking action on the E O. In case of unauthorized layouts
Unauthorized layouts shall be got regularized from the collector except the areas falling in UDA, SPECIAL Development Areas, Municipal corporations. • Without which no building permission shall be entertained or accorded. • The regularization would be based on levy of pro rata charges for shortfall of open spaces. • Collection of pro rata betterment and development charges and improvement of the roads and drainage etc has to be born by the owner or colony. Status of existing GP’S previously approved layouts
Application for permission to construct building shall be accompanied with a site plan drawn to scale of 1:500. • The existing approach road or means of access. • The boundaries giving the dimensions of the site. • All existing buildings position in the site. • The position of the site in relation to neighboring streets. BUILDING RULESPART-B
Space to be left about the building to secure free circulation of air, admission of light and access to scavenging purposes. • Any existing physical features such as wells, drains and trees etc. • The ground area of the whole property and the built –up area • The plans of the building drawn to a scale of 1:100 • General specifications of proposed building and type of material used. contd…
Providing or closing of a window or door or ventilator not opening towards others property. • Undertaking fencing or construction of compound wall. • Providing intercommunication doors. • White washing /painting. • Plastering and patch work. • Re-flooring. No application shall be necessary for the following alterations
Railways • National highways, state highways and major district roads. • Works undertaking by the district administration/Zilla Praja Parishad/Mandal Parishad /Gram panchayat. • Waterways. • Ports. • Airways and Aerodromes. • Defense. • Any other service which the government may declare to be a public utility services from time to time for the propose of this clause. Exempted buildings
No Sites or parcel of land shall be used for building unless it is approved by the DT&CP but these rules shall not applicable in the case of : • Sites and properties in existing settlement area. • Farm buildings. • Industrial and non-residential buildings abutting to highways/main roads. Sites considered for Building Activity:
The minimum requirement of plot area for non-residential, industrial buildings and the building proposed consisting of G.F + 2 floors and above except commercial or mercantile buildings shall be 300 sq. meters. • The minimum requirement of plot area for residential Apartment’s, Complexes shall be 335 sq mts. Minimum plot requirements
In Grama Khantam/ Settlement area shall be 3.6 mts. • Out side settlement area shall be 10 mts. • All residential/ non-residential buildings shall be 12 mts. • Proximity of electricity supply lines withholding permission (Indian Elec. Act 1910). Means of Access for Building Permission
Height permissible 9mts for G + 2 floors in Gram Khantam and 13mts for G + 3 floors in Revenue survey numbered areas in GP’s. • SETBACKS: front setback 1.50 mts, Rear setback 1.00 mts in Grama Khantam. • REVENUE SURVEY NUMBERS: front setback 3.00mts, Rear setback 2.00 mts, Side Setbacks 1.50 mts on each side. Permissible Height and Setback requirements in minor gp
In Gram Khantam/ Settlement areas: Height permissible 9metres for G +2 floors • SETBACKS: Front Setback 1.50 mts, Rear Setback 2.00 mts. • REVENUE SURVEY NUMBERS: Height permissible 13 Mts for G + 3 floors for Residential & 15mts for G + 4 floors for Non-residential areas. • For building abutting highways a building line of 6 mts shall be maintained irrespective of the plot size . • In case of corner plot the front building setback shall be left on all sides abutting the roads. Permissible Height and Setback requirements in Major Gp
No building shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies, rivers ,lake, pond or nala etc. • No building activity shall be carried out within 30 meters from the boundary of River and lake of surface area. • 15 mts from the boundary of lakes of surface area for less than 10 hec. • 9mts from Nalas, Canals etc. Restrictions of building activity in vicinity of certain areas
For building activity within the restricted zone near airport or Defense areas necessary clearance from the concerned authorities. • In case of sites in vicinity of high tension electricity transmission lines minimum safety distance 3 mts . • In case of Railway line, a minimum distance of (30) mts shall be maintained from the edge of the Railway property. .
Chajjas/ weather sheds of width not exceeding 60 cm shall be allowed in the setbacks. • In case of plots more than 300 sq mts, a cow shed, open staircase may be allowed in residential areas. Non residential area parking sheds, guardroom, overhead tank, sump, septic tank, well, balconies shall be allowed in Rear or Front setbacks. Projections and exemptions in open spaces
The Executive Authority shall levy application and scrutiny fees for all applications except weaker section housing. • In addition to the above the EO shall levy development charges, Betterment charges as specified by the collector or government. Application Scrutiny Fees and other charges to be levied
15 days in case of residential building permission and 30 days for other buildings • Duration of sanction valid for 1 year. • Revoking of permission: The E.O or DPO may revoke any permission. • If any deviations made in sanctioned plan, the owner shall obtain revised sanction. • The owner shall be wholly and solely responsible for development and safety. Sanction or refusal of permission
All building permissions for complexes. • All building permissions heights more than 3 floors or 9 mts. • All cinema Theaters, Petrol pumps, LPG Storage godowns, cellars, stilt constructions. • All layouts. • All commercial buildings, shops other than residential. Prior Technical Approval