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Chemical Health Review

Explore the impacts of binge drinking, long-term alcohol use, effects of nicotine, and stages of drug addiction. Learn about brain/body effects of marijuana and cocaine, dysfunctional family roles, and levels of dependency.

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Chemical Health Review

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  1. Chemical Health Review

  2. What is Binge drinking? • These are the five major factors influencing a person’s BAC. • These are the first two senses that are affected by alcohol. • These are the two organs responsible for removing alcohol from your system. • Community resources to help alcoholics? • ______is the term for when the user needs more of the drug to get the same effects. Alcohol

  3. What are the long term effects of alcohol on the body? • Long term physical consequences of heavy alcohol use? • Alcohol amounts; 12oz. Beer is the same as ___wine, etc.) • Most widely used drug by teens is: ____? • What is the difference between a stimulant and a depressant? • At what BAC level are you considered legally drunk/impaired? Alcohol

  4. What is Nicotine classified as? • This is the addictive drug in tobacco. • How many carcinogens are in tobacco? • After a smoker quits, how long does it take to reduce their chances of getting lung Cancer? • What is the difference between passive & mainstream smoke? • These are the white leathery spots that develop inside the mouth of smokeless tobacco users. Tobacco

  5. What are the physical effects of smoking? • Which cause of death claims the highest amount of deaths for individuals in the US? • What are some of the carcinogens found in a cigarette? • Who targets young smokers to make up for tobacco-related deaths? Tobacco

  6. A drug that affects a person’s perceptions, sensations, thinking & emotions is known as a ____________. • Which drugs are known as “gateway drugs”? • Street names for drugs covered in this unit? • Drugs commonly known as date rape drugs? • What are OTC drugs? Examples: ______ Pharmacology

  7. Effects of marijuana on the brain/body • What is THC? • Is Marijuana mentally & physically addictive? Cocaine? Marijuana

  8. List the 4 levels of the addiction process • What are the 5 roles in the dysfunctional family? How would you describe each one? • Users who reach this phase of use may experience blackouts not associated with an episode of use. • This is the most common level of use. • At this level of use a person may break their own values for the first time. • At this level a person learns about drugs including their effects. A small percentage never leave this level. Dependency

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