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TGn FRCC Jan 2004 Report

A comprehensive summary of the TGn Functional Requirements and Comparison Criteria Special Committee's activities, goals, and strategies in the January 2004 report by Adrian P. Stephens from Intel Corporation.

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TGn FRCC Jan 2004 Report

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  1. TGn FRCC Jan 2004 Report Adrian P Stephens adrian.p.stephens@intel.com +44 771 276 3448 (Mobile) Chair TGn Functional Requirements and Comparison Criteria Special Committee Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  2. FRCC Output Documents • 11-03-802 Usage Model & Simulation Scenarios • 11-03-813 Functional Requirements • 11-03-814 Comparison Criteria • 11-03-815 Minutes Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  3. Activities • FRCC Telecons on • 18 Nov 2003 • 2 Dec 2003 • 16 Dec 2003 • 6 Jan 2004 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  4. Status – Usage Models • 11-03-802r7 is latest version on the server • R0 is the version containing usage models that have been voted and adopted in an earlier session • Simulation Scenarios need some work to fix inconsistencies • Missing simulation scenario for point-point link throughput simulations • Possibly missing specification of PHY impairments for PHY-level simulations Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  5. Status – Functional Requirements • 11-03-813r6 was the latest version presented at the end of the last TGn session • Motion to adopt was tabled • Version R9 contains only editorial changes from R6, and is the latest version on the server Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  6. Status – Comparison Criteria • 11-03-814r7 is the latest version on the server • Contains 80 CC • 6 Have been approved by FRCC Telecons • 74 Have not yet been considered • There are a significant number of functional duplicates Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  7. Goals for this FRCC Session • Complete Simulation Scenarios • Complete CC • In TGn session: • Adopt FR 11-03-813r9 • Adopt CC 11-03-814r? • Adopt 11-802-r? Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  8. Strategy for this session • Only FR and UM bug-fixes will be considered • No new CC content that does not replace or reduce existing content • Divide and conquer the CC! • 4 Groups to work on CC, 1 group to work on simulation scenarios inconsistencies (SS) • CC Groups: • 1. Mary Cramer, sections 4.2 and 4.2 • 2. John Ketchum, sections 4.3 and 4.4 • 3. Sanjiv Nanda, section 4.5 • 4. Jeff Gilbert, section 4.6 • SS Group: Adrian Stephens (pro tem) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  9. Tentative FRCC Agenda • Appoint secretary • Review & Discuss Strategy • Agree logistics for the group meetings • Identify volunteers for each group (also chair SS group?) • Split into ad-hoc groups until work substantially complete • Editorial merge from groups • Report changes from Group Representatives … (4 hours meeting time elapses) … • Motions to adopt documents Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  10. Goals of the CC groups 1. Remove duplicate CCs (if there is a choice between alternates that cannot be settled in the group, wordsmith two CCs and bring to a vote between them in the full session) 2. Remove any that do not meet requirements in section 1.1 of CC doc 3. Ensure CC description is complete and unambiguous 4. Reduce number of CCs by 50% • Rank the critera by assigning a priority to each • Define the form in which CCs are to be disclosed • All output must be wordsmithed, ready for merging Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  11. Goal of the SS group • Fix up any inconsistencies between application definitions and simulation scenarios Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  12. Strategy for Thursday 10:30-15:30(4 hours of meeting time) • At 8:00am, move to modify the TGn agenda to start this process at 10:30 (special orders) • At 10:45-11:00 discuss simulation methodologies • At 11:00 Invite all major objections to the FR, CC and SS to be declared in the TGn session and listed realtime • After the list, entertain a motion to limit debate on the points to give a total of 2 hours debate time. • Then, work through list of objections and edit documents realtime in front of TGn • Then, move to adopt UM, FR, CC documents on completion of edits • Then, move to adopt CFP document • Then, Plan activities for Orlando Meeting (March 2004) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

  13. Purpose of Simulation Methodology Special Committee (SMCC) • To define a mandatory MAC-PHY interface that shall be used in all MAC simulations generating results reported in the CC or • To recommend methodology that may be used by complete or partial proposals to aid in the generation of results to be reported to the CC Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

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