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Science Frameworks

Science Frameworks. Book Study Course Jan – May 2013. Outcomes. Participants will: Understand weekly and final course expectations Develop an understanding of the purpose of the Framework and how it will be used

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Science Frameworks

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  1. Science Frameworks Book Study Course Jan – May 2013

  2. Outcomes Participants will: • Understand weekly and final course expectations • Develop an understanding of the purpose of the Framework and how it will be used • Gain an awareness of the Three Dimensions and how the Framework and NGSS are organized

  3. How will this work? • Wiki • Edmodo.com • Framework book/pdf • Elluminate – link on wiki • ERO – each participant who completes this book study will be registered at the end

  4. CREDITS vs. wages • 45 hours for this course • Why credits vs. wages? • When will they be received?

  5. Weekly Expectations • Each week will run Thurs PM – Thurs AM • Each week, the wiki will have a Chapter and/or uploaded articles, webinars, etc. to read, view, and react to. • Each week facilitator will post a “Master Post” – a question, comment, or idea on Edmodo for you to react to, based upon that week’s readings.

  6. Participant Expectations • Each participant is expected to: • Read required text/view webinars, ppts, etc. weekly • Weekly post 1 reaction to the Thurs. “Master” post from Facilitator • Weekly reply to at least 2 other group members’ posts. • By the end of the course, each participant will share out a lesson in our final face to face mtg.

  7. Final mini project: Final Project: • Videotapea science lesson • chose a DCI area and incorporate one or more of the Practices. • Write a reflection/explanation (2 pages) about which DCI you focused on and how the practices where incorporated, what you did in the lesson to use the practices effectively, the student outcomes you witnessed, and reflect on what you have learned (and would carry with you into curriculum writing/instructing new standards).

  8. So What is the Framework? • Webinar video…What did you get out of it? • Table Talk and Share out: • What is the purpose of the Framework? • WHO developed the framework vs. who will be involved in developing the Standards? (not specific people, but types/groups) • What did you learn about the layout and organization? • Was there anything that resonated with you? • Any questions you still have?

  9. So What is the Framework? • Science education is changing for the better! • Framework was written by and based upon research from the National Research Council of the National Academies. • Excerpt from Foreward on page ix: • “…first step in developing new standards in k-12 science education…capitalizes on [the] opportunity that exists at this moment – a large number of states adopting CCSS…and are poised to consider adoption of common standards in k-12 science education.”

  10. More excerpts from Foreward on page ix: • “This framework builds on the strong foundation of previous studies…Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy (1993) …and the National Science Education Standards (1996)…” • “The Framework highlights the power of integrating understanding the ideas of science with engagement in the practices of science and is designed to build students’ proficiency and appreciation for science over multiple years of school. Of particular note is the prominent place given to the ideas and practices of engineering.”

  11. Lets take a look… • Framework consists of 3 Dimensions: • Practices • Cross Cutting Concepts • Disciplinary Core Ideas • Take a few minutes to read through the Summary p1-4, and look over Box S-1 • These three dimensions are critical to your understanding of the organization of the framework, the structure of the research, and the core design of our Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

  12. Three Dimensions Reaction • Using the google doc shared with you, work as a table to complete the form, “Framework Course: Reaction to the Three Dimensions” • https://docs.google.com/a/hcpss.org/document/d/1fmthJilx_S5Qf4yfMh4K6kpzMDBQ_NwM-3xSnspOlX0/edit

  13. This weeks posts: • This week, you will be reading Ch. 2: Guiding Assumptions and Organization of the Framework. • You may use information from the google doc, our discussions, and the readings to develop your posts and replies.

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