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Strategic alignment of CRE

Explore the strategic alignment of Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) with organizational strategy in the dynamic Dutch care sector. This study delves into the theories of strategic thinking, alignment mechanisms, and practical applications in the care sector, providing valuable insights, conclusions, and recommendations.

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Strategic alignment of CRE

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  1. Strategic alignment of CRE Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek M. Gordon Brown Yvette Ramakers

  2. Contents Introduction Strategic thinking Alignment of strategies The Dutch care sector Conclusions & recommendations

  3. Introduction • Growing complexity organisations  tuning business functions • CREM from financial burden to alignment with organisational strategy • studies on alignment use different strategies and terms • focus on alignment mechanism • Placement in strategic thinking theories

  4. Strategic thinking • Stratēgōs = a general • Field professionalised • 1950s: longe range planning of demand • 1960/70s: evolved into strategic planning (due to increase volatility of org’s) • 1980s: evolved into strategic management (realisation need continuous evaluation/adjustment) • Focus on new theories, even 10 schools of thought (Mintzberg, Ahlstrand& Lampel, 1998) • Strategic thinking map as synthesis (Swayne, Duncan & Ginger, 2006)

  5. Strategic thinking

  6. Alignment of strategies • 8 studies in 3 different journals • The Journal of Real Estate Research • Nourse and Roulac (1993) • Roulac (2001) • Lindholm, Gibler and Leväinen (2006) • Journal of CRE • Acoba and Foster (2002) • Osgood (2004) • Scheffer, Singer and Van Meerwijk (2006) • Journal of Propery Investment and Finance • Krumm and De Vries (2003)

  7. Alignment of strategies

  8. Alignment of strategies • Driving forces theory (Tregoe & zimmerman, 1980) • Products offered • Market needs • Technology • Production capacity • Method of sale • Method of distribution • Natural resource • Size/growth • Return/profit.

  9. Alignment of strategies

  10. Alignment of strategies • 7 CRE strategies (Lindholm, Gibler & Levainen, 2006) • Increase value of assets • Promote marketing and sales • Increase innovations • Increase employee satisfaction • Increase productivity • Increase flexibility • Reduce costs.

  11. Alignment of strategies

  12. Alignment of strategies • Cover entire 1st step of strategy formulation • Indicate alignment each pair (Nourse & Roulac also strength of each pair) • BUT based on intuition: • Why alignment? • What determines strength?  1 sector : Dutch care sector

  13. The Dutch care sector Currently 50% thinks about changing • Rapid changes  competitiveness • Desk research + interviews 20 experts • Care institutions (7) • Consultants (10) • Independent organisations (3)

  14. The Dutch care sector also for past strategy of ‘products offered’

  15. The Dutch care sector A mechanism?? • Size/growth has no alignment  space is basic need for growth • Employee satisfaction with CRE seems unimportant  true in a service sector?? • Debate whether ‘increase value’ should be a strategy

  16. Conclusions and recommendations • Alignment mechanism is complex • Models still depend on expert knowledge (strategic CREM necessary) • More insight necessary for CREM to prove their added value • Recommendations: • Continue alignment along strategic thinking map • Change in mechanism for different sectors / name of department

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