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Possibilities and the Requirements for SFC and RIBLL-1. 久保野 茂 ( Kubono , Shigeru ) 蘭州、理研 , 東京大学. Report on the workshop in October 2012 Possibilities of developments Feasibilities Technology, budget, manpower. HIRFL-RIBLL 合作体第一次会議紀要. July 2012. RIBLL 工作列表.
Possibilities and the Requirements for SFC and RIBLL-1 久保野 茂 (Kubono, Shigeru) 蘭州、理研, 東京大学 Report on the workshop in October 2012 Possibilities of developments Feasibilities Technology, budget, manpower
HIRFL-RIBLL 合作体第一次会議紀要 July 2012
RIBLL工作列表 • 实时测磁系统(今年夏季安装,26万) • 实验室休息室改造(今年夏天,22万) • T1前安装位置探测器(今年实施) • 步进电机改造 (询价) • 获取系统升级(VME)200万 • VME获取系统,李智焕,林承键,韩建龙,阎喆 • 电缆,信号线,杨彦云 • 电源:D3D4是否可以分开,或者D41改成双向电源,T0前Y方向矫正铁电源改双向 ~100万 王建松,白真
RIBLL工作列表 • 气体探测器:联络人:马朋 • PPAC:位置探测,何建军,李智焕,马朋 6个 • MUSIC:dE,方德清,苏俊,李智焕,张高龙,马朋 • RIBLL网站:实验安排,束流情况,LISE配置文件,工作组会议安排。。。 • 0度角磁谱仪:王建松,娄建玲,林承键,方德清,苏俊 • T2束流传输: • Gamma工作组:柳敏良,何建军,华辉,王友宝,竺礼华,范功涛,孙宝华,符长波 • TPC:符长波,王宏伟
Workshop on Low-Energy RI Beams and the Physics [1] Physics with Low Energy RI Beams Structure of unstable nuclei - interactions, halo nature, deformations b. Reactions of unstable nuclei Nuclear astrophysics - explosive nucleosynthesis, np-process, - SNeI, SNeII, Fundamental physics Some are running well, Some are trying better, Some will start soon, . .
new chamber Install pressure & temperature sensor at T0 chamber Vacuum pump Air operated valve system Slit motor T2 chamber Pressure sensor 1 . 狭缝和靶位步进电机控制:orient 5 phase driver (UDK511NW2) 、EM4000 控制方式:远程控制 2 . 气动阀控制系统:分子泵入口、新靶室入口(需要逻辑控制:如果靶室真空下降为下限自动关闭阀门) 控制方式:现场控制+远程控制 3 . 压力传感器、温度传感器数据采集系统 4 . 靶室安装:靶室底部安装轮子和固定装置,顶部安装移动靶室盖子的支架和滑轮
Workshop on Low-Energy RI Beams and the Physics [2] Technologies Facility - primary beam intensities - primary beam emittance - time structure - non-destructive beam monitor - parasite operation (slow) Separator - high-power production target (rotating?) - cryogenic production target - high power beam stopper FC - small higher-order aberration - transmission eff. T1 -> T2 - high rate RI beam monitor – PPAC, MCP, Diamond det.. - purifier – Wien filter, RF deflector - focal plane detector chamber - analyzer magnet for reaction study Detectors – Si, gas detector, TPC, fast monitor detector, multi-event , large DW, d. Electronics, DAQ
Workshop on Low-Energy RI Beams and the Physics [2] Technologies - continues Detectors - CRIB2 chamber – will be shipped this month - strip Si, solenoid, - gas detector, - TPC, d. Electronics, DAQ – VME
Workshop on Low-Energy RI Beams and the Physics Let’s continue this activities ! • We may begin to exchange ideas, • and begin to collaborate on • Developing common technologies, • Developing common research interest We have good chances to make next generation RIB systems (3.5 generation) in Asia by Asian collaborations. * Our collaboration will contribute to develop mutually respective, peaceful region in Asia.
Possible Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments at RIBLL-1 He, Jianjun, Kubono, Shigeru 1. p & a resonant elastic-scattering studies (also for cluster physics) 2. Direct measurement of stellar (p, a) or (a, p) reaction cross sections under explosive conditions.
ne+n⇔p+e- ne+p⇔n+e+ np-process in SNeII Extremely high flux of n induces proton-rich environment in the very early stage of SNeII without n with n * Wanajo, Janka, Kubono, Astrophys. J. 729 (2011) 46 → p-nuclei production !?
High Temperature Hydrogen Burning ・ X-ray bursts ・ np-process Termination Waiting/ bottleneck p-nucleus production 96Ru(5.5%) 92Mo (14.8%) 64Ge, 68Se , 72Kr 初期天体で 観測された元素 44Ti CNO⇒ NeNa pp⇒ CNO ap process: CNO 26Al 3α-process pp- Chain
PA CNS Facilities at RIKEN RIBF (Under CNS-RIKEN joint venture) CRIB AVF-BT Ge AVF /HyperECR+SuperECR CSM AVF Upgrade Project CNS-BT
AVF Upgrade Project +Super ECR + beam scan system HyperECR +Beam emittance monitors PA AVF + Non-destructive beam monitor +flat-top +K=45 => K=79 CRIB +New central inflector + H=1, 3 + Deflector monitor +LiqN-cooling target + Multipole-mag. +Window-less target BT
2011 昨年度開発イオンビーム ◆サイクロトロン高度化効果 ・実験供給イオンビーム増強 ・イオンビーム透過効率最大 42% (C01/I36) ◆重イオン増強の可能性 ・RF系改造⇒電力倍増 ◆蒸発機構の改良効果 ・大強度安定金属ビーム達成 ・新ビーム 32S9+40Ca12+ 87Rb20+ ・生成困難な極端融点試料制御 S 粒 (融点:115℃) CaOrod (融点:2572℃)
Liquid N target 7Be ~ 3x108 achieved ! with 1.8 pmA CRIB; Low-Energy In-Flight RI Beam Separator at CNS Production target F0 From AVF F1 Degrader ● RIB ~ 103-8 pps at F3 ● DE/E ~ 0.5 – 1 % ●Purity ~ 90 - 100 % Wien Filter F2 F3 0 5 m
Direct measurement of 11C(a,p)14N cross sections Excitation function ~11C(a,p)14N~ Very few data for (a,p) ! • Integrated cross sections for (a,p0), (a,p1) and (a,p2) with isotropy assumption • (a,p0): mostly good but some resonances (at lower energies.) • (a,p1), (a,p0): much smaller than Hauser-Feshbach calculations? Preliminary 5 GK 3 GK 1.5 GK Low energy run High energy run (Hayakawa)
Physics motivations 22Na 22Na 23Na 20Na 21Na stable 17Ne 20Ne 21Ne 22Ne 18Ne 19Ne unstable A: hot-CNO B: second hot-CNO C: 18Ne(a, p)21Na D: 18Ne(2p, g)20Mg E: 15O(2p, g)17F X-ray bursts 18F 17F 19F 16O 17O 18O 14O 15O 11N 13N 14N 15N 12N 9C 10C 11C 12C 13C J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 25 (1999)R133 hot-CNO 12C(p, γ)13N(p, γ)14O(b)14N(p, g)15O(b)15N(p, a)12C second hot CNO cycle 14O(α, p)17F(p, γ)18Ne(b)18F(p, α)15O(b)15O(p, α)12C 18Ne(α, p)21Na The 18Ne(a, p)21Na reaction is important for break-out to the rp-process from the hot-CNO cycles, which converts the initial CNO elements into heavier elements. We need the information of reaction cross sections at Ecm = 0.5 - 3.8 MeV which corresponds to T = 0.6 - 3 GK.
Previous Works Gamow peak region at T = 0.6- 3 GK Indirect methods References [2] 18Ne(a, p)21Na [4] 20Ne(3He, ng) [5] 12C(16O, 6He) [6] 25Mg(3He, 6He)22Mg [7] 24Mg(a, 6He) [8] 21Na(p, p) [9] 22Al b+
Measured excitation functions The absolute cross sections could not be determined →The clear background rejection might not be performed. x 10 – x 100 ?? (Inverse reaction) ANL annual report 2004 In order to determine the absolute reaction rate, the absolute reaction cross sections including all possible transitions in the important energy region are needed.
22Na production at RIBLL-1 (何建軍) ●Primary beam: 22Ne 6.18 MeV/u 300 enA • Particle identification Slits:C1:15 mm (DE/E=1.5%), C2: 10 mm (DE/E=1.0%) T1-T2 transport efficiency: 17% } TOF1 rate: 4.6105 pps TOF2 rate: 7.6104 pps
new chamber Install pressure & temperature sensor at T0 chamber Vacuum pump Air operated valve system Slit motor T2 chamber Pressure sensor 1 . 狭缝和靶位步进电机控制:orient 5 phase driver (UDK511NW2) 、EM4000 控制方式:远程控制 2 . 气动阀控制系统:分子泵入口、新靶室入口(需要逻辑控制:如果靶室真空下降为下限自动关闭阀门) 控制方式:现场控制+远程控制 3 . 压力传感器、温度传感器数据采集系统 4 . 靶室安装:靶室底部安装轮子和固定装置,顶部安装移动靶室盖子的支架和滑轮
Improvements Desired (何建軍) • Beam transport efficiency (1) From ECR to SFC: 5% ? [5 ?] (2) From SFC to RIBLL1: 5% [10 ?] (3) RIBLL1: 17% (same power supply for D3&D4) [2 ?] • Present: 1.7104 pps Future: 2106 pps !!! X 13 X 18 X 2 X 500 8x106 pps
RIKEN AVF cyclotron; Transmission from Ion source to production target Test beam : 22Ne7+ IH10⇒21eμA I36⇒14eμA AVF exit 42% < 2~3% @SFC ↓ Transmission (%) 20~ 30% Prod. target ~90% Ion Source Exit of cyclotron Probe position
Improvements Desired RIKEN/ CNS X 13 X 18 X 2 X 500 >8x106 pps • Beam transport efficiency (1) From ECR to SFC: 5% ? [5 ?] (2) From SFC to RIBLL1: 5% [10 ?] (3) RIBLL1: 17% (same power supply for D3&D4) [2 ?] • Present: 1.7104 pps Future: 2106 pps !!! > * ~ 300 enAon the production target (← 6 mA from the SF cyclotron) SF cyclotron operation is not optimized. Need upgrade. Need single-turn extraction from SFC.
Nuclear astrophysics experiments: Direct cross section measurement with low-energy RI Beams - Explosive H and He burning - (a,p) reactions in sd-shell nuclei – X-bursts, SNeII 14O(a,p), 18Ne(a,p), . . . (He, Jianjun) 10^6 pps, purity ≧50% a - reactions around A=50-60 for SNeI and SNeII (Kubono, Shigeru) 56Ni, . . . 10^5 pps, purity ≧50% Intense RIB of A ~ 50-60
What to do for better experimentsat IMP ? • Need SFC upgrade project - flat-top mode acceleration. single turn extraction high efficiency transport and accel. eff. through Ring cyclotron • RIBLL-1 - high power prod. target - RIB purifier ? RF deflector or Wien filter - Fast beam monitor. PPAC on-going at IMP, but need collaboration for the next generation exp. with diamond det. ? - Better tuning of RIBLL-1 good transmission eff. T1-> T2 RIB spot profile ・More efficient operations at IMP - parasite operation - management of machine operations