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A Whole System Approach. Aspirations and Challenges A Dumfries and Galloway Perspective.
A Whole System Approach Aspirations and Challenges A Dumfries and Galloway Perspective
Dumfries and Galloway is the third largest region in Scotland. It covers 2,380 square miles and has an estimated population of 148,060 - that's around 60 people a square mile compared with the Scottish average of 168. People live mainly in small communities of 4,000 or less or in the countryside. The biggest town is Dumfries with an estimated population of 31,630, followed by Stranraer with an estimated population of 10,290 and Annan with 8,430 people.
The Strategy builds on the foundations of the success of the previous strategies and it is important to recognise key documents and legislation that inform and underpin Dumfries and Galloway’s Youth Justice Strategy The Partnership also considered Youth Justice in the broader context of Children’s Services and it’s links with the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA; Integrated Children’s Services Planning (ICSP) structure; Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Strategy; Getting our Priorities Rights (GOPR) agenda; Community Safety Partnership (CSP); Parenting Strategy; and the broader Getting it Right for every Child (GIRFEC) implementation.
The strategy is developed and delivered in the context of a range of International, National and Local Policy and guidance including the following: - Equality and Diversity - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - The Equality Act 2010 - Valuing Young People (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and Scottish Government - Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) – including Dumfries and Galloway GIRFEC Plan 2010-2104 - The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
In line with the Scottish Government document “Preventing Offending by Young People – A Framework for Action” and the related “2008 – 2011 Progress and Next Steps” update report, the strategy sets out priorities for Dumfries and Galloway with particular reference to the following four of the National Outcomes. National Outcome 4 Our Children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed National Outcome 5 Our Young People are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens National Outcome 8 We have improved life chances for children, young people and the families at risk National Outcome 9 We live our lives safe from crime disorder and danger
Main Aims The main aim of the Dumfries and Galloway Youth Justice Strategy is to continue to reduce offending by Young People. Policy developments such as the Concordat, Single Outcome Agreement and the publication of the Scottish Government Preventing Offending by Young People – A Framework for Action, Progress (2008-2011) and Next Steps (May 2012) support this aim.
Youth Justice Community PledgeWe are committed to building safer communities by: Reducing the incidence of youth crime and antisocial behaviour in Dumfries and Galloway and to prevent re-offending by young people. Promoting the social inclusion of children and young people involved in or at risk of involvement in offending. Diverting children and young people away from offending and support them in making positive choices for their future. Developing strategies to prevent youth crime from happening in the first place, whenever possible. Ensuring better opportunities for children and young people engaged in offending or antisocial behaviour.
Youth Justice Key ActionsTo support the achievement of the above outcomes we will: Continue to implement a process that supports the effective care and management of young people who offend or present a high risk. Continue to develop and introduce a streamlined and effective framework that identifies and diverts 16 and 17 year olds from the adult criminal justice system and supports 18 to 20 year olds involved in the adult criminal justice . Increase the range of evidenced based early and effective approaches and intervention programmes for under 18s who offend. Provide a diversion from prosecution service for under 21s as an alternative to prosecution. Develop and implement processes to enable support and assistance to young people under the age of 21 years appearing in court.
Review of Previous Strategy The Dumfries and Galloway 2009-2012 Youth Justice Strategy has allowed the Youth Justice Partnership to continue to develop and implement services to support young people involved in offending and antisocial behaviour. The 2009 -2012 Strategy was founded on continuing positive progress from the previous Strategy and the implementation of the national ‘Preventing Offending by Young People: A Framework for Action (Scottish Government 2008)’. During the period of this Strategy we also had the development and implementation of the ‘Whole System Approach’ in September 2011, which took place in Dumfries. The 2009-2012 Strategy has contributed to and overseen some of the most significant developments for services to young people who offend in Dumfries and Galloway.
Implementation of the 2014-2017 Youth Justice Strategy In developing the Strategy the following ten key areas were identified in support of it’s successful implementation: Prevention Early and Effective Intervention Diversion from Prosecution Alternatives to Secure Care and Custody Assisting Young People in Court Reintegration and Transitions Managing High Risk Victims and Community confidence Support to vulnerable girls and young women Planning and Performance Improvement and Service Evaluation
Youth Justice Team Current Service Provision and Service Developments The current Multi-agency Youth Team consists of the following staff: Team Manager 2 Senior Social Workers 6 Social Workers Parenting Services Coordinator (GIRFEC based) Education Worker (Pupil Support Officer) Police Constable 0.5 CAMHS Worker (funded through ADAT) 3 RJ Workers (Sacro) 2 Community Support Workers Support Worker (Intensive Support Service) Social Work Assistant 0.5 Information Resource Worker 4 Administration Staff Sessional Staff of 40 to 45 Mentors
Presently the Youth Justice Team provides or is actively developing services in the following areas: Direct Youth Justice Assessments (ASSET based) Restorative Justice Services (Reporter and PF Diversion) Young Offenders Support Programme (more persistent offenders) Engagement and Management of High Risk Offenders (Sexual and Violent offences) Parenting Support Programmes Education Support Employment and Training Support Mentoring Support Diversion from Prosecution Court Support Intensive Support (ISS Foster Carers) ASB Support (ASBO’s and ABC’s)
Early and Effective Intervention EEI Multi-Agency Progression (MACP) Process Early and Effective Intervention (EEI) was a fundamental building block of the 2009-2012 Strategy and remains as one of the most crucial elements of this Strategy, especially with the recent decision to expand EEI to include 16 and 17 year olds as part of the Whole Systems Approach. The earlier a problem is identified and tackled the more likely a young person will engage with services, including universal services such as education, and healthcare to address their needs. Our EEI approach is in line with the GIRFEC process, in that consideration is given to a single agency intervention prior to a multi-agency consideration. For Children and young people involved in or at risk of being involved in offending or antisocial behaviour the EEI process has helped Dumfries and Galloway towards the GIRFEC approach for all children.
Whole Systems Approach An Underpinning principle of effective intervention is our Whole System Approach Implementation Plan for young people involved in offending. This is particularly important for the transition from the Children’s Hearing System to the Criminal Justice System. For the most at risk and vulnerable of these young people we are clear that: Services should not recommend discharging a Supervision Order on 15 ½ to 17 ½ year olds unless they are confident that there are appropriate and robust measures in place to manage and mitigate the risk the young person needs. Children’s Hearings should, where possible, not discharge a Supervision Order on 15 ½ to 17 ½ year olds where there continues to be identified needs and/or related concerns in terms of offending or antisocial behaviour. Support for young people in the Criminal Justice System Failing to provide effective support to 16 and 17 year olds locks them into a cycle of reoffending and imprisonment.
Case Progression Group Manager Youth Justice Senior Social Worker Youth Justice Manager Children & Families / Adult Care Police Family Protection Group Education – PSO Youth Justice Health – ISSU 18 nurse Manager ASB Team SACRO
The Named person Pupil Support Officer Youth Justice represents The Named Person Primary school - Head / Depute Secondary - PT Pupil Support / Guidance
Request to Named Person Level of courses being followed Strengths Any difficulties with literacy and / or numeracy Any educational support plans in place Likely level of achievement / possible under-Achievement Behaviour in school Relationship with peers and staff Engagement of home with school Plans beyond school Any other relevant details
Outcomes Information Shared – sufficient support already available for young person : school records information and delivers any intervention under GIRFEC Refer to Sacro – remit extended beyond working with young person on restorative process to delivering first line intervention Refer to Children & Families Social Work – via Child Concern (CAF) Form Refer to Youth Justice – voluntary support Refer to The Reporter Referral back to the Police- RJ/Police Warning
Monitoring In implementing Multi-agency Case Progression, the decision was made not to bring cases back to Case Progression Named person (schools) has information and can use it to inform own procedures YJ Voluntary or Compulsory – Monitored through Child’s Plan
The Vision 1. Expansion of the EEI Model for all young people who may be referred to the Children’s Reporter and not just those involved in offending and /or antisocial behaviours. This would require agreement by and implementation through the Integrated Children's Services Executive Group in Dumfries and Galloway with any agreed implementation being part of the GIRFEC Implementation Plan. 2. Expansion of the existing EEI Model to include 18, 19 and 20 year olds as there is a peak in young people’s offending during the mid to late teens with a subsequent drop off in their late teens and early twenties. Based on this evidence in Dumfries and Galloway, we are keen to undertake research in relation to the present expanded EEI service that now includes 16 and 17 year olds and the Youth Justice Diversion Service that now includes 18,19 and 20 year olds. Assuming the outcome is positive; we would submit a proposal to the Scottish Government (Youth Justice and Justice Sections) for a proposed pilot.
Case StudiesChris 16 Year Old MaleThomas 15 Year Old Male Using the Case Studies provided, analyse the information you have, and come up with a plan to address their needs.