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IPM of Insect Pest. Soil 404 D. P. Muehleisen.
IPM of Insect Pest Soil 404 D. P. Muehleisen You did not weave the web of life, you are merely a strand in it. Whatever you do to the web, you do to yourself. You may think you own the land. You do not. It is God's. The earth is precious to God and to harm the earth is to heap contempt upon its creator. - Chief Seattle (1854) Courtesy of the International Pest Management Institute.Currie Enterprises
What is IPM? • There are many different definitions • Key concepts: Pests and management • Integrated pest management is a sustainable approach to controlling insect pest populations that combines (PAMS) • prevention, • avoidance, • monitoring • suppression • strategies in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. • CSREES/Land-Grant University Definition (1998)
IPM=Improved Pesticide Marketing? • History • Early years, pesticide based • Ecosystem based • Key concept: integrate numerous of compatible control strategies to maximize population stabilization
Prevention • Various practices that keep pests from infesting a production site (i.e. field, orchard, or greenhouse) • Examples • Using pest free seed or transplants • Field sanitation • Eliminating alternative hosts
Avoidance • When pests are already present in the general area, but pest impact can be minimized through various cultural practices. • Crop rotation • Crop choices • Trap crops • Adjusting planting schedule • Early planting, late planting, not planting • Genetic modification • Resistance traits • Fast maturing varieties
Monitoring • The key component to any IPM program • Proper identification of pest – know your enemy • Monitoring program • Traps • Weather monitoring • Soil testing, when appropriate • Record keeping • Pest incidence and distribution in each field
Cultural practices No-till or strip till Cover crops or mulches Companion planting Allelopathic properties Physical suppression Baited or pheromone traps Exclusion devices Row covers Biological Control Mating disruption Pheromone Sterile release Conservation Augmentation Chemical/biopesticide control Considered a last resort Cost:benefit SuppressionTo avoid economic loss, population suppression technique may be necessary
Problems with pesticides: The pesticide treadmill • Resistance • Resurgence • Secondary pests • Residues
The Basic Elements of an IPM Program • Understand the biology and economics of the crop or resource. • Identify the key pests and learn their biology and life cycle. • Consider using combinations of methods and materials to manage pests. • Direct control practices at the weak link in the life cycle of key pests. • Monitor fields regularly and systematically • Use control methods that preserve and enhance naturally occurring beneficial organisms. Gain threshold= management cost ($/ac)/market value ( $/bu)
Considerations Ecosystem management I.E., Beneficial habitat Cultural control Plant varieties/cropping systems selection Resistance to major pest Will it sell? Information resources Know your county agent Monitoring program Pest & beneficial identification Record keeping Field maps Id problem spots Know your management options Organic different from conventional Do you have the resources to implement those options Planning an on Farm IPM Program
Population Ecology Economic Injury Level (EIL): Low pop of insect that will cause economic damage. Damage Boundary: pop. level where damage can be measured. Economic Threshold (ET): pop density or damage where action must be taken.
Ecosystem management effects on carrying capacity • Carrying capacity impacts ET and EIL • Managing habitat for beneficial populations require • shelter • food • Water
Plants to Attract and Feed Beneficial Insects • Umbelliferae family • carrot, yarrow, Queen Anne’s lace, dill, anise, fennel, coriander, parsley • Compositae family • zinnia, marigold, aster, daisies, mums, black-eyed susan, coneflower, Coreopsis • Mint family and Perennial herbs • mints, thyme, sage, oregano, bee balm, basil • Other plants • salvias, wallflowers, nasturtiums, poppies, etc. goldenrod Wild carrot dill
Cultural Control • Varieties/Cropping System • Developmental rate • Planting dates/harvesting dates • Crop rotation
• Cultivars should be resistant to major pest(s).• Cultivars should have appropriate mode of resistance.• Cultivars should be appropriate for the area.• Cultivars should be commercially available.• Cultivars must have a market (a concern with some genetically modified crops) Multiple cropping Sequential production Interplanting Cover crop Intercropping Two or more crops on the same land at the same time Strip cropping Plant varieties /Cropping systems
Biological Controls • Conservation • Predators • Parasitoids • Augmentation • Predators • Parasitoids
Predators Lady bird beetles Adults Larva
Predators Green Lacewing Adults Larva
PredatorsSyrphid fly • Adults Larva
Peristenus digoneutis Encarsia inaron Parasitoids
Row covers Hand picking Sticky boards Plant collars Mechanical/Physical controls
Insecticides • Chemical pesticides • Biochemicals • pyrethrins • rotenone • azadirachtin • Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) • Synethetic pesticides • Permethrin (Pounce) • Biopesticides • Bacteria • Fungi • Viruses
Scouting fields Hand lens Random samples Trapping Pheromone traps Light traps Pit fall traps Sticky traps Sweep Net Vacuuming Beat sheets Monitoring of pest populations Random Samples a measure of the total population
Field Scouting • Random samples • Point Sample
Trapping Visual trap Lure trap Pheromone trap Pheromone trap Visual trap
ID your problem • Jenny Glass, Plant Diagnostician • Puyallup Research and Extension Center • 7162 Pioneer Way, East • Puyallup, WA 98371-4998 • Phone: 253-445-4582 Fax: 253-445-4621 • glass@puyallup.wsu.edu
Disease Distribution and its Impact Occurrence over time Disease distribution Apple powdery mildew
Choose varieties resistant to the major diseases in your area Use disease free seed Plant under conditions that favor plant germination and growth As opposed to conditions favoring disease development Temperature and moisture critical Crop rotation Good sanitation techniques Healthy soil = healthy plants Weed control Be aware of secondary hosts Control insect pests Vectors of diseases Principles of Disease Management - Organic
Avoidance—prevent disease by selecting a time of the year or a site where there is no inoculum or where the environment is not favorable for infection. Exclusion—prevent the introduction of inoculum. Eradication—eliminate, destroy, or inactivate the inoculum. Protection—prevent infection by means of a toxicant or some other barrier to infection. Resistance—utilize cultivars that are resistant to or tolerant of infection. Therapy—cure plants that are already infected. Traditional Principles of Plant Disease Control
Avoidance—reduce the level of disease by selecting a season or a site where the amount of inoculum is low or where the environment is unfavorable for infectionExclusion—reduce the amount of initial inoculum introduced from outside sources Eradication—reduce the production of initial inoculum by destroying or inactivating the sources of initial inoculum (sanitation, removal of reservoirs of inoculum, removal of alternate hosts, etc.) Protection—reduce the level of initial infection by means of a toxicant or other barrier to infectionResistance—use cultivars that are resistant to infection, particularly the initial infection Therapy—use thermotherapy, chemotherapy and/or meristem culture to produce certified seed or vegetative planting stock Tactics for the Reduction of Initial Inoculum
Avoidance—reduce the rate of production of inoculum, the rate of infection, or the rate of development of the pathogen by selecting a season or a site where the environment is not favorable Exclusion—reduce the introduction of inoculum from external sources during the course of the epidemic Eradication—reduce the rate of inoculum production during the course of the epidemic by destroying or inactivating the sources of inoculum (roguing) Protection—reduce the rate of infection by means of a toxicant or some other barrier to infection Resistance—plant cultivars that can reduce the rate of inoculum production, the rate of infection, or the rate of pathogen development Therapy—cure the plants that are already infected or reduce their production of inoculum Tactics for the Reduction of the Infection Rate
Tactics for the Reduction of the Duration of the Epidemic • Avoidance—plant early maturing cultivars or plant at a time that favors rapid maturation of the crop • Exclusion—delay the introduction of inoculum from external sources by means of plant quarantine
Disease Causing Agents • Fungi • Bacteria • Viruses
Fungi life cycle • Example: Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint • Apple scab
Bacteria • Erwinia amylovora Fire blight
Viruses • Tobamovirus, Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Id your weeds in your field Be sure you want to get rid of it “weeds are plant we have not yet found a use for” Holding water Creating organic matter Providing cover Habitat for beneficial they have a role Klamath weed weevil Indicator species Mustard Story Thrive in specific niches Do well in specific nutrient deficiencies Mustard efficient scavenger of Fe and S Lesser degree Ca When in deficiency mustard does well Iron sulfate will knock back mustard Know your Weeds
Compost 135-140 degrees F Turn the pile often to get the temp throughout and kill seed Be careful of source material Malva resistant to heat Tools for Control • Exclusion • Don’t bring weed seeds onto the farm • Nutrients brought onto the farm • Raw manure will have seeds • Mulches • Don’t use hay • Straw is better • How do you avoid this?
Early cycle weed control Is it worth continued harvesting from field to justify continued weed management? Hand weeding is expensive $200-$700/Ac Expensive to control in row Cultivate on both sides of row Precision planter Get a uniform stand Allows more rapid use of how Shallow planting Deeper the planting, the longer for germination Distance between row Shade out weeds Plant dense - set up a bed like system Don’t let weeds go to seed!
Use cover crop for weed suppression Shallow tillage Brings smallest amount weeds to the top Tilling brings weeds to the top Stale bed Force weed Germination Plant into the moisture Let grown surface dry out Germination from ground water Irrigate after germination Cover crop the year before
Transplants • Give 4+ week jump on weeds • Plant at the right planting density can give you weed free plots