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ACTS 2:1-47. THE DAY OF PENTECOST. INTRODUCTION. Without coming of the Holy Spirit, Christian discipleship is impossible. No life without the Life-Giver. Four ways to think about Pentecost; Final saving act of Jesus’ ministry before Parousia. Gave the Apostles “equipment” to witness.
ACTS 2:1-47 THE DAY OF PENTECOST N. Hammersley
INTRODUCTION • Without coming of the Holy Spirit, Christian discipleship is impossible. No life without the Life-Giver. • Four ways to think about Pentecost; • Final saving act of Jesus’ ministry before Parousia. • Gave the Apostles “equipment” to witness. • Began the New Era of the Spirit. • First great consciousness of God’s immediacy. N. Hammersley
ACTS 2:1-13 The Events • They were all together in one place, Upper-room? • Pentecost is a) a harvest festival b) Anniversary of the giving of the commandments • So we can read this as “The New Law”/ covenant/ testament N. Hammersley
The Three Phenomena • Sound of a mighty wind. • What seemed to be tongues of fire • Filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. • N.B. these phenomena appeared to be something which they were not. N. Hammersley
The crowd was international, “every nation” means the Mediterranean world, and the list means the four corners of the the Mediterranean. N. Hammersley
. N. Hammersley
Glossolalia –speaking in tongues • What is the language, if any? • Not drink…too early in the day! • Do they lose control? Yet fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. • It symbolises a new unity between heaven and earth. It reverses the confusion of Babel (Genesis 11). Eschatological language. N. Hammersley
Catechism of the Catholic Church • "Fire. While water signifies birth and the fruitfulness of life given in the Holy Spirit, fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit's actions. The prayer of the prophet Elijah, who 'arose like fire' and whose 'word burned like a torch. This event was a 'figure' of the fire of the Holy Spirit, who transforms what he touches. John the Baptist, who goes 'before (the Lord) in the spirit and power of Elijah,' proclaims Christ as the one who 'will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.'[Lk 1:17 ; Lk 3:16 .] Jesus will say of the Spirit: 'I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!'[Lk 12:49 .] In the form of tongues 'as of fire,' the Holy Spirit rests on the disciples on the morning of PENTECOST and fills them with himself [Acts 2:3-4 .] The spiritual tradition has retained this symbolism of fire as one of the most expressive images of the Holy Spirit's actions. (CCC#696) N. Hammersley
ACTS 2:14-21 Peter’s Speech • Quotation from Joel • Peter explains the events as the Old Testament being fulfilled. • The events are what Joel was talking about. • He changes Joel “afterwards” to “in the last days”. • He applies it to Jesus. N. Hammersley
ACTS 2:22-41 Peter’s testimony to Jesus • Jesus’ life and Ministry 2:22 A man – accredited by God, miracles • His death 2:23 Killed, handed over – not by Judas but God allowed it. Put to death by nailing to a cross. • His resurrection 2:24-32 God raised Jesus up from the dead. Use of the Psalms as proof texts. To understand Peter’s use of scripture remember three points; • All scripture bears witness to Christ. • References to Messiah , anointed one etc, point to Jesus • Therefore, Peter use of scripture is logical. N. Hammersley
Jesus’ Exaltation 2:33-36; Jesus is granted all power and honour. • Jesus’ Salvation 2:37-39; The crowds are promised two things, Forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit. N.B. Gift • Jesus’ New community 2:40-41; The Body of Christ in Jerusalem is multiplied 20x, from 120 < 3,120. N. Hammersley
THE EFFECT OF PENTECOST • A “learning church”. (didache) That she is engaged in recalling the Masters example and learning from it, and as a result of Pentecost, the apostles themselves have teaching authority (proved by the many signs and wonders, for example Acts 2:43, 3:1-10, and so on). • It is a “Loving church”. (koinonia) The church sees itself in fellowship, with each member and with the Holy Trinity, a divine and human koinonia. N. Hammersley
The church was a “worshipping church”. (leiturgia) The members “devoted themselves…to the breaking of bread and to prayer”. This may refer to formal and informal worship. Religion of the Temple and the home. • It was a prayerful and “an evangelistic church”. (diakonia) The Holy Spirit had changed the disciples into a missionary, “loving, caring, sharing church”. (Stott, p87) N. Hammersley