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Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’Malta More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession

Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy Profession Tuesday, 31 July 2012. Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’Malta More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession Mary Ann Sant Fournier BPharm, MPhil President. , .

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Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’Malta More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession

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  1. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012 Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’Malta More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession Mary Ann Sant Fournier BPharm, MPhil President ,

  2. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012 More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society In Malta, the Pharmaceutical Profession was born in the 17th Century with the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery by the Knights Hospitallers of St. John, probably at the Sacra Infermeria, today the Meditteranean Conference Centre (MCC), in Valletta

  3. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuwsday, 31 July 2012More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and SocietyValletta,January 1900Founding of the Camera Farmaceutica

  4. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, July 31 2012More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • Vibrant • effective • consistent • forward-looking • representation of all areas of pharmacy practice • individually and collectively, • nationally and internationally Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/ Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’ Malta July 2012-

  5. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/ Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’ Malta to serve, to protect, to educate

  6. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy Profession - Tuesday 31 July 2012

  7. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012 More than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society

  8. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society National Affiliations Direct representation through the MFPA: • Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA) • ( founded thru’ Commonwealth Foundation in the early 1970’s) • Chamber council membership - (Chamber officials served as Vice presidents, secretary, council members) • Through the MFPA, direct affiliation to the CEPLIS, the European Federation of Independent Professionals (e.g., working on CPD and Professional Indemnity) • Services directive. • Malta Standards Authority MSA Council membership (1999-2011) (Since 2011 in MCCAA) • MEUSAC Sectoral Committees, e.g., EYC, ESPH, ECOFIN, CCAC • Representation on the MEUSAC core group and MCESD as civil society

  9. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society National Affiliations Direct representation through the CMTU • Confederation of Malta Trade Unions (CMTU) • President is a member of national council • Thru’ CMTU, representation on ETUC – European Trade Union Confederation and the EESC – European Economic and Social Committee • ILO –International Labour Organisation (Geneva) • Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) – with Government and Social Partners • MEUSAC Core Group (Chamber President is substitute member)

  10. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday,31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society International Affiliations • European Platform • Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) - since 1992 (meeting with Sec. Gen, Malta , June 2012) • EuroPharm Forum (WHO/Euro) • Founding member since 1992 • Chamber President elected to excom – 1994-2000 • Hosted international symposium (1996) with the three organizations International Affiliations • Global platform • Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (CPA) – since 1970’s • Founding members, European region • CPA President at CPA seminar, Malta, June 2012 • International Pharmacy Federation (FIP) – since late 1960’s

  11. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • Significant challenges and achievements • Over the last years, the Chamber had to deal with myriad issues, which were embodied in the motions before each AGM and which directed respective Executive Councils to do their utmost to make significant improvements for the pharmaceutical profession and its members. • With the signing of the MOU on the Pharmacy Regulations and POYC in July 2007, the Chamber has thus achieved the single most longstanding objective and laid the foundation for the way forward for community pharmacy with expected fallout on all other areas in Pharmacy and Health, in private and public practice, including research and innovation.

  12. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday,31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society

  13. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • MOU signing re Pharmacy regulations and POYC (July’07) • Pharmacy licences and geo-demographic organization; Decentralisation and ICT penetration; Community pharmacy, an integral part of primary health care ; Pharmacists’ UK Leonardo fact finding visit (Nov, ‘ 07) • All patients have a right to • equity of accessibility to their • Pharmacist to receive expert • Pharmaceutical care services • in conjunction with their • medicines entitlements.

  14. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Though the service was adequate it needed a paradigm shift...... Pharmacy/pharmacist of the Patient’s choice (POYC) – better pharmacist – (chronic) patient relationship

  15. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society POYC ‘’Soft values’’; • Better medicines usage • With better outcomes • Towards a better quality of life for our patients • Better opportunity for patient participation in their own care • Aging population – main users of the pharmacists’ service POYC ‘’Hard values’’ • More activity especially to smaller pharmacies n the peripheries • Incentives for new investment injected to refurbish premises, install new equipment,ICT, increase human resources. • First PPP between Government and private professionals in PHC – a model for future reference....

  16. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • The way forward..... • ‘’the Chamber is preparing to participate in head to head negotiations with Government on the introduction of a ‘’reimbursement system’’ model ;and the further development of pharmaceutical services at the primary care level by community pharmacists ( after successfully introducing in 2007 the first Private Public Partnership model in Community Pharmacy, whereby national health service medicines are dispensed to registered, entitled chronic patients at the Pharmacy of their choice. (POYC – Pharmacy of Your Choice Scheme) supported by computerisation of all community pharmacies...’’ • Keywords of this new agreement– tripartite, full decentralisation, patient registration, remuneration, establishment fee, fee for professional services, ICT, PMRs, full ongoing consultation, advice and adherence, monitoring outcomes, PHC screening campaigns, equity in access to medicines, innovations....seamless care....independence of the profession

  17. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Health Care Professions Act - Conflicting directives - Directive on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36) - updating of directive especially re temporary registration – submissions to Pharmacy Council and Director – General Public Health Regulation (DGPHR) - Cross Border health care and patients rights (guidance by the PGEU and CEPLIS) – submissions, e.g. European prescription, working in MEUSAC with Commission representatives and other stakeholders. -

  18. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Education and Training and Lifelong Learning (CPD) new Pharmacy graduates – precious specialised human resource, the future of our profession...... A number of MSc. , MPhil And PhD graduates - - Chamber continues to work as ever to ensure that the needs of the profession and the country in EU and internationally are positioned to take up the challenges of practice, research and innovation - first professional association to organise CPD - an open invitation to collaboration with University and other educational and research institutions.

  19. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • Landmark achievements • The Chamber had lobbied since the early 1970’s, for the institution of a Pharmacy Board now Pharmacy Council and counteracted attacks on its autonomy and achieved pharmacist majority representation. • Honesty and Integrity – wherever you shall ever practice • “the first priority on the provision of professional services in any chosen area of practice must be in the best interest of patients/clients subject to over-riding societal interests” • Last three decades –more patient-focused community and hospital practice • New roles and responsibilities in industry, as a result of new legislation and regulations successfully negotiated by the Chamber (Medicines Act (2003 - )and Health Care Professions Act (2004-) in the light of EU membership since 1990.

  20. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • Landmark achievements • Pharmacy Degree course retained at the UM pre- and post 1980’s ; Chair of Pharmacy 1970’s and late 1980’s to 90’s),increased resources, restructuring thru late 70’s and 80’s; development of the department based on the Chamber’s concerted effort, 1988 report) – onto EU membership and pharmacy directives…submissions • Reform of the Government Pharmaceutical Services (1988 report) • First Agreement in history on Professional Classification (professional status) and career development of Pharmacists and reform of the Government Pharmaceutical Services,1993; 1998);all subsequent agreements to date, are based on the Chamber’s 1993 achievement. • Way forward for Clinical Pharmacy . (1990’s - ) • POYC domino effect – new roles and positions

  21. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Present Pharmaceutical Scenario… Global economic crisis and domino effect… Administration and social dialogue… Pharmacists ‘esprit de corps’…. United we stand, divided we fall!! Challenges and opportunities Chamber with your support is the keystone player in your best interest and that of the pharmacy profession and society we serve.

  22. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday, 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society • Welcome to your professional family and your house! • JOIN your family in the professional sense – • Contribute to the present and future of your profession. – YOU ARE THE FUTURE!

  23. Graduates’ Event - Welcome to the Pharmacy ProfessionTuesday 31 July 2012Malta Chamber of Pharmacists/KamraTa’L-IspizjaraTa’MaltaMore than 100 years of service to the Pharmacy Profession and Society Congratulations! Thank you for listening!

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