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Explore the system approach to Lac remedies, connecting with their source animal, differentiation of delusion, and more through in-depth analysis and case studies.
System approach Lac remedies
Doctrine of SignatureConnection with the source Differentiation of Delusion and Source Delusion
Different ways of looking at Lac remedies • Group Symptoms – Rubrics / Materia medica themes / Patho-physiology etc. • Connection with the source animal– fear, dreams, fascination of the source animal • Nourishment on a physical and psychological level • Energy / Experience of the source animal
Energy / Experience of the source animal Human language / expressions Experience / Source energy
Using Sensation approach • Differentiating kingdom only at Sensation level • Soft hints • Experience level • Illogical – Non-sense • Comes form deeper unconscious • Gestures • Global • Non-human specific words
Sensation A - Kingdom • Issue of Survival – One verses another • Sensation B - Sub-kingdom • Survival strategy, way of attack and defense • Sensation C - Source • Unique survival strategy of the source animal There is no distinct separation of different levels….they merge together.
Case R 24 year old female
Stronger versus weaker Strong / weak Dominating / dominated Suppressed / Oppressed Issue of hierarchy Higher / lower Boss / worker Issue of Victim - Aggressor Comparison of Strength
The issue is not about what affects them, but who affects them. It’s about domination, ‘He dominates me, he controls me’, where the other person is the problem. In animals their energy pattern and hand gestures always show that one thing is doing something to the other.
Sudden fear Fright Intense overpowering fears Lurks Abused Troubled Tortured Teased Suppressed Dominated Weak point Controlled Victim aspect
Paralysis Helpless Submission Timid Mild meek Surrender succumb Run Escape Quick movements Swift Reaction to fright
Camouflage Hide Cover Conceal Protection Avoid getting caught
Pounce Attack Bully Ferocious Boss Authority All mighty Charged Tear apart Rip apart Power Powerful Aggressor feeling
Competition • Comparison of strength • Stronger verses weaker • Better than somebody • Jealousy
Split within themselves • A "conflict" which has its basis in a split within the self. There are two different sides to such personalities: the animal side and the human side. Their human side seems to have contempt for the animal within.
The way they feel about themselves is often reflected in their expressions which may be: "...by human beings", "Human beings are so cruel", "I feel split up", "I jump at them", "I am not good enough", etc.
Attraction and sexuality • There is a need to attract attention, and these personalities are attractive in their behavior and appearance. • Issues / pathology making them not attractive. E.g. Vitiligo. Feeling dirty about themselves.
Connection with the source • Fear, fascination or aversion to the source.
Many sensation / process • Different aspects of life of that animal • Aspect of attack, defense, attraction / relationship etc. • Here things happen in a pattern, it’s a process, a struggle with self or situation, but the central idea is of survival (differentiate with Row 2)
Compulsive need to belong to a group (pack/herd/pride/society) except some of the felids, fox etc.- In patients this aspect is seen as a intense need and dependency on friends, family, community etc. and a fear of being expelled from the group. They exhibit a strong connection with one’s immediate family, especially father, mother and siblings. • Adoption in group.
Feel safe and secured within the group. • Since stability of a group provides them a sense of security, they would comply with the norms of this group at all costs. • Issues of self v/s the group-In patients we see the conflict between whether to do what one feels like or to conform with rules of the group as they are dependent on it.
Herd Community Commune Caste Society Social animal Belong to group Family Clan Included Excluded Expelled Safe in a group Be part of Isolated Alone Key words
ISSUE OF HIERARCHY • (Seen predominantly in 'Canids‘, Prey mammals and 'Lion' absent in other 'Felids')
Issues of hierarchy and fight for supremacy within the group. Therefore matters concerning dominance / submission in the group arise- In patients this is seen as an issue of 'Superiority and Inferiority'.
Fight for the dominant position/acceptance of present position- For e.g. A boss, head of a family, a intimidating mother-in-law (especially in Indian culture) etc. is perceived as a person of higher rank and one feels very low about self and has to submit and be subservient. Conversely there would be an intense desire to be superior than other or maintain one's dominant position by not allowing anyone to boss over.
Hierarchy High rank Low rank Superior Inferior Suppressed Dominated Oppressed Servant Slave Key words
Problems related to menses and lactation • Often complaints in females are aggravated before or during menses. Breast heaviness or tenderness before menses, pain in ovaries before menses are few such common symptoms • Problems with lactation: Either too long or not enough
OTHER ASPECTS • Conflict with oneself regarding control of sexuality, sexual guilt etc. This leads to being self critical and may be expressed in the form of self contempt, looking down upon oneself, dirty feeling etc • One may often be able to trace a history of abuse in these individuals. • Teaching and learning.
The commonest fear seen in patients is 'Fear of snakes’. • Playfulness • Fight to the finish within the group is not a common association with mammals. Usually there is a acceptance of dominance and submission to the superior (very pronounced in 'Canids‘ and prey mammals)
Vigilance, stealth, alertness etc • Patients may express this energy as being watchful for the right opportunity and then causing harm (suddenly) to the opponent.
Matching of strength , power, challenge, chase, speed , pounce • In Mammals the issue is of 'My strength verses yours'. So in patients mostly we see that the attack is in a open way, a face to face confrontation unlike spiders and snakes where they either trick or attack from a hiding position respectively. Wrestling would be a good example that conveys this energy.
Pounce/leap/spring suddenly etc. are the commonest words used by patients that reflect the energy of predator mammals. • Desires meat
Ferocious Leap Pouncing Grab Ripping Tearing Clawing Lethal Attack Chase Speed Ambush Stealth Killing instinct
Fright, flight, freeze, escape, hide etc. - • In patients this is seen as a feeling of vulnerability (lac-def, lac-can, lac-capr). They are mild and meek and perceive themselves to be very weak to defend. They either avoid or escape confronting a situation/intimidating person or surrender, submit and succumb out of sheer fright.
Abused Submissive Fright Freeze Flee Flight Hide
MIASM • Majority of the mammal remedies are nearly Sycotic (Sycotic or Ringworm or Malarial) Exception to this is Lac leoninum, which is Syphilitic.
Intense threat perceived to life • Fearfulness, fright, panic etc. • Fear of strong and intimidating figures like boss, teacher, husband, mother-in-law etc. • Fear of dark, robbers, being attacked, killed
Sudden danger or sudden attack • Fear of being suddenly attacked, jumped at, taken by surprise etc. • Something happening suddenly, out of the blue
Flight and flee as the chief method of defense • Running away or escaping from a perceived danger, intimidating situations etc. • Dreams of hiding, running, escaping • In children we see expressions like hiding, shyness, introverted behavior
Feeling of helplessness and vulnerability • Mildness, Submissiveness, Docility and Timidity
Docile Submissive Subservient Meek Comply Compliant Conform Abide by Vulnerable Pliable Sacrificing Act in accordance with Jumped at Taken by surprise Flee Fleeing Flight Key words
Tamed Molded Adapt Mild Gentleness Obedient Helpless Defenseless Surprised Unaware Escape Run away Feeble Powerless Adjustable
Domesticated Mammal • Trained • Programmed • Master above you • Domestication • Slave
Common ones • Family Bovidae – Cattles (Cow, Goat, Sheep, Yak etc.) • Family Canidae – Dog family – Dog • Family Camelidae • Family – Felidae Cat – Lac-f • Family Equidae Horse and Donkey • Family Suidae - Pigs