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October 16, 2007 Afternoon Parent Teacher Conference Day Students dismissed at 11:45 A.M. October 8, 2007 Teacher Planning Day No Students in School ****Important Special Testing Dates**** Schoolwide Writing Test October 2, 2007 Additional Writing Test for Grades 4 and 8
October 16, 2007 Afternoon Parent Teacher Conference Day Students dismissed at 11:45 A.M. October 8, 2007 Teacher Planning Day No Students in School ****Important Special Testing Dates**** Schoolwide Writing Test October 2, 2007 Additional Writing Test for Grades 4 and 8 October 15, 2007 Potential Gifted Test for all Grade 1 and 4 Students not Currently in Gifted Free Breakfast at Linda Lentin K – 8 Center Breakfast is served from 7:30 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. Superintendent’s Book of the Month Read with Us! Theme:Mystery and Suspense Primary: “Young Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery” by David A. Adler Intermediate: “The Ghost of Cutler Creek” Cynthia C. De Felice Middle: “The Westing Game” Ellen Raskin Student Agendas Ms. Powell the principal has purchase a student agenda for each child in grades 1 – 8. Each day it is your child’s responsibility to write the home learning assignments and notes into their agenda. Parents should be checking for the agenda each night. This is a great way for parents to communicate with their child’s teachers on a daily basis. Students! Give to the United Way! Student Campaign Begins on October 3, 2007 and ends on October 31, 2007 AEP Chess meets Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 AEP Art Appreciation Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00 – 4:30 Book Club October 3rd and 17th Home Reading Logs Our school continues to use the District’s Comprehensive Reading Plan For the 2007 – 2008 school year. In grades 1 – 8 students are required to read at least five books each nine week grading period, participate in a designated 30 – minute independent reading period at school and read at home for 30 minutes each day. Parents/Guardians or family members may read to Prekindergarten and Kindergarten children and ask them questions about the stories to help reinforce comprehension School Hours Prekindergarten – grade 1 8:20 – 2:00 Daily Grades 2 – 5 8:20 – 3:00 Mon. Tue. Thurs. and Fri. Wednesday’s Grades 2 – 5 8:20 – 2:00 for all students Grades 6 – 8 Middle School 8:20 – 3:00 Daily Selected students Grades 6,7/ 3:00 – 4:00 Math Intensive Class Children in the Elementary Grades are not permitted to wait for older siblings in the Middle School. The YMCA is offering aftercare from 2:00 – 3:00. Sign your children up as soon as possible. Mandatory Uniforms At Linda Lentin K – 8 uniforms are mandatory for all students. All students should wear their uniforms daily. Elementary students wear teal and gray. The middle school students wear black and white. Girls in middle school must wear white polo type blouses. All boys shirts must be tucked into their trousers daily. Jeans are not accepted on any day. Students wear their “PRIDE” shirts on Fridays Special Calendar Dates October 2, 2007 Schoolwide writing test grade 1 – 8 October 3, 2007 Additional Writing Test grades 4 and 8 October 8, 2007 Teacher Planning Day No Students in School October 11, 2007 Bilingual Parent Meeting 6:30 P.M. October 15, 2007 Potential Gifted test for students in grades 1 and 4. Not for students in gifted classes October 16, 2007 Early Dismissal Afternoon Parent Teacher Conference Day October 25, 2007 End of first grading period October 26, 2007 Teacher Planning Day No Students in School October 29, 2007 Begin second grading period Announcements Join the PTA Today $5.00 Per Year Dear Parents (Guardians) “If you require translation of this document and need assistance please contact the school for help.” “This is a very important letter from the school. Please ask for assistance if you need help with translating this information. We will be happy to assist you.” Estimado padre o futor, “Si usted necesita traducir este documento y requiere asistencia, por favor comuniquece con la escuela a la brevedad possible. Muchas gracias.” “Esta carta contiene informacion muy importante refernte a la escuela de su nino/a. Si necesita ayuola para traducir la comuniquece con la oficina. Sera un placer ayudarla/o Cher Paran (Gadyen) Si ou bezwen yon kopi dokiman sa a an kreyol avek asistans silvou ple rele lekol la pou yo ede ou. Let lekol sa a tre important. Silvouple si ou bezwen ed pou tradui enfomasyon sa a mande ed. Nou va kontan pou nou ede ou. Meci. Linda Lentin K – 8 CenterOctober 2007Parent/Guardian Newsletter“Safety Is Our First Priority”Thanks for Picking Up Your Children on Time