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This is GGGRREEECCCEEE!!!!!. How has the Geography of Idaho Impacted your lives?. Driving Vacations School Recreation Clothing Geography had the same impact on Ancient Greece!. Climate of Ancient Greece. Greece has a Mediterranean climate Winters mild and wet -allows limited farming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. This is GGGRREEECCCEEE!!!!!

  2. How has the Geography of Idaho Impacted your lives? • Driving • Vacations • School • Recreation • Clothing Geography had the same impact on Ancient Greece!

  3. Climate of Ancient Greece Greece has a Mediterranean climate • Winters mild and wet -allows limited farming -grew grapes and olives • Summers are warm and dry -leads to drought -grapes and olives some of few plants that can survive droughts • November -Greece receives 2.2 inches of precipitation +average temp. is balmy 64 degrees -Boise/Nampa gets 1.6 inches of precipitation + average temp is cold 39 degrees SO WHATS DIFFERENT?

  4. Physical Geography Greece is located in Europe Greece is very mountainous • Around 75% of Greece is mountainous terrain • Difficult to farm Surrounded by seas • Greece is located on the Balkan Peninsula • Made trade easier - could get what they couldn’t grow -allowed for ideas to flow freely Greece

  5. How Greeks worked with their environment Cut off by the mountains and the seas • Isolated -Led to the formation of city states -Limited unity and interaction in Ancient Greece -Fierce rivalries between city states • Sea became vital -Hundreds of bays for safety of Greek ships - Skilled sailors +Traded olives, grapes & marble +Got grains, metals & ideas -Adapted Phoenician alphabet -Became base for all Western alphabets

  6. City States

  7. City States

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