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User Aspiration and Needs : Creating Library awareness among Engineering College Student: Need & Method By – Bodke Prakash [Librarian: KKWIEE&R, Nashik (Ms)] E-mail: bodke_prakash@rediffmail.com.
User Aspiration and Needs :Creating Library awareness among Engineering College Student: Need & MethodBy – Bodke Prakash[Librarian: KKWIEE&R, Nashik (Ms)]E-mail: bodke_prakash@rediffmail.com
Abstract: -Attempts to examine creating library awareness among engineering college student of engineering college in Maharashtra. Need and method, in terms of library facilities, resources, service etc. Based in the result of the survey and major findings, few suggestions have been given.Keyword: -Library User, User Needs, Information sources, Services, facilities, user awareness.Introduction: -Library User: -
Objective of Study: - • To test the awareness of engineering college students about library resources, facilities and services. • Identifying the actual Strength & Weakness of library resources, facilities and services. • Identifying the levels and kinds of users needs. • Identifying the limitations or problems, which seem to discourage the use of library. • To find out the response of the users towards the existion system, particularly the reason for under utilization, if any of the existing facility. 6. To find out the information sources and services,now existing in the respective fields to satisfy the information needs of the clientele.
Scope: -The study cover 16 engineering college affiliated to traditional university’s of Maharashtra. Each university select two colleges, i.e. one old and one new. Deemed university, autonomous university and Open University are not covered in this study. Hypothesis: -All expected services are provided by the libraries. Student of these engineering college libraries has sufficient knowledge of their library services, facilities and resources.Methodology: -The questionnaire method has been employed to collect the data for the present study. The study being empirical in nature was design to know the students awareness of engineering college libraries in the state of Maharashtra. As there were 145 engineering colleges affiliated to the various universities. In this study researcher decided to adopt a sample method of population. As there were eight traditional university in the Maharashtra state. It was decided to select two colleges of each university, one is old established and second is early establishment (prior to 2005). The questionnaires were distributed among 16 colleges, 10 student of each college. All 160 questionnaires received through post and collect personally and it’s response is 100 %.
Various factors affecting the user’s information need: - Academic Environment of a Engg. Colleges. Recent Developments. Shrinking Budget and Increasing prices of books and periodicals. Increase in Strength of the Students. Changes in Course Design. Changes in Teaching and Learning Methods. Decrease in Personal Book Purchasing. Obsolescence of information. User Community.
QUALITY AND USERS • User Needs: - Generally speaking ‘need’ , as a concept is what a person ought to have to meet a set goal. In the context of a library, the needs are of information. The library exists for the users. Therefore, the users should be at the centre of concern. • ASSESSMENT OF USER INFORMATION NEEDS: - The first requirement in setting up an information service is to determine the specific needs of the users for whom the service is meant. The end goal of an information service is not in the acquisition of materials or the organisation of these materials in a systematic manner but also in the actual use of information. And information is used when it unambiguously responds to the users’ needs and requirements. Good knowledge of the users’ profile and information requirement assists an information service seeker in the following ways: • Determining the kinds of materials that should be acquired for building the collection or the scope of the collection. • Identifying the kinds of information services to be offered • Determining the types of material to be disseminated to specific users; 4. Developing a mailing list of names and addresses of users indicating the best method for distributing these materials to them.
ANALYSIS OF DATA: -Table No. 1 – Questionnaire distributed and responses received
Method: -As per above table shows library resources print as well as non-print is available in the respective library. It is require to publicity this material in other way. Such as give power point presentation or to prepare a short manual like to know your library or how to use library. Prepare user profile of his client. To evaluate library services time to time. Involve user in book acquisition process. Give CAS & SDI services and attract its user.
CONCLUSION / SUGGESTIONS: -The present study “Study of student awareness for the engineering college libraries in Maharashtra” was carried out on 16 Engineering college libraries of 160 users. This was scattered in different parts of Maharashtra. Information was collected from student of engineering college through questionnaire and it was analyzed in tabulates. In Maharashtra state there are eight conventional universities, 154 engineering college’s affiailited to this university. As per response the questionnaire male student is higher than girl student, which is given in table no. 1. Equal status is given to all U.G. & P.G. student for awareness of library services, facility and resources. This study researcher found the library facility like OPAC, Clock Room, Print out and Open access in stacking is given a negative responses what is given in table no. 4. It means this facility is not given in proper way. Engineering college library should provide its services for at least twelve hours a day. Overall 80% Student’s of engineering college are aware library services provided in library. IT base services are preferable than manually. First year student are require orientation services like “how to use library” or “To know your library” or power point presentation etc. It is suggested that give maximum IT base services to its user, and extend modern information sources. It can be concluded that users are prime factors of library. Therefore, for full satisfaction of users, their requirements or needs should always be considered.
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