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Business Management English

Business Management English. Lesson 16 Introduction to Exhibition. Business Management English. Introduction. Conversations Reading Exercises. Method. Teaching. Discussion. Question. Self-studying. Background Situation. 世界博览会的历史与由来 在古代农耕社会,人们往往在庆贺丰收、宗教仪式、欢度喜庆

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Business Management English

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  1. Business Management English Lesson 16 Introduction to Exhibition Business Management English

  2. Introduction • Conversations • Reading • Exercises

  3. Method Teaching Discussion Question Self-studying

  4. Background Situation • 世界博览会的历史与由来 • 在古代农耕社会,人们往往在庆贺丰收、宗教仪式、欢度喜庆 • 的节日里展开交易活动,后来逐渐发展成为定期的、有固定场所的、 • 以物品交换为目的的大型贸易及展示的集会。这就是世博会的最早形 • 式。公元5世纪,波斯举办了第一个超越集市功能的展览会。

  5. Background Situation • 18世纪,随着新技术和新产品的不断出现,人们逐渐想到举办与集市相似,但只展不卖,以宣传、展出新产品和成果为目的的展览会。1791年捷克在首都布拉格首次举办了这样的展览会。随着科学技术的进步,社会生产力的发展,展览会的规模也逐步扩大,参展的地域范围从一地扩大到全国,由国内延伸到国外,直至发展成为由许多国家参与的世界性博览会。 

  6. Background Situation • 筹备世界博览会是一个浩翰的庞大的系统工程,作为一个国家政府的重大行动,它不仅成为纪念某个重大历史性事件的国际活动,而且可以展示和传经济、文化、科技某一方面所取得的重大成就,因此,筹备时间,一般都需要5~6年的时间。

  7. Background Situation 水晶宫的魅力——1851年英国伦敦第一届世博会 1849年6月30日,一次历史性的会议在白金汉宫召开,参加者有皇家艺术  协会成员、全国博览会组委会成员、建筑公司成员和阿尔伯特亲王。会上讨论了举办世博会的想法,同时就如何举办世博会作出了7项重要决定,这些决定为世博会举办确立了基本框架。会议决定世博会展品分为四个大类: 原材料、机械、工业制品和雕塑作品; 

  8. Background Situation • 一个世纪的进步——1933年芝加哥世博会 • 1933年世博会是第一届有明确主题的世博会,主要展馆:旅游与运输馆(The Travel and Transport Building)、科学馆(Hall of Science)、各企业馆(Company Groups)

  9. Background Situation • 太空时代的人类——1962年美国西雅图世博会 • 名称:西雅图二十一世纪博览会举办时间:1962年4月21日至10月21日主题:太空时代的人类 儿童参观太空人展示 美国馆 福特公司1962年的新概念车

  10. 中国主办的世界博览会 • 1999 昆明世界园艺博览会 • 2006 沈阳世界园艺博览会 • 2010 上海世界博览会

  11. 1999年我国在昆明申办AI类专业性的世界园艺博览会。5月1日,中国1999世界园艺博览会在云南省昆明市隆重开幕。这是在我国首次举办的全球性园艺盛会,其主题是“人与自然,迈向二十一世纪”。博览会展示了各国的园艺传统和园艺品种,历时184天,于1999年10月31日闭幕。1999年我国在昆明申办AI类专业性的世界园艺博览会。5月1日,中国1999世界园艺博览会在云南省昆明市隆重开幕。这是在我国首次举办的全球性园艺盛会,其主题是“人与自然,迈向二十一世纪”。博览会展示了各国的园艺传统和园艺品种,历时184天,于1999年10月31日闭幕。

  12. 世博会将是上海城市发展的一个里程碑,上海作为以城市为主题的2010年世界博览会的举办城市,有着特殊的意义。上海在筹备世博会的过程中,必然会建造更多的优秀建筑,创建面向未来的住宅区,丰富城市发展的理念,完善并提升城市功能,创造城市未来发展的模式,推动中国城市化进程。 时 间: 2010年5月1日至10月31日 地 点: 上海市中心黄浦江两岸,南浦大桥和卢浦大桥之间的滨江地区 • 主题:

  13. Background Situation 副主题: 城市多元文化的融合   城市经济的繁荣   城市科技的创新   城市社区的重塑   城市和乡村的互动 主要目标:1、提高公众对“城市时代”中各种挑战的忧患意识, 并提供可能的解决方案;2、促进对城市遗产的保护;使人们更加关注健康的城 市发展; 3、推广可持续的城市发展理念、成功实践和创新技 术;寻求发展中国家的可持 续的城市发展模式; 4、促进人类社会的交流融合和理解。 世博会专用越江通道 世博钟楼

  14. Background • 上海世博会概况 • 上海世博会将是探讨人类城市生活的盛会;是一曲以“创新”和“融合”为主旋律的交响乐;将成为人类文明的一次精彩对话。

  15. Background • 上海世博会会徽 中国2010年上海世博会会徽图案以中国汉字“世”字书法创意为形,表达世博会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”的理念。 • 上海世博会吉祥物 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物“海宝”以汉字“人”作为核心创意,既反映了中国文化特色,又呼应了上海世博会会徽的设计理念。 • 上海世博会吉祥物 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物“海宝”以汉字“人”作为核心创意,既反映了中国文化特色,又呼应了上海世博会会徽的设计理念。

  16. Background • 核心思想 城市是人创造的,它不断地演进演化和成长为一个有机系统。人是这个有机系统中最具活力和最富有创新能力的细胞。人的生活与城市的形态和发展密切互动。随着城市化进程的加速,城市的有机系统与地球大生物圈和资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。人、城市和地球三个有机系统环环相扣,这种关系贯穿了城市发展的历程,三者也将日益融合成为一个不可分割的整体。

  17. Background马丁·路德·金 马丁·路德·金(1929~1968),美国著名黑人牧师,民族运动领袖。1964年获诺贝尔和平奖金。1968年组织“贫民进军”,途经田纳西州孟菲斯城时,被种族分子枪杀。 • 其著名演讲《I have a dream》

  18. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color if their skin but by the content of their character. • 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州——一个非正义和压迫的热浪逼人的荒漠之州,也会改造成为自由和公正的青青绿洲。 我梦想有一天,我的四个小女儿将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里。

  19. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. • 我梦想有一天,亚拉巴马州会有所改变——尽管该州州长现在仍滔滔不绝地说什么要对联邦法令提出异议和拒绝执行——在那里,黑人儿童能够和白人儿童兄弟姐妹般地携手并行。 我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,上帝的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。

  20. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. 这是我们的希望。这是我将带回南方去的信念。有了这个信念,我们就能从绝望之山开采出希望之石。有了这个信念,我们就能把这个国家的嘈杂刺耳的争吵声,变为充满手足之情的悦耳交响曲。有了这个信念,我们就能一同工作,一同祈祷,一同斗争,一同入狱,一同维护自由,因为我们知道,我们终有一天会获得自由。

  21. Dialogue 1 Tom: Hi. Is there anything particular you are interested in? Can I answer any questions for you about our display? Jim: Yes, could you tell me more about your services? Tom: We represent the pharmaceutical company. We supply product to over twenty countries, and we are also involved deeply in medical research and development. Are you interested in any particular area of medical services? 译文

  22. Dialogue 1 Jim: I am looking for information about current drug therapies. Do you have any recent reports or information you can give me? Tom: Certainly, we have a bi-monthly journal which details our current projects. If you leave your information on our mailing list, I can send you a free copy in the mail. May I have your card? Jim: Oh, I've just run out of name cards. But I can write my information down for you. Do you have a business card you can give me?

  23. Dialogue 1 Tom: Yes. Here is my card. Let me also give you a copy of our latest catalog. The catalog contains an extensive list of our current products and services, and also details many of our recent projects. If you have any questions in specific, I can help you answer them now, or I can have our office contact you later. Jim: That would be fine. Thank you.

  24. Dialogue 2 Mr. White: Nowadays Expo is the word on the lips of most people. What is the World Expo, then? Mr. Smith: Well, the World Expo is a global, non- commercial exposition held in different countries in the world. It aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of production the world over to improve the international relations.

  25. Dialogue 2 Mr. White: Well, do you have any ideas about China with the World Expo? Mr. Smith: Yes. It’s a great honor for us to talk about the World Expo in China today. I know that the Chinese wine Mao Tai won its award in the Panama Expo in 1915. Since then, the World Expo has become something curious that we look for in our life. Mr. White: Besides, the World Expo is a key place to exchange a lot of new products, new techniques, new ideas and concepts.

  26. Dialogue 2 Mr. Smith: It seems as if everything new started from the World Expo, such as plane models, radio and television, computers, and so on. It is similar to the Olympic Games in the field of economy, science and technology. Just think, the World Expo will be held in the city of Shanghai! Mr. White: That’s right. What a tremendous joy! Visitors from all over the world gathered in the host country to boost its economy in many fields.

  27. Dialogue 2 Mr. Smith: Then what would you do to help bring about this great event? Mr. White: Actually in 2001, many middle school students in Shanghai were given such a test in writing a competition. And I’m determined to learn English well and I will become a volunteer tourist guide to some foreign guests in China.

  28. New words & expressions • exhibition [ .eksi'biʃən ] n. 展览,展览会 • participation [ pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən ] n. 参加,参与 • decline [ di'klain ] n. 衰微,跌落v. 降低,婉谢 • rejuvenation n. 复原(再生,更新,嫩化,恢复) • ruin [ ruin; 'ru:in ] n. (pl.)废墟,毁灭;v. 毁坏,破坏;vi. (使)破产,毁灭;vt. 毁坏,毁灭 • intelligence [ in'telidʒəns ] n. 理解力,智力;n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关 • resolve [ ri'zɔlv ] n. 决心;v. 决定,解决,决心 • rehabilitation [ 'ri:(h)əˌbili'teiʃən ] n. 复原

  29. New words & expressions • humanity [ hju(:)'mæniti ] n. 人类,人性;人道;慈爱 • ozone [ 'əuzəun, əu'z- ] n. 臭氧 • desertification [ .dezə:tifi'keiʃən ] n. (土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化 • unsustainable [ .ʌnsəs'teinəbl ] 不能证实的,不能成立的, 不能支持的 • arrogant [ 'ærəgənt ] a. 傲慢的,自大的 • unification [ .ju:nifi'keiʃən ] n. 统一,一致

  30. New words & expressions • exalt [ ig'zɔ:lt, eg- ] v.(高度)赞扬,歌颂 • crooked [ 'krukid ] a. 弯曲的,歪的,邪恶的 • jangling adj. 吵闹的 • discords [ 'diskɔ:d ] n. 不调和 • symphony [ 'simfəni ] n. 交响乐 • refinement [ ri'fainmənt ] n. 精致,高尚,精巧

  31. Text China : Return to the World Exhibition The history of China’s participation in the World Exhibition reflected the ups and downs of China from decline to rejuvenation. 译文

  32. Text China : Return to the World Exhibition • Since World War Two, people have become increasingly modest as they reviewed their existence, hoping to set up new beliefs on the ruins of war. They were calling for all races to share the power and intelligence of mankind to resolve the issues of existence. In the long course of rehabilitation and development, humanity needs to make a concerted effort to combat nature on all fronts. 译文

  33. Text China : Return to the World Exhibition • Confronting with such problems as the space hole in the ozone layer, the desertification of land, environmental pollution, unsustainable use of resources and weapons of mass destruction, ect., humanity must unite to remove the threats to human existence. While it started as an arrogant display of national wealth, the World Exhibition now looks to global unification, a common dream of all human beings. 译文

  34. Text China : Return to the World Exhibition As early as in 1963, a black American leader, Martin Luther King Jr., express his visionary faith in his famous speech "I Have a Dream" : " I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the janglingdiscords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." 译文

  35. Text China : Return to the World Exhibition This dream will eventually become true with the on-coming 2010 Expo in Shanghai. The second Shanghai Art Fair aims at promoting cultural exchange, regulating the art market and prospering artistic creation, with an effort to follow international practice featuring refinement and standardization. The Fair only lasts six days, but the beauty it displays will stay in people’s mind forever. 译文

  36. Keys to the exercise I Understanding the text and choosing the best answer. • 1. How did China receive world-wide attention again according to the passage? • a) China will be a host country for the 2010 Expo in Shanghai. • b) China held its first world exposition in Yunnan, in 1999. • c) China attended the 1982 World Expo in America. • d) China succeeded in returning to the world Expo after 1971. a

  37. Keys to the exercise • 2. What does the history of China's participation in the World Expo imply? • a) The rise and fall of a country. • b) The ups and downs of a city. • c) The war and peace in the world. • d) The declination and prosperity of a nation. d

  38. Keys to the exercise • 3. People became increasingly modest after World War II because . • a) World War Two destroyed the world at large. • b) people were faced with numerous problems in their life. • c) concerted efforts were needed in combating nature. • d) all factors above contributed to their way of thinking. d

  39. Keys to the exercise • 4. What is not mentioned in man's fighting against nature on all fronts? • a) The new space exploration. • b) The shortage of power. • c) The serious problem of air pollution. • d) The threat of land shrinking. a

  40. Keys to the exercise • 5. What is actually the essence of Dr. King's dream? • a) All valleys should be railed and mountains lowered. • b) All races should be treated on equal footing. • c) All injustice should be transformed into fraternal love. • d) All the black people should get freedom in reality. b

  41. II After reading the text, please decide whether the statements are true or false. F • 1. The second Shanghai Art Fair aims at Better City, Better Life, • regulating the art market and prospering artistic creation, with an • effort to follow international practice featuring refinement and • standardization. • 2. As early as in 1936, a black American leader, Martin Luther King Jr., • express his visionary faith in his famous speech "I Have a Dream". • 3. This dream will eventually become true with the 1999 Yunnan • Garden Flower Show. • 4. The history of China’s participation in the World Exhibition reflected • the ups and downs of China from decline to rejuvenation. • 5. The second Shanghai Art Fair aims at promoting cultural exchange, • regulating the art market and prospering artistic creation, with an • effort to follow international practice featuring refinement and • standardization. . F F T T

  42. III Read the two passages and then try to put them into Chinese. Passage 1 • Shanghai Northwest Logistics Development Zone • The (2001) No. 42 document of Shanghai municipal government brings forward that the development of Northwest Logistics zone will make Taopu as the center and "Future Land" as the symbol. It will build land-exchange, land-transportation price index and offer many services, such as logistics technology inquiry, transportation, transaction and information. It will be the co-transportation logistics zone by developing transportation of road, railway and the container, and the concentrated effect of many land-exchanges. 译文

  43. III Read the two passages and then try to put them into Chinese. Passage 2 • The man who opens a small pizza restaurant is in business, but is he an entrepreneur? He took a risk and did something, but did he shift resources or start the business? If the answer is yes, then he is considered an entrepreneur. Ray Kroc is an example of an entrepreneur because he founded and established McDonald’s. His hamburgers were not a new idea, but he applied new techniques, resource allocations, and organizational methods in his venture. 译文

  44. IV Free talk • 1. Say something about Martin Luther King Jr. • 2. How did you feel when Shanghai succeeded in winning the competition as a host city? • 3. Don’t you agree that everything new started from the World Expo? • 4. Can you compare the World Expo with Olympic Games? • 5. Do you know any recent development of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai?

  45. Ⅴ Pair work Ⅵ Open Exercise • You are supposed to make a dialogue about Expo and practice talking. • Please find out the latest related information to the subject of Expo on the internet or reference materials.

  46. That’s the end!

  47. 译 文 中国:重返世博会 • 中国参加世界博览会的历史反映了中国从衰败走向振兴的曲折过程。 Translation Back

  48. 译 文 • 自二次大战以来,人们重新审视自己的生存状况,希望在战争的废墟上重建新的信仰。他们呼吁全人类凝聚力量和智慧以解决生存问题。在恢复和发展的漫长岁月中,人类需要齐心协力,向大自然全方位开战。 Translation Back

  49. 译 文 • 面对诸如太空臭氧层的空洞、日渐沙化的土地、环境污染、资源枯竭以及大规模杀伤性武器等一系列问题,人类必须联合起来去消除生存的威胁。世界博览会从展示各国珍奇开始,如今追求四海一家的理念。这是全人类的一个共同的梦。 Translation Back

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