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ECOOP WP8 aims to enhance multidisciplinary forecasting by evaluating and improving information quality within the partnership.
European Coastal-Shelf Sea Operational Monitoring and Forecasting System WP8 Model validation and inter-comparison
Objectives of the WP are: -to evaluate the quality of available information products; -to improve quality of multidisciplinary nowcasting/forecasting within ECOOP partnership; -to develop NRT quality evaluation of multidisciplinary information products.
Products EuroMISS • -output of EMISS • -oceanographic state characteristics • - (information: meaning full way to present products) • Currents, temperature, salinity (pan-E) • Integration of waves (available on the portal) • Sea level (pan-E) • Sea ice (available on the portal) • Biogeochemical state variables (chlorophyll, phytoplankton, oxygen, nutrients) (pan-E) (zooplankton, zoo-benthos in targeted areas) • Sediment fluxes (targeted areas) • River input changes and influence (runoff, nutrient and organic matter) (pan-E) • Bloom type and probability (targeted areas) • Transport and dispersion of particles/tracers (pan-E)
Products to be validated: Currents, temperature, salinity Sea level Biogeochemical state variables Sediment fluxes Bloom type and probability Transport and dispersion of particles/tracers
The WP aims are: Develop common model validation standards Create a quality controlled validation database Develop common protocol to calculate standard validation criterions. Develop online model validation system Carry out model validation and inter-comparison experiments Carry out model error covariancefunctions study Carry out atmospheric forcing comparison
The following WP structure is proposed according to the formulated objectives and aims: WP8.1. Evaluation of the quality of information products. (in connection with WP1,WP4,WP5) WP8.2. Optimization of multi operational models. WP8.3. Optimisation of the forcing fields WP8.4. Building and pilot operation of online model validation system .
WP8.1. Evaluation of the quality of information products. (in connection with WP1,WP4,WP5) Task 8.1.1. Development of common model validation standards Task 8.1.2. Development of quality controlled validation database from distributed data centres Task 8.1.3. Development of common protocol to calculate standard validation criterions Task 8.1.4. Certification of operational models and assimilation schemes. V0 models products available at each region will be evaluated based on the common standards.
WP8.2. Optimization of multi operational models (in connection with WP2,WP10,WP11) Task 8.2.1. Models intrcomparison based on certification results Task 8.2.2. Installation of the best models/assimilation schemes Task 8.2.3. Intercomparison of models (same initial conditions and prognostic mode) Task 8.2.4. Intercomparison of models and assimilation schemes (nowcasting and covariance matrix study) Recommendation will be elaborated for the application of the most efficient models (or blocks of models) at every region of ECOOP partnership
WP8.3. Optimisation of the forcing fields Task 8.3.1. Data base of forcing fields of different atmospheric models/remote sensing data Task 8.3.2. Sensitivity study of nowcasting/forecasting accuracy with respect to different atmospheric input Task 8.3.3. Certification of the atmospheric forcing fields Optimal forcing field will be recommended at every region of ECOOP and error statistics of forcing will be evaluated.
WP8.4. Building and pilot operation of online model validation system Task 8.1.1. Development of on line common model validation standards Task 8.1.2. Development of on line quality controlled validation dataflow from distributed data centres Task 8.1.3. Development of on line common protocol to calculate standard validation criterions Task 8.1.4. On line pilot quality evaluation of multi operational models and assimilation schemes. Distribution of the product quality evaluation together with nowcasting/forecasting fields.